War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

They are nerfing mistweaver but leaving disc , pres, and R D the same? wtf?

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I can’t believe there are paid people actually thinking, working, developing, and having meetings about this kind of stuff just to drop the dumbest nerf of the year a second time, literally one month after the drama and the revert from last time.

You’re breaking the community’s patience with this change, and you knew it would happen before even posting it, but you did it anyway. This is madness.

Just give us a -15% everywhere but LEAVE THE GAMEPLAY ALONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

People have been practicing this rotation for a month, creating weakauras, guides, and so much more, and now you drop this bomb two weeks before the raid release.



For God’s sake stop nerfing DKs!!!


Jesus Christ

Just when I came here to give you guys feedback on the scaling changes being horrible you then go and nerf my class.

I mean my god

What is the point. Early Access had so many advantages it is not funny. I’ll be back to check out Midnight pre expansion launch.

Hopefully you learn something over this expansion about just messing with people and constantly rug pulling them.


HEAVY on that last part!! :heart:


STOP DOING THIS. Frost finally didn’t feel like absolute trash you only use in old content, and now you nerf it?! Geez people. Don’t nerf the base abilities in order to nerf Hero Talents. I HATE how they try and tone down CD window burst by nerfing baseline abilities.

PLAY THE CLASSES, stop doing everything off of spreadsheet numbers.


So what was the point of the alpha and beta?


Please listen to the community, this Burden of Power rotational change is being universally criticized in the mage forums and discord servers. Just tune the damage and let us double dip!


Nerf arcane overall aura damage, but do not change the core of the spec


In what way is removing the double dipping on burden of power even considered a legitimate change m what kind of review process does balancing changes have before it’s pushed out. There is no way you guys test this, it’s also not intuitive to have Nether precision double dip while burden doesn’t. It’s going to make the rotation clunky and weird.

You all added little tuning knobs in the hero talents but then instead of using them you make a wild change and renege on the principal of double dipping. If double dipping is an issue then fix your game, not just for burden, not just for nether precision for every single class in the game that “abused” double dipping


Please find ways to adjust Sunfury’s tuning that don’t throw a wrench into the rotation a week out from the raid launching. Many have already pointed out easy “invisible” talents you can turn a knob on to get to your desired results. This change is extremely perplexing seeing how we just went over this a month ago with Nether Precision. Everyone outside of one contrarian troll cheered when you chose to not go through with the proposed spell queuing change. So why are we back here again? What kind of consistency does this display?
Meanwhile: Frostfire for both specs are approaching non-functional, the Spellslinger Frost rotation sucks after you hit a homerun with it after the Dragonflight rework, and you give a meaningless buff to Living Bomb when it has a 6 talent point investment.

It was very clear Sunfury was going to get tuned. Don’t ruin the gameplay for the sake of numbers when there are several different avenues to approach it.


So let’s start off with all agreeing, Sunfury Arcane Mage definitely needed a nerf. It was clearly over-performing compared to other specs, and needed to be brought back in-line. However, it’s clear in this approach it is NOT the correct way to be pushing a nerf to this class/spec.

Just a few weeks ago an attempt at nerfing arcane Nether Precision “double-dipping” was made and immediately reverted; I’m hoping Blizzard will take the same path here and revert this change. The same arguments for this talent are exactly the same - the double-dipping aspect makes the rotation infinitely more interesting and increases the general skill ceiling of playing this spec.

With this change, it removes an interesting part of an otherwise bland rotation - please consider taking the feedback for this change in stride like how Nether Precision was handled. If you’re looking at targeting this hero talent specifically, look at number changes and tuning, not substantial changes to the overall playstyle that the majority of Arcane mages currently enjoy.

Not only is this a noticeable change in rotation and playstyle for the worse, it is now impacting APL and simming ability for the class as it needs to be fully re-worked (RIP Porom’s free time). This is challenging, especially with such a heavy change being so close to raid release.

Again - consider reverting this change to keep consistent with the same methodology from the Nether Precision changes, and look to tune the class’s numbers, NOT the playstyle.


Like many people in this forum I 100% agree that if you wanted to nerf arcane you should have targeted numbers rather than rotation and play style. I have not touched arcane for god knows how long because it was clunky and unfun. Finally in tww it had been a blast playing the spec and a shame to see that changed so quickly.


take what every other mage is saying in this thread and put it here. Change numbers(its needed) not the entire rotation. Nevermind the fact we just went through this with the NP → Abarr double dipping change you literally reverted because its FUN. Thank you


We’ve already had this discussion about spell queueing and double dipping during beta. Why do you have to make the gameplay worse so close to the season starting?

This is so incredibly tone deaf. Please revert that garbage.


Looking from an objective perspective here, I can understand why Blizzard want to get rid of the double dipping mechanic. However, this isn’t something that is introduced this late prior to the raid being released. We literally have a little more than a week before raid, and you make such a big change. This should’ve been something that is address during PTR/Beta or between tiers. Not now. Need to be reverted and just tune the number down.


I have posted this on another forum post but i want to express it here as this is a larger forum:

I don’t believe any of us have denied the need of a nerf to SF arcane dmg, however the route that was taken to do so today completely lacks respect to the communities time. For One our guide writers who work tirelessly is being completely screwed over, the guys creating apl for simulations also getting screwed. Lastly there’s the player base that picked up arcane to learn a very fun and engaging spec. I’m a long time fire mage player who always refused to play arcane in the past because for one it was far to complicated and unejoyable. For the first time I picked arcane up and it has been absolutely amazing game play wise. With this change your dev team came up with today you have completely gone against a few interviews that I sat and watched through where you stated we want to respect player time and not completely have that go to waste when nerfing classes and specs. I feel completely disrespected opposite of what you have all stated.


Blizzard what is wrong with you. This is a stupid change that wont even change the damage by much but you are changing the rotation the speck does one week into the expansion, which just why. If you would have just changed Mana Cascade haste buff to 0.5% per stack, Spell Sphere spell damage buff to 1%, and Burden of Power damage increase to Blast and Barrage to 15% our simmed damage would have been 1.56M and you wouldn’t have changed the rotation at all. If you nerf Meteorites and Phoenix by 30% we would have gone down to 1.51M. Those are such easier nerfs that don’t effect spellslinger and doesn’t effect the rotation at all.

After these changes and the fact the fire changes barely moved the needle for them I have to ask, does the tuning team have a reliable method to simulate tuning changes because if not WHY NOT. Using a player created program I was able to simulate tuning changes after one day of trying to figure it out as a fresh out of college CS grad. If you guys actually bothered to have someone focus on simulating tuning changes you could get every class within the an ideal dps range for most content instead of implementing changes based off of feeling and the orientation of the stars which is what it feels like you are doing now. If you can not say how much a tuning change will change the dps of a spec 90% of the time you have a bad system for doing tuning changes.


Why, oh why would we change the rotation that we all have grown to love with SF Arcane?! Why not just give us an aura damage nerf? We have people who have locked in on this spec for raid and relied on you all to fix all of this during the Beta. Now a week before the raid is released you completely change the rotation/APL altogether to try to accomplish a damage nerf. You guys are just not listening at all and it keeps showing up over and over again. If you are going to fix spell queueing for arcane fix it for every other class that uses it at will or just leave it alone. Pushing so many people away who have been giving you all such good positive props on your change of the spec for literally nothing.


Stop making mechanical changes with mage. The pre-nerf playstyle is fun and engaging. Classic Blizzard, one step forward and three steps back.