War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Damn. Was hoping blizz would have grown a spine and actually kill her off


Just pull the bandaid off and pull a Henry Blake on her.

“I have a message. Ranger General Vereessa Windrunner’s gryffon was shot down over the great sea. It spun in. There were no survivors.”


They likely plan to make use of her in Midnight as the High Elf representative. They will be shoehorning in a way for the blood elves to forgive Vereesa for her misdeeds in the past off screen and being a big happy family.

What? she has been living here peacefully for years, she even takes in orphans. Why would we hate her?


That’s probably even the low hanging fruit they will try for… it’s basic and easy and will get people trolling and in this age of rage = engagement, that’s all they really want.


She should be the no 1 state enemy considering the harm she did to all blood elves.

Yeah at this point I believe your right… any type attention to get players engage as long as it’s not apathy.
Sadly a lot of players and even including myself are at their limit with this type of Band-Aid… but I will admit that my Alliance friends kinda help me get over my Horde pride with all the teasing and jokes! :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Marin is the franchise’s most recognizable goblin alchemist, a unit from WC3 itself that is severely underloved in modern lore.


She loves orphans so much she made a ton of them ~10 years ago ^ _ ^


When it comes to Vereesa, a part of me can see Blizzard having a Romeo - Juliet scenario where one of her sons has fallen in love with a blood elf and her coming around to change her views and what not.


I used to joke about how BfA’s writers wouldn’t have penned that disaster of a faction war if they’d ever played through MoP. Now I’m beginning to worry Midnight’s didn’t so much as skim the relevant wiki pages, let alone play through MoP.

Vereesa “Hunt Down Those Rats And Exterminate Them” Windrunner, leader and founder of Dalaran’s blood elf hate group, should neither want nor be allowed to raise her kids in the blood elf kingdom. Think, Blizzard, think.


Something we know blizzard clearly doesn’t do or has never done. They want something cool added? They’ll shove it down our throats regardless of it making zero sense


We’re in a world where Jaina’s victims are shown out buying presents for her while she has done literally nothing to repent or reconcile with them.

so yeah its gonna go down like that with Veressa, yes.


Midnight’s roster is getting kind of crowded even without the inclusion of the Blood Elves. Unless they are going to write off some characters on the blue team I don’t know how they are going to shove everything into the Quel’thalas expansion.

The War Within is going to have to be one hell of an introduction to this trilogy because I am having some doubts.

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Look at the positive in the previous cinematic… “Clearly Blizz is aware of Jaina issues” in the story when Xal said: “You revel in power…”, right? RIGHT?! :woozy_face:

This is just assumption on my part, PURE SPECULATION, ok?
Anyway I think… what happends is that Blizzard relies on new hires and youth that well… are not verse or into much of the WoW lore… maybe.
I know some do look around and even come to forums and chat with their avatars (speculation ok, maybe? lol) But most don’t… that’s is a known fact… and the Leads that do know the lore are so heavy with work and task to oversee so much that probably can’t catch the loops or contradictory lore bits injected into the game… if they are not constantly assisted by CM or are assigned specifically a few CM to skim through and give them the a sum up feedback of it.

However again this is just a guess… lol :smile:

tbf brand new hires wouldn’t, or at least shouldn’t, be touching anything that effects expansion scale lore or major characters.

You’d put them on stuff like the Daycare mini-hub writing fluff. And the fluff in DF was mostly good.


Yeah hopely your right… I’m just speculating or coping as to WHY such a huge multi-million company have issues with this stuff!
While I see smaller companies doing that and sometimes more… :rofl:

Maybe as a companies grows it becomes harder the communication between teams? (COPIN again)

I know I use to work as the in-between guy who work with the client or companies and communicate assigning the cases after I skim through, sum it up what they wanted to the devs. Every company is different so I assume the CM do this… maybe.

I seen all sorts of scenarios so my view of things like this might be a bit tainted! Sorry! :rofl:

Even old figures will have their lore mixed up, plus we have the works of dozens of writers across multiple expansions and external media. It is just natural to forget or overlook past lore and data.

Thats kinda why blizzard has lore supervisors to keep things inside consistent, but then again, even those are flawed.


We must forget the sins of Jaina "the orphans will grow up to be orcs"proudmoore and Vereesa “I’ll show you blood elves” Windrunner


So recdnt builds have added a number of faction aligned NPCs. I assume they will appear in some fashion in the max level quests, perhaps they updated the training one to include more people. The ones below i havnt found or seen anyone find yet.

For Horde: Dezco Dawnchaser, High Prelate Rata, Salandria, Tahu Sagewind, Ji Firepaw, High Warlord Volrath, Champion Uru’zin, and Aponi Brightmane.

For Alliance: Fareeya, Tinkmaster Overspark, Gila Crosswires, Captain Tread Sparknozzle, Tandred Proudmoore, Brother Pike.

In addition to them, some more generic troops were added to match. If you see any of these let me know! Im eager to know where they pop up.


Hm, looks like a lot of paladins of various stripes. Perhaps something to do with the Light crystal in Hallowfall? I really hope we’ll get to see the Sunwalkers’, prelates’, and Blood Knights’ varied opinions on it.

Hm, a lot of gnomes here. I have fewer ideas about that - closest theme I could think of would be something to do with the airship and other tech of the Arathi, if both of these groups show up in Hallowfall.

But hey, I’m looking forward to seeing where these characters will show up and what they’ll do, which is more optimism than I usually have for the story! I just love seeing minor-ish characters show up again and have their own stories move forward.