War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Green = fel
Gold = light (via the sunwell)

This is moot since most canon lore books suggest that they have human eye colours, blue, green, brown.

I assume purple is void/arcane


they do have normal eyes too yes but the glowing thing is there aswell.


Cough cough cough…


Valeera Sanguinar begs to differ.

It seems liking Humans is a thalassian elf trait shared by blood elves as well.


Varian is dead and Anduin is missing. It makes no sense that Valeera remained loyal to Stormwind. More alliance bias it seems.

The sunwell now pumps out Light and Arcane energies, and every high/blood elf is mystically connected to it and drawing its power—That is why the blood elves could abandon the mana vampirism practices those who went into exile found disgusting. It is sort of a funny thing, really. They never truly resolved the glaring species level weakness of the sunwell, they just fixed it and decided everything be fine now.

Those who lean into and use its Light energies more have golden eyes. Same goes for Arcane and blue. Really, very few should still have green outside of active fel users like Warlocks and theoretically those who use so very little magical power in their day to day life that the passive arcance and light energies have not countered the fel exposure they got.


That is very interesting. Now I need to figure out what Nightsong’s eyes look like both pre-void and post… :smiley_cat:

:black_heart: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yeah, it’s a sore point for me. I consider it a leash around the necks of all Blood Elves. They don’t have a choice in the matter.

Like Mithonic pointed out my interest is in purple eyes. Blue, Green, Yellow are fairly well established, but purple is just kind of there. Seems like an oversight. It being related to the void works perfectly for me.


I am sure it won’t comeback to haunt them in Midnight when Xal’atath finally reaches the sunwell and makes it go full void. All Elves are now void elves.

It is a weird one to be sure. It seems like it has been meant to signify different things at different times. During TBC it was the eye color of high elves, seemingly showing the eye color all high elves have when they are running without their battery pack. After that it just sort of became a color they would use sometimes.


The Horde literally enslaved her and forced her to fight in an arena.

And the Horde still holds her slaver in high regards on top of it.

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Which was a huge retcon because originally Thrall had outlawed slavery. Unlike Varian who tried to parade him in a cage in Stormwind after he would have been captured thankfully stopped the plot by the Goblin PC.

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So Alleria quest line about the Horde and Alliance uniting was changed. Instead of saying: “Where once there was discord, there is now unity of purpose. No longer Oathsworn or Unbound, just as we can no longer be Horde or Alliance. We are all in this together as one.”

She now says: “It was a trial by fire, but you’ve proven that the earthen of Dorn are ready for the war to come. Where once there was discord, there is now unity of purpose. No longer Oathsworn or Unbound. They are united, just as we should be. We are all in this together as one.”


Based 10/chars

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Good. I will never be nice to the alliance.

1: We don’t need to water down the factions even if they’re never gonna do another Cata/MoP/BFA again (god I hope we never get another BFA)

2: True Reconciliation should be far, far away. Both sides have valid reasons to still hold grudges even if levelheaded folk know not to act on them. We’ve seen Horde members handing out olive branches to the Alliance or directly assisting them, but very little the other way around. Naralex and Khadgar are the only two I can think of who’ve gone out on a limb for anyone redside.


Wonder if we’ll get more class specific quests like this.


I hope so but these touches are generally few and far between.


And people look at me like I’m crazy when I remind them that Blizzard still designs a lot of the game around the Horde and Alliance being very distinct from one another. And when I suggest that a not-small portion of the playerbase prefers the game that way, if not outright being at each others’ throats.

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I don’t think i’ve seen anyone honestly want them mushed together except for a few die hard semi-MHP types who think it would just be everyone joining the Alliance.


I don’t mind some of them being friends of convience. But both factions as a whole should still very much distrust one another for good reasons


Mostly it’s just morons who think that faction abolishment is a prerequisite to letting players better group together.


I mostly just want to be able to play the races I want and still be able to play with my friends.

I would also like to have at least the tiniest amount of character agency so I’m not forced to commit 300 war crimes every time there’s a faction conflict.