War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

What is mattering here is the introduction of the TWW. And that is 100% alliance aligned. Alleria, Anduin, Khadgar, Moira, Dagran and Magni. That thing will be the next Legion where the Horde doesn’t exist becuase Metzen hates the Horde.

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I don’t want to see a single high elf in Silvermoon. They are traitor filth and must be purged. They chose humans over homeland and that is the worst crime possible.

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I am a blood elf. I am loyal to Quel’thalas not getting into the pants of human potential like Vereesa and her stooges did.


Unfortunately the Short Story mentions that there are High Elves living there as well as Alleria’s Half Elf Son.

They are exiles who bedded male humans and ignored the problems of their people for loyalty towards Stormwind and the house of Wrynn.

And as I just mentioned Blizzard has made up it’s mind as shown by the Short Story.

All your justice amounts to nothing before the Lore Writers!

Just as all Human Morality amounts to nothing before God’s Morality!

And that is a bad thing. They are blatantly ignoring all the harm the high elves and their human masters have caused to the blood elves over the years. That is as anit Horde and anti blood elf plot as it can get. The writers need to be fired asap.

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Yeah thats cool and all but canonically Lor’themar has offered an olive branch and the right of return to helves since late TBC.


Gods forbid the alliance actually get to feel some earned consequences after screwing over the blood elves three times by now.

Preaching to the choir on that one but Lor’themar allowing Helves safe return has been a rock solid part of his tenure for 95% of the time the belves have been in WoW.

Velves and the Silver covenant would be the only exceptions and we’ll have to see how Blizzard plays that.

I’m going to assume the writing team is going to quickly and quietly clean up that plotline as it was dumb and only existed for faction brainrot.

I don’t know about the bolded bit. He was willing to provide that lodge of exiles “aid and supplies,” but they weren’t invited back, at least at that juncture.

True, there were high elf pilgrims at the Sunwell in Wrath, but they filtered in and out of Dalaran portals and only blood elves and robot guards were present during our next three visits.

Maybe Arator living there is meant to indicate a wave of high elf repatriation, but he’s our only confirmed example and a special case to say the least. The most Theron has ever said on the subject is that he won’t deny anyone a pilgrimage to the Sunwell.


I’ll have to re-read the short story when I’m off work but I swear I remember full reconciliation being something he wanted with the care packages being about all they could get away with doing with Helven hostility being what it was.

Either way, after the crisis that forced him to split the kingdom is over, I really doubt he wanted it to remain splintered.

Which is a high elf.

We remember the legacy of our homeland. you just try to get in the pants of the next male human paladin.


We help the Earthen obtain War Golems.


Ah nothing like the good old “Isn’t Falstad dead?”

But also

“Which keeper of the grove did Grommash Hellscream kill? Wrong answers only!”

Except that the male human paladin is the minority when it comes to those particular trio of High Elven sisters.

The other two were a mage and a hunter.

not exactly right, when the 3 samples are all 3 different classes, you can’t say one or the other were minority.

They just like humans.


Good, good.

Come on Blizzard, give us a tech class with different races’ tech aesthetics we can swap between like druids and their 500 different forms.

Always weird when the 2000 year old elf cougars go after 20 year old humans. Just setting themselves up for heartbreak when their boy toys die like 30 elf seconds later.