War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Where’s this?

Isle of Dorn, Fungal wold area. Abandoned house. I am told there is a side quest attached to it but I have not seen anyone do it yet.

I can see Khadgar pulling one of these for sure

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Assuming War Within happens 1 year after Shadowlands it mean Anduin will be 26 years old. Man he(and us) got old fast.

Dragonflight happens 3 years after shadowlands already, and normally each expansion takes 2 years in universe, so, 5 years since SL at least.

this, i realize it but i’ve been questioning myself, alleria’s new outfit shows after she talks to kadgar in dalaran, maybe alleria talks to veressa after that. When she’s in silvermoom she already has the silver armor.

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Please tell me that we finally have racial leaders for the Earthen? Would be lame if they cut content again just to save resources unlike the past where each subgroup had different NPCs.

Since Shadowlands, they have changed policy to say every expansion takes at least two years. In theory, barring any more time skips, it should be 42 ADP, as of TWW starting.

The Earthen have no faction presence, in that way. it is an individual choice per earthen. There are earthen diplomats, but there is no named person nor named faction.

That’s an interesting choice and makes me wonder if it will stay that way or if group names will get revealed later on. After all we first met Arzaal and the Penitents in 10.1.7 but didn’t get their name until 10.2.7.

Though if Blizzard goes that route, it makes me wonder how the faction group names would be handled. Perhaps if would just be getting the heritage armor will reveal a name or even a quest where the Earthen gather together to name themselves.

“Best we can do is ‘I’m sad cause I did bad things’ for the millionth time,” Blizzard, probably.

This is a mistake. Dragonflight happens 5 years AFTER Shadowlands


I don’t think they have given an “official” policy how long expansion will take place after SL. In any case, here is the timeline from WoW’s era:

Vanilla-year 25
Burning Crusade-year 26
Catacylsm-year 28
Wrath did not have a date mention but one can guess year 27
Mist of Pandaria is year 30

Shadowlands is year 35
and Dragonflight is year 40

So we don’t know exactly when WoD/Legion/BFA happened BUT we all 3 expansions happened within 5 years.

5 years after Shadowlands STARTED.

SL starts, runs for 2 years, we skip 3 years in peace, DF starts. Its 5 years total since the start of Shadowlands, not 5 years after it ends.

Are you replying to me? Because that is what I said.

Small indie company strikes again folks.

More like reinforcing the point. Many people get confused by the timeskip

eh? no… It is meant to express they won’t go to war for us, I believe. They are an independent people with no interest in a feud they have no part in. The PC earthen are the first explorers of their people, who are going out to collect stories about the wider world to bring back and share with the their society via the archives.

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Like i said, DF is 3 years after SL, in this case, 3 years after shadowlands ends.


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Kudos to the artist who did the key art. The composition and color palate reminds me of that one classic Star Wars poster with Luke and Leia in the foreground and Vader looming in the background.


I like how it almost looks like Xal’atath is a puppeteer pulling strings.