War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

The mount description says that the antoran hounds were the first of its kind, but it was made more of them after, so canonically Warlocks are just summoning another member of the species that is alive out there.


Not EXACTLY a story bit, but it very much will impact how the Earthen are perceived. It is sort of neat they have a perfectly measured slow cadence, reminds me of Star Trek’s Data sort of.


I bet that’s exactly what they were going for. I hope it helps with the perception that earthen are just another dwarf race.

Wait, if earthen have an american accent, what is the stormwind accent? Because i’m confused now as a non native speaker.

I am relieved we don’t have to live through an entire expansion of extremely exaggerated fake Scottish accents.


Those are always terrible because I’m like I’ve met people from Scotland and those dwarven accents are soo cringe inducing

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I guess people memed on Magni’s bad voice acting in BfA hard enough Blizzard decided to drop the accent for Earthen.


Whatever the cause for dropping it, glad they did. If they wanted to give them a Scottish accent, should just hire a actual Scotsman to do it :dracthyr_nod:

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I think it is more Earthen are not Dwarves. They are robots shaped like dwarves. They have the same lack of accent every other titanforged has.


I never understood why they chose Scottish as the dwarf accent when dwarf culture is very Swiss/Bavarian.

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Poul Anderson’s book “Three Hearts and Three Lions.” started it with DnD novels perpetuating it enough that WarCraft 2 grabbed it and they have had Scottish accents ever since.

well dwarves as we know them in a lot of fantasy settings, and their culture is actually right from norse mythology - from the Underground, mining, smithing, gold loving and beer drinking.

So if anything they should sound scandanavian

But the Scottish accent fits the Wildhammers - They wear blue woad/facepaint and live in highlands and moors and wear kilts.

And not every fantasy setting uses Sccotish though, Dragon Age dwarves have North American accents, and Warhammer dwarves have Northern English accents

But Sccotish still tends to be the most popular in fantasy and its kinda a staple now.


As far as Earthen accents go - we’ve heard Earthen speak, without an accent, in game before, so not sure why their lack of accent now is a shock. They sound like all the other titanforged like the keeper and watchers

Like Bouldercrag The Rockshaper’s voice from the dwarf heritage quest

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Can anyone share the screens from the Horde sanctuary of the city? Someone told me the Horde NPCs are just some Orcs.


It’s almost like multiple Zones put together:

The Candle Kingdom, the Gemstone Caverns(a bigger and yet less grand version of Deepholm/Zaralek Cavern), the Misty Delves, the Mineral Springs, the Molten Refinery, the Dwarven Realm and the Ringing Deeps itself(I treat the dark areas at 2:16 as the true Ringing Deeps)
 They are all huge enough to be classified as Zones in their own right!

All but the Gemstone Caverns surpass anything I have seen besides the Emerald Dream/Amirdrassil.


Azj-Kahet has a couple Zone-sized Areas itself:

Fungus Fields, the Jungle, the Depths and the City Azj-Kahet itself.


Hallowfall has Zone-sized areas too: the Green Cliffs Approach, the Sunlight/Voidlit Arathi Realm and the Fungus Caves.

Edit: Just learned that the Darkness survives the Darkflame Cleft Dungeon meaning the Kobolds’ greatest fear is going to be a Raid Boss at some point even though we defeat the Kobold Ruler the Candle King.

The Darkness according to the Kobolds in the Dungeon changes form each time it’s encountered which explains the forms we saw it take in Highmountain(a Void Wraith named Devouring Darkness and a C’Thraxxi named Uul’gyneth The Darkness). I wonder what form it will take during the rematch where manage to kill it?



So yea that’s actually happening unfortunately.

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That doesnt really mean anything when you look before and after that comment. Shes just saying we need to work together, not forget the factions.

Right before her comment we see Turalyon and Geyarah arguing because of the factions. After the comment we see Alleria being disgusted that Voss is the rogue around to help with a stealth mission- because shes undead/Horde.

I cant post pictures but i can assure you its not just orcs. In the Embassy, named charafters are Geyarah and Gorgonna as we have known for a while. But there are Nightborne, Sin’dorei, Tauren, Trolls, goblins and so on around the embassy as soldiers, researchers and diplomats.

Outside the embassy we have Gazlowe. Then in the questline we have Liadrin training earthen troops alongside Gorgonna and Geyarah.

Allianceside i believe it is Danath, Kurdran and Officer Herrick in their embassy. Then during the questline we see Aysa and Vindicator Jaelaana helping to train the Earthen soldiers.


Confirmed Xal’atath is Drenden. However its not clear on Drenden’s fate. Like if he’s dead or if she needs him alive in order to take his guise.


Well s.hit. That is alot of story straight to the drain.

Yeah, literally no one is surprised. It was so obvious and just makes the whole thing appear that much more unrealistic and contrived solely for the purpose of starting off the expansion with a bang. But then that’s always been the way the game’s narrative has been driven. They have a goal in mind (in this case making an epic cutscene where they blow up Dalaran) and they throw everything else out the window, including well established lore, just to push it through, plot holes be damned.

I am going to remain extremely jaded and bitter until they rebuild Dalaran