War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

See I also don’t want to commit warcrimes but also i don’t want to be the alliance and I don’t like alliance characters telling me what to do so


I just want to take quests from Horde NPCs like we did in MOP, wotlk, TBC, WOD, BFA, DF and all the other times when the factions moved to a new continent and set up bases. Small indie company seems to refuse to spend resources anymore on expansions that are much shorter now.

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I’d just be glad to be rid of expansions where you’re forced to work with Alliance characters who have nothing but venom and bitterness towards the player.

Its such a reoccurring theme that I can’t help but think someone on Blizzard’s staff has unresolved trauma from being ganked by UD rogues in highschool.


Nothing’s better than running into a situation where an NPC you always enjoyed and cared about on the other faction hates your guts. I will never not be mad about Jaina choosing Thrall, Cairne and her friends on the Horde over her own Father, and the story punishing her for it, years after the fact for no reason at all.

Watching her go from the best example humanity had to offer (before Anduin came of age and the title was taken from her and handed to him) to a Wormtongue figure whispering in the ears of others in the span of two expansions is downright diabolical. Someone on the story team absolutely hated the hopeful message at the end of Warcraft III and sought to undo all of it.

My chief suspect is Erevien, it’s possible he’s a former member of the dev team who was pushed out by the numerous cuts and firings, and he lurks these forums constantly caterwauling about how he wants to destroy the image of the Horde further, and promote mindless conflict. It’s my best theory at this time.


I want to play alongside NPCs, Horde or Alliance, who aren’t wracked constantly with insecurity. In their grand quest to remove all ‘Toxic Masculinity’, they instead made several of the main characters total wusses whose traumas I frankly don’t give a crap about.

I don’t find Alleria a palatable “world hero” either if I’m honest, even if we’re left to assume someone cast Dispel Racism on her sometime after BtDP. Nor Jaina, but frankly Horde PCs have spent more time questing with this lady than half their racial leaders at this point; what’s a little population purge between friends?


I remember feeling incredibly relieved to learn that Shandris Feathermoon would be taking up Night Elven Leadership, meaning less screen time for Tyrande. I’m feeling a ridiculous amount of Night Elf fatigue as a primarily Alliance player, I can’t imagine how this must feel for the longstanding Horde fans since Legion where it’s just been a constant stream of beratement.

That being said, going into the Worldsoul Saga I’m already feeling a grand dose of Windrunner fatigue and the expansion hasn’t even started. Alleria, Vereesa, and Sylvanas; nothing good tends to really follow this family as of late, and there’s no real reason to expect this trend to change in the slightest.

Sylvanas’ character direction speaks for itself. Alleria is just a void disaster waiting to happen who will no doubt spur the events of the Midnight expansion, and no amount of post-Sylvanas novel ‘peacemaker’ characterization will remove just how ridiculously antagonistic Vereesa was, and is, to the Blood Elves. There’s an undercurrent to these two characters that isn’t necessarily pro-Alliance so much as they are anti-Horde, and this facet makes all the difference. It’s not constructive towards anything.

Blizzard should really move past the same, revolving repertoire of Alliance characters who respond to every threat, feat. Thrall. It’s only fair that the Horde leaders, champions, and characters finally step up to the plate and have equal presentation and agency in these situations, both at the forefront of the story and as quest givers.

Especially with whatever’s happening in Midnight. Yeah, sure “Reunifying the scattered elven tribes” is important and all. But if the Horde aren’t at the forefront of saving one of their own longstanding member states, what even is the point of the faction anymore?


I did not. I love the Horde and I am angry that the alliance still is favored in the story to this day.

Blizzard will do it. Even in their own story the blood elves will be second fiddle.


There are Alliance characters like that. Of course Khadgar is getting killed off and Velen is irrelevant 90% of the time.

So more Jaina it is.

On the contrary, I fully suspect that the Blood Elves will receive the main spotlight. But the catch being that Windrunner family drama will once again spoil the Quel’thalas narrative as a whole.

Arator has all the makings of main expansion character for Midnight. He’s a Paladin, he lives in Silvermoon, and his description from the short story lends towards a unique model, what with the tattoos. He’s a character belonging to a neutral faction of Paladins, while living in a Horde city with distinctly Alliance parents. Given time and exposure he will become representative of something distinctly elven to the playerbase, even if no one will be able to agree what that “elven” quality should be seen as. Horde, Alliance, High Elf, Blood Elf, neither or both.

If Alleria is in peril, or is the source of peril, then Arator will undoubtedly be involved in the matter of rescuing her or stopping her. Additionally, he will be presented as a leaderlike figure, pressing the fight against the forces of the void and directing the player characters in doing so as someone who “understands” Silvermoon.

He is very clearly a segue between the two premises of the Midnight expansion, which is “Players will help reunify the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth and ultimately fight alongside the forces of the Light to banish the Shadow forever.”

But this is where the thematic problem comes in. If Arator is too closely aligned with Turalyon, and the Alliance, in both in this conflict and in presentation, it runs the risk of repeating the same issue that arose with Burning Crusade’s ending, where the Blood Elves lost major flavoring when their Blood Knights became standard paladins and then had to be defined by both the Sunreavers, and Veressa antagonism, for the next several expansions.

The worst possible outcome I can think of for Midnight isn’t a lack of Blood Elf focus. Instead the worst scenario, in my opinion, would be the assassination of all unique elven themes in favor of an even more generic sense of Human-typical light worship that would serve as a unifying factor.

The question of the expansion should be “What is Quel’thalas, and what form should it take? Should the past be forgotten or learned from?” Arator poses the risk of lazy writing where they just simply slap “light worship” on it and call it good.


He is alliance just like his parents. Wiki agrees.

That is easy. Arator dies and that sends her over the edge to let the Void in Quel’thalas.

We doN’t need the light. Silvermoon is good because they aren’t slaves to the cosmic forces.

That is easy. Explore their actual legacy and not those high elf turncoats. That being Kael’thas and Sylvanas.


God, yeah. Jaina went from being my favorite character and someone I would’ve liked to quest with as a horde player, to the perfect symbolic middle finger to what I liked about this game. I feel like she’s been ruined ever since and there’s no recapturing that original feeling of hope she once represented, either through her or with other characters anymore.

lmao I used to make a similar complaint about questing for alliance leaders in general back in Legion and it’s only gotten worse since then.


I think what i hate the most about alleria, cause i never played BtDP so my first introduction to her character was her stomping into silvermoon and demanding quel’thalas leave the horde, instead of trying to learn why her people did what they did she comes in like a boomer and demands things go back to the way she remembered them being.


Man, I remember running my first alts through Cata levelling and wondering when the payoff was going to be for Theramore’s forces being utterly bloodthirsty and ruthless, because Jaina wouldn’t be down for that kind of thing.

Turns out, she was perfectly fine with it. but you better not hit her back~

Gosh, I don’t know why the Belves won’t join the Alliance, says sister of brutal war criminal.


Doing the max level campaign right now, and Turalyon mentions it has taken so long to get reinforcements organized due to the armistice between the factions still being very fragile. I liked seeing this, everything that has happened will take a long time to move past!

I have an updated list of faction forces found throughout TWW! Personally I find it really interesting to see what faction NPCs will be appearing, even if not in a large capacity. I don’t believe I have missed any- if you see anything to be corrected please say!


Orcs: Thrall, Gorgonna, Shuja Grimaxe, and Breka Grimaxe

Mag’har: Geya’rah

Sin’dorei: Aethas Sunreaver, Lady Liadrin, Halduron Brightwing, Salandria

Nightborne: Arluelle

Vulpera: Meerah

Goblin: Monte Gazlowe, Volt

Pandaren: Ji Firepaw, Lai De Emberscroll

Tauren: Dezco Dawnchaser, Kor Dawnchaser, Aponi Brightmane, Tahu Sagewind

Forsaken: Lilian Voss, Belmont, Dark Ranger Velonara,

Darkspear Troll: Champion Uru’zin

Zandalari Troll: General Rakera, Captain Rez’okun

Generic Troops: Mag’har, Warsong Orcs, Tauren, Jungle Trolls, Sin’dorei, Nightborne, Forsaken, Darkfallen


Humans: Anduin Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore, Flynn Fairwind, Danath Trollbane, Turalyon, Officer Herrick, Henry Garrick, Captain Garrick, Brother Pike, Tandred Proudmoore

Ren’dorei: Alleria Windrunner, Magister Umbric

Dwarf: Magni Bronzebeard, Dagran Thaurissan II, Brann Bronzebeard, Moira Bronzebeard, Kurdran Wildhammer

Lightforged Draenei: Vindicator Jaelaana, Grand Vindicator Sorvos

Pandaren: Aysa Cloudsinger

Kaldorei: Sentinel Commander Lyalia, Thisalee Crow, Delas Moonfang

Gnome: Tinkmaster Overspark, Gila Crosswires, Captain Tread Sparknozzle

Generic Troops: Quel’dorei, Wildhammer, Stromic, Gilnean, Gnome, Dark Iron, Stormwind(7th Legion), Kaldorei, Draenei, Kul’tiran, Ren’dorei


High Prelate Rata - Head of the prelates and member of the Zanchuli council, I have not seen her in Dornogal or the beach.

Captain Fareeya - Army of the Light 2ic, I havn’t seen her anywhere in Dornogal or the beach.

Druz - Chief Enforcer of former Trade Prince Gallywix, it is unknown if he remains in the Horde. I have not seen in Dornogal or the beach.

High Warlord Volrath - Was initially at the beach, but replaced with Rez’okun.


All the high elves in beta and then Panda remix with all the high elves is just making me annoyed that Blizzard keeps using high elves for stuff when they could use actual player races instead.


You know what they should do? Just makes the high elves playable and again Midnight seems like the likely candidate for ut.

I really doubt they’re going to add a 3rd elf that looks exactly the same as the other 2.


Points at the Earthen.

Earthen and Dark Iron at least look somewhat different. Blood/void elves are basically identical. High elves would be a 3rd identical elf race.