War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Players: “Stop destroying our cities!”

Blizzard: “You know what, I’m going to start destroying cities even harder.”


It’s cool, he can take to portal in Oribos back to Stormwind


Doubtful. If anything, Dalaran’s destruction and the irrelevance this casts the Sunreavers/Silver Covenant into primes Silvermoon to take over as Azeroth’s go-to magical city, only with the A/H representation reversed. I’d like to be wrong, but in this new era of neutral racial capitals and faction irrelevance it seems more likely than not.


Also Blizzard: Challenge Accepted. Which city do you want to see fall next? :dracthyr_nod:


Oh god this one knocked me out of my chair. My coworkers are concerned.


Really hope the Harronir are given to players, along with the half elf ear options. Love to make a Kul Tiran half elf.


I want this race to be playable as badly as I want broken, surprisingly lol. (Broken, to me, are like naga and ogres for others, I’ve wanted a broken since I first saw them).


spoil me rotten

I’m suprised we haven’t gotten playable Broken after all this time. I can’t imagine it’s that hard to tweak the draenei frame to make it work


For the same reason whe didn’t get ogres and fores trolls yet.

If blizzard believes I allow filthy high elves in Silvermoon they can suck it.

You don’t get to decide that


He can also turn into a bird at will. I am hoping he’s just assumed dead.

Looks like Dalaran will truly be destroyed once and for all this time. No rebuilding this time, especially with Khadgar dead and probably most of the Kirin Tor dead as well.

I do. Anyone who aided killing fellow blood elves like Vereesa and Umbric did is to be killed on sight.

Hmm, a weapon icon was datamined that has the phrase “goblinraid” in its name. Could this be a hint to patch 11.1 or 11.2? If we do get a goblin raid, I hope it is attached to Undermine as an open world zone! Also, many entries for Gazlowe were datamined, along with a Bilgewater Emissary NPC and a bunch of Venture Co. goblins. Potential quest chain with Gazlowe? If so, I’m looking forward to more goblin content!


I was initially afraid Blizzard would use this as the Deathknell for the Silver Covenants/high elves. Then I saw an alpha stream showing Silver Covenant mages in the ruins fighting nerubians. High elves are not going anywhere!

When I saw saw this I immediately though of my Horde fan friend and you…Erevien.

I was like: “Oh… no… here we go again. Oh and Khadgar died and Jaina lived… my friend will loooove this! (Khadgar was one of his fav OG characters) lol” :rofl:

Look at it positive Erevien, the faction in-balance shows more than ever, like you pointed out for years! No way to hide it now… :laughing:

Although I would wait a bit before creating another Horde post in the story forums… we are just in Alfa… things usually change A LOT before launch from Alfa-test. :sweat_smile:

Dalaran tossed on the pyre of emotional investment, eh?

Honestly, I’m going to say this is a lame development direction, because Blizzard’s track record demonstrates they don’t commit to it. How long did it take for the Night Elves to get closure for Teldrassil? Heck, that’s STILL on-going.

There’s going to be too many unanswered questions left ignored for too long again.

What becomes of the Kirin Tor?
Do we replace our Night Elf refugees in Stormwind for Kirin Tor refugees now?
Who’s the new Head of the Council of Six since Khadgar (presumably) dies?
Are we going to see Dalaran rebuilt, again, and if so, where? Another flying city seems like a bad idea now.
Do any other members of the Council of Six die in this?

All questions I doubt we’ll get an answer to. We’ll open the expansion with the spiders swatting the Kirin Tor out of the sky, and then we’ll never hear from the Kirin Tor again until maybe the Last Titan, where a new Dalaran will be hovering in the skies above Northrend again, for some reason.

This development reeks of shock factor story-telling that they’ll end up handwaving away again later once it’s become inconvenient.


Actually Dalaran obsensively controls the old Dalaran Crater can fill it in with a new city they build on top of it. Assuming that Dalaran magi are smart enough to open portals to other cities. The people of Dalaran can just rebuild again. I doubt it would be the end of the world. Since we are returning to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms in Midnight. They can be seen rebuilding their new city there. Under a new bubble…