War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

So they totally abandon faction identity or what is the actual meaning of this.

Given her love of finger puppets, I am wondering if he has been dead a while.

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She’s just saying that we need to work together. We have the likes of Geya’rah and Turalyon arguing because of the faction divide.


Alleria is a diehard alliance fan why should her personality change this much.

Because she is smart enough to know we always have to work together to defend the world from cosmic threats. That is how it literally always goes.


I admittedly haven’t seen this exchange, but it’s odd they’d use Turalyon to make this point when a couple of weeks ago he “consulted” with the Horde’s paladin leader in the Horde capital in which his son apparently lives. Bit late in the day for he, of all people, to lament the fraying faction divide.


41:34 is where you see them interact

Geyah seems to throw the first shots but Turalyon shoots back with some “typical orc” comments So I guess turalyon is buddy buddy with elfs but still has a grudge with orcs???

Hopefully someone plays a horde character and shows what the differences this quest has as horde

It makes sense he would not be keen on orcs. His experience with them sort of skipped everything between the second war and Legion.


It hasnt. Just because she realizes they need to work together doesnt mean her personality changed.

She is even unhappy that her only option for a stealth mission is an undead- Voss. In the same questline.

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I mean, Turalyon’s defining character moment in the 2nd war was him deciding the orcs weren’t actually people so it was ok to use the Light to slaughter them.


I fail to see how Turalyon is wrong about anything he said. The orcs are indeed savages and the orcs’ idea of “training” revolves around beating the other senselessly. :slight_smile:

Well well well. Another Alliance city lost. Except this time I might actually care about this one. Because it was one of my favorite RP spots.

I assume you ignore Varodoc he likes to bait alot. Really.

Apparently alot of NPCs are there for some reason but only the Sons of Lothar are shown in the screenshots.

Not sure what screenshots you are looking at, but I listed all the characters we see involved above.

a noname Orc with a single sidequest back in wotlk doesn’t count as Horde involvement.

Ere fake horde fan confirmed

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You can tell when a character is irrelevant to the main plot and Gorgonna fits the bill.

While erevien is wrong cause that is horde involvement, i think what people are asking for is for a horde character to have an actual arc and not just be on screen


Would you be happy if they replaced the Sons of Lothar with let’s say Gryan Stoutmantle and pretend the other leaders don’t exist?