War Within CE Epic Edition Game Key

So made a CS ticket and hoped something would get resolved. Now i pirchased mine through EB Games Australia rsther than the Blizzard gear shop. Got told by the CS rep that “After some investigating. I see that you need to get back to the retailer that you bought from, and they can give you refund since I see the code doesn’t match the region”.

I really hoping EB can just sort this out for me and i dont get told to contact blizard support by EB Games as thats just going to mean im going round in cicrles. Never had an issue with any of the other 4 CEs ive brought from EB Games (Legion through Dragonflight) so this came as a suprise to me.

Well, it’s a very well known FACT that the regions are separate and you could never use EU game codes, time codes etc on other region accounts. This has been this way from the very beginning.

Given that you have nearly 30K achievement points would indicate you are a very experienced player, so I’m quite sure it would be a very reasonable assumption that you would know this.

For a new player maybe. For you - unlikely. Defense would target and exploit that.

Take it up with EB games then.


I get that you feel very passionate about this issue. That said, Blizzard has a whole team of lawyers who constantly work on ensuring that they are following international laws as well as the laws of the countries in which they operate.

Feedback here or in a ticket is not going to make it to the right people unfortunately. If you have feedback, the right place would be the General forums for something like this.

That said, it sounds like the company operated in good faith and corrected the issue anyway.


Sorry, who said anything if the sort? I was pointing you to where to properly provide your feedback.

Your threats of legal action are completely. unnecessary. Nor will it do anything here.

Best of luck with your feedback.


I feel like this whole scenario was unnecessarily amplified as an excuse for moral outrage and invoking the threat of legal action. You should go ahead and speak with your lawyer.