War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

fire elementals speedrunning stupid allegiances is one of my favorite pieces of wow lore.


This is about her becoming an aspect, not the primal incarnate.


Says the male human paladin :roll_eyes:

Do you know you are a meme?


Oh, good catch. I didnā€™t realize before that Vyranoth was blessed like the other Aspects.


Seems like this is mostly a class change build, though.

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The max level quest campaign or part of it anyways, seems testable

Horde and alliance forces land in Khaz Algar and get embassies in the city


Interesting NPCā€™s added this build.

Zekā€™vir, with the title ā€œHand of the Harbingerā€ is one.

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Thatā€™s a Nerubianā€¦ We already know that Xalā€™atath has Nerubians working for herā€¦

In actual interesting news:

Apparently Argus revives Demons quickly as the Hounds were clearly revived before we killed Argus in the same Raid. Talgath having been killed before the Hounds was probably revived before then.

I imagine the Antoran High Command are reeling from the pain from their torture before being put back on the front lines right before our confrontation with Aggramar.

Arenā€™t demons killed on Argus supposed to be dead dead? If not, then Kilā€™jaeden should be alive somewhere, which is dumb.

I believe itā€™s if theyā€™re killed in the Twisting Nether, where their souls go to reform. Which means Kilā€™jaeden is dead-dead.

Argus was just the main base of operations and battery to supercharge the respawn rate.

But Kilā€™jaeden died above Argus, not in the Twisting Nether.

taps chin

I coulda sworn we killed him in the warp tunnel in transit and then Illidan linked them afterwards, but itā€™s been a bit since iā€™ve seen that fully play out.

Argus was such a felplagued place that every demon died there died permamently, thats the reason the army of the light went there in the first place.

Nope, we fight him in the Nether, but the cutscene where he dies takes place above Argus.

Thatā€™s what I thought, but apparently warlocks in TWW are going to be able to summon demons that died in the Antoras raid.

Are the Hounds those specific hounds or just use the same model/species?


are they using the same modell or are they the same bosses?

Argus is in the Twisting Nether.


Killing someone directly on the Planet gets their Soul sucked into Argus to be revived but killing them in Space kills them perma-dead.

Kilā€™jaeden was in space in orbit too far away to be grabbed by Argusā€™s Soul.

Considering the Maldraxxi can manually revive any of their kind slain in the Shadowlands despite their Souls being dead due to being slain in the Shadowlands I would suspect that Argus takes and manually revives the dead Souls of anything on Argusā€™s surface.

Tbf they donā€™t need argus to revive, their souls will always go back to the Twisting nether and revive and death there is just killing the soul

Personally I wouldnā€™t consider gameplay like that as lore. Since it is more of a rule of cool thing.

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I believe Argus(the titan) was being used in speeding up resurrections for demons. Maybe using Argus gave some wiggle room for perma-deaths.

Alternatively they could have had a litter of these reforged super fel pups but likely itā€™s just an aspect of gameplay with no lore.

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