War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

“Tons. Skardyn are back. Dalaran is destroyed and Khadgar dies. There’s a new race of dark troll type things called “harronir” who appear to be a secret second allied race ala vulpera. K’aresh was a world soul and Xal’atath is the Harbinger specifically of Dimensius.”

Khadgar’s death is confirmed, the Skardyn are the descendants of the Dark Irons who fled deeper into Grim Batol after their defeat and were transformed, they were originally going to appear in Cataclysm in Grim Batol before they were replaced by Troggs. Dimensius was the Void Lord responsible for K’aresh’s destruction.

Now I have to say K’aresh being a World Soul and Dimensius destroying it, does make me wonder if this was a result of a failed attempt at corrupting a world soul or if he just desirers to outright destroy them, while other Void Lords want to corrupt them.

Meanwhile while the idea of playable Dark Trolls is cool, I’m hoping that if it does happen it wouldn’t stop Forest Trolls from becoming playable in Midnight. The return to Quel’thalas and Zul’Aman does seems the perfect time for it.


Now this is a development I can get behind! I’ve wanted the stranglehold the Kirin Tor have over all things magical quashed for so long now.

Now is the perfect time for Blood Elves and Nightborne to organize and form their own magic-oriented society! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’d even accept an all elves (Nightborne, Night Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves) magic society/organization that works together for the betterment of Azeroth. The important thing is that Humans aren’t running the show.


Sadly, knowing Blizzard, the fall of the Kirin Tor just means no magical society/mage relevant content until the Kirin Tor are back on their feet.

That, or Jaina’s moving back into the spotlight.


Agreed I AM exited over this!

Jaina OBVIOUSLY! (I’m joking but I wont be surprise if it happend… I’m actully giggling to myself I imagine myself giving the news to my overly zealous Horde fan friend if it turns to be true! haha :rofl:)

EDIT: Beat me to it!!! LMAO!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I mean… better the head of Dalaran than the leader of Kul Tiras. That… never made any sense whatsoever. I suppose Tandred can take the Admiral’s seat if that comes to pass.


Not trying to come off rude or anything here, just genuinely do not know: Who is this person in connection to the story? Are they truly a source we can trust for confirmation, or just someone speculating?
I genuinely don’t know who they are.

Remember BfA was showing the World Soul dying from N’Zoth’s presence.

The Void Lords by the end of the day don’t want a Void Titan after all despite the Nathrezim’s proclamations.

The Nathrezim presumably talked the Void Lords into corrupting that one World Soul destroyed by Sargeras because they wanted to divide the Titans and it worked!

On to the matter of Models:

Void Corrupted Earth Elementals:



Shadow Elementals:

Clearly they want a Model separate from the Voidwalkers.

What is this thing?:


Candle Elementals:



The Candle King:


He’s Red Shirt guy.



Mmo Champion has seen the first zone’s story.

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His, and others’ sources are from scouring youtube videos from privileged content creators, Wowhead, MMO Champion, and other sites.

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My brother link this to me! WOW how cool and diferent!

https: // www.wowhead.com/news/harronir-race-customization-possible-allied-race-in-war-within-338838

NOTE: had to put extra spaces the address wont let me post it normally


Such interesting porcupine people you have there!

Our What App chat is exploding right now lol… My brother, friends and I are now searching for more info and speculating on this as I type this.

Oh can’t wait! I been catching up with Destiny 2, ESO, GW2 and FF14 (still not buying the new Dawntrail vacation expansion until things get interesting in their story lol) while waiting for this expansion… I’m getting so exited, don’t want to wait to long now!

The fact that the race field has two Earthen sections for the Horde and Alliance, but only one for the Harronir makes me wonder if playable Harronir would just be for one faction or if NPC races are just being placed Races field area… After all they have airship there too, and I highly doubt we are going to meet Airship people.

But ew, who builds there cities on LAND anymore? You’re a nobody if your city can’t fly.

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Wowhead has the Isle of Dorn storyline and revealed that other characters who survived Dalaran’s destruction are Aethas, Ritssyn Flamescowl, Meryl Felstorm, and Marin Noggenfogger. I have to admit that I’m surprised that the leader of Gadgetzan is involved.


The dude was hanging out in The Rogue Order Hall. Makes sense he would still be in Dalaran guarding his gold.

Sucks for him that his gold is probably scattered to the winds now.


I’m glad they didn’t kill him off, I think he’d be a good candidate for one of the Kirin Tor leaders if he isn’t already, based on my experiences from taking a mage alt through Legion recently.


I actually didn’t see any Council of Six members in the footage, only Jaina, Aethas, Meryl, and Umbric along with a bunch of Sunreavers/Silver Covenant/KT battlemage survivors. Also some void elf mages and Black Harvest warlocks; clearly, the Kirin Tor is laxer on forbidden magics than it was in Kel’Thuzad’s day.

Vereesa is also notably absent, although she probably just evacuated with her hellspawn before the crash. Alleria is all over the place and would probably be in worse spirits if she were down another sister.



If I had to give a guess, perhaps Dalaran evacuated all non-combat individuals before the move, and Vereesa was placed in charge of their safety. Alleria’s new outfit screams Silver Covenant. I could see her having been inducted and giving a high command to take over in Vereesa’s stead.

Or heck, maybe Vereesa just dipped out completely and left the Silver Covenant to Alleria. Wouldn’t surprise me if that was the direction Blizzard took.

But yes, if Vereesa was among the victims, or even just missing, I’m pretty sure Alleria would be tearing the island apart with the void looking for her.