War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

The writing is on the wall when it comes to faction conflict. There will probably be a lot of faction banther and animosity by some characters, but i don’t see any actual conflict happening.

We also have to consider that some groups like the ebon blade and the illidari are faction agnostic at their core as well.


The Nerubians are vicious, which is to be expected, but they follow up the assault on Dalaran by attacking the areas where the Earthen are healing the wounded- both their own and survivors from the Dalaran Crash. They seem to be more efficiently ruthless than the Legion ever was, hitting the earthen from every angle.

It’s to such a point that, at one point, the Nerubians quietly work to eliminate the Earthen’s capability to sustain their own elemental mounts, the storm gryphons. This plot is foiled only because of the Earthen adhering to their own superstitions (which is a nice change of pace) and the timely arrival of the PC.

The Nerubians do not seem to be incompetent in the same ways that groups such as the Iron Horde/Legion were. Hopefully that sticks throughout the rest of questing.

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The fact the Iron Horde invaded Azeroth when they hadn’t conquered Draenor still baffles me.


The Legion could afford to be inefficient, its whole shtick was no matter how many you kill, they just keep coming back. Forever. To contrast, Nerubians have only one life to live, and only so many troops. They HAVE to be efficient.

The iron horde was… well, kind of… dumb… honestly…

It was the equivalent of going back in time, giving guns to the Mongol Hordes, and expecting that to turn out well.


Well this is interesting and I have been waiting to see how they handle it. This is as “neutral” of a battleground as you can get.

Garrosh was calling the shots, it makes perfect sense.

His introduction in Wrath had him talking about the possibility of hitting the Alliance base even while the scourge were at his literal doorstep.

They’re also innately creatures of chaos. At some level thats gonna change how they plan and do battle.


On the new beta build, there are a few scenarios called “Worldsoul Visions”. The vast majority of them just seem to be describing bloodthirsty Nerubians, Elementals, and Beasts in their descriptions, but there are a few interesting outliers such as:

01: A Wounded Soul (New) - When Sargeras plunged his sword into Azeroth, it tainted the very lifeblood of the world, unleashing monstrosities whose echoes still resonate to this day.

01: Elemental Fury (New) - Long before the machine speakers arrived, elemental creatures roamed untamed throughout this expanse, reshaping the landscape with their raw power.

01: Old Gods Forsaken (New) - When the Nerubian Queen dared to renounce the Old Gods, the battle that ensued was violent and gruesome.

01: Reign of the Old Gods (New) - Long before the arrival of the Light, followers of the Old Gods darkened these caverns with their maddening misdeeds.

01: Descendants of Distant Waters (New) - The kobyss and naga traded blows in battle for generations. Of all the ankoan tribes, only the kobyss refused to fall to Azshara’s armies.

Most eye-catchingly, however, is one particular scenario that had a correction.

01: The Worldcarvers - The earthen, alongside other Titanforged creatures, worked to shape Azeroth into its current form. tore into Azeroth’s side, shaping the world into its current form.

With the way it’s been reworded, the violent connotation is clear. It seems to imply that Azeroth might not have been so keen on the interference of the Titans.


I was about to post on the last one yeah. They stop juuuuuust short of outright saying the Titans mutilated Azeroth.


Headcannon territory, but maybe the yearly world ending threats was/is Azeroths way of undoing the destruction the Titans and their pets did to the planet. So that the land can heal and be free of the titans work

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So the Kobyss are connected to the Ankoan/Jinyu.

One if the world events that show the history in the Isle of Dorn(?) shows them(Kobyss tribe while still Ankoan). Neat little connection.


Fits well with the description of the forges the titans made, they’re infusing the world soul with arcane energies to explicitly shape and mold both the form and sentience of the world soul.
The titans are ordering Azeroth into their vision. No matter if she actually wants it or not.


Makes me question why azeroth then would choose a dwarf as her speaker if they have done so much damage to her.

Almost like she isnt the one speaking with magni.


Or her transformation is already quite far gone, as they’re also shaping her sentience.

Its also possible that she simply does not blame the mortal races


I like the idea that it wasn’t Azeroth speaking to Magni, but some long buried and forgotten evil that will likely make it’s appearance in TWW or Midnight

Might not even be Azeroth speaking now. Just something that wants us to set it free so it can wreck havoc again


“The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.”


You can calm your hearts, because Vereesa will be fine.


That does the opposite of calming my heart


Yeah, that just ruins my day, in fact.