War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

As to K’aresh being a World Soul:


He probably is making assumptions concerning Khadgar but the World Soul of K’aresh is confirmed by Screenshot!

The fact that Dimensius killed a World Soul and N’Zoth tried to do the same to Azeroth’s World Soul(Magni straight up says Azeroth stopped dying the moment N’Zoth was Re-Originated) shows that the Void Lords don’t want a Void Titan despite the lies fed to Sargeras by the Nathrezim.

How the Nathrezim talked the Old Gods of that one world to corrupt the Titan rather than destroy it is beyond me. The Void Lords themselves clearly just want the Titans dead thus Worlds without Nathrezim yet have Void Entities are only at risk of having their Titans murdered first chance the Void Entity gets as shown by the actions of N’Zoth and Dimensius!

The Void fears the same thing the Legion does. They all fear the power of the Titans and want them dead! No doubt Zovaal feared the Titans himself as did Denathrius which is why Denathrius decided to inflame Sargeras’s fears of the Titans being corrupted so that he could kill them all.

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Dimensius killing K’aresh could mean that while he wants them dead, it doesn’t stop other Void Lords from wanting to corrupt them.


Good point: N’Zoth of course was still trying to kill Azeroth showing that he is not that different from Dimensius regardless of whether or not he served him.

A thought on the Harronir. After looking at some of their customization I think it’s safe to assume they aren’t dark trolls, at least not purely trolls. They very much look like a middle point in the transition from dark troll to night elf, but strangely they appear rather beast like as well. They’re covered in what appears to be quills?

If I were to take a stab at what the Harronir are they seem like some kind of missing link between the trolls and the night elves. Perhaps they were blessed by a new, not yet scene, spirit of the wild, or this is some kind of adaptation to living so far underground? There was something about primordial trolls when dragonflight was announced, maybe the Harronir are what that idea turned into? I’m very intrigued by them.


I may be wrong, but isn’t Talanji involved with them somehow? I imagine they’re more Troll than Elf.


@#$% They kill Khadgar and HE survives? Salt in the wound.

Only if it becomes Alliance-only.

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There was a SS showing Talanji was present and I can easily see her being involved with them.


Hrmn? Meryl Felstorm is undead. Might not be one of the Forsaken outright, but if Calia is considered one, its not as if Meryl is out of the running.

What’s your beef with Meryl?

If you look at the pictures of the crashsite of Dalaran that appears to be the principle tower of Dalaran where the Council of Six would meet. Not the whole city. Every picture is missing the most crucial part - DALARAN RUINS!

One little area survived and destroyed with these people as their survivors? In the Dalaran Sewers is where the rogues and warlocks meet and in Legion the mages had their tower which makes sense for these people to be survivors. This makes sense!

I bet the city isn’t fully destroyed, but a portion of it. If not where’s the other floating islands? The Trade district? Every other section? Dalaran was big! This new Dalaran Crater appears to be only a very small section of the city.

I suspect it wasn’t the total destruction of Dalaran and the magi were able to teleport most of the people out before the city fell from the sky or maybe part of the city fell to the Isle of Dorn and the rest is TBA. I think we’re not looking at the story and pictures correctly. There angled purposefully to deny us a full scope of the area where New Dalaran Crater is or better where the rest of the city may yet lie.


Unfortunately at the moment she is not within the files, though that does not rule her out entirely. Could be added later on.

I personally hope so. At this second the Horde representation is lacking.


Holy crap. Off topic, but at first glance, that scarf looked like you somehow glitched that Amish looking beard on your female gnome. Was super confused. lol


Aww yeah, Magister Umbric.

From what I have seen on maps, It looks like some of dalaran might of landed off the coast, it is basically just a big debris field like you’d get in a plane crash. Whatever happened it sorta seems like the city did not fall like a rock so much as explode/get ripped apart.

We are for sure missing important details. I am worried they subjected Khadgar to the a variation of the Worf Effect, having him get fried by Xal’atath snapping her fingers to show they mean business.


I don’t see it, but it could be possible. I think the other chunks of Dalaran have to be somewhere and if they are destroying Dalaran its because they’re going to build a new one by Midnight. I just don’t think they’ll leave two large craters for the Kirin Tor to live in.

I’m hoping for only part of the city being destroyed and falling to the Isle of Dorn and the rest being saved by Khadgar’s sacrifice and being teleported to the Eastern Kingdoms. Though at this point it’s all a guess, but I find the angle and the photos of the area to be too be designed as to only show one little area of the city which makes sense if it fell down and the survivors are rogues, warlocks and magi along with the Silver Covenant/ Sunreavers/KT Magi/elves that seem to be patrolling the ruins.

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You also save Civilians and such.

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I seriously doubt Dalaran’s getting rebuilt again after this, especially not before Midnight. The Skyfire wasn’t rebuilt after it was destroyed in Legion, and I don’t think Dalaran is getting rebuilt either, or else its destruction in War Within would be left completely meaningless.

Dalaran getting rebuilt for Midnight would be like how the X-Mansion literally gets completely blown to smithereens in X-Men Apocalypse only to be fully-rebuilt at the end of the movie through Mutant powers. Like what would be the point of that? It would certainly cancel the effect of having high stakes if Dalaran were to be simply rebuilt easily.

Maybe a new mage city gets built at some point, but it probably wouldn’t be called Dalaran or it would perhaps be called “New Dalaran” or something. I think Dalaran’s going to be left in the past forever while something new replaces it sometime down the road.


From the screenshots it seems that the central spire got destroyed. I don’t see the Sunreavers/SC towers.

There’s a “cute spider” model going around. Not sure where it’s from.

I take her over Umbric any day.


Isn’t it funny how Vereesa was allowed to sneer at the Horde PC when Varian died but we aren’t allowed to crap talk Anduin who actually gave the order to kill Rastakhan. Alliance bias strikes again.