War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I’m hoping khadgar’s death is well executed, Imagine him dying while he teleports every single dalaran citizen to safety or holds the city enough to avoid casualties, sort of like (star wars rebels spoilers) Kanan dies by holding the explosion while sending the ship with his friends away.


Wrong. It’s already been confirmed that the MMO team was working on the Forsaken before Metzen finished WC3 and they didn’t even know the Forsaken and Scourge are two separate factions.

If you liked the Forsaken pre-SL/Calia, you didn’t actually liked the Forsaken, you liked Scourge 2.0. Now that Calia is here, the true Forsaken will come out and we will see who is really invested in the concept of the Forsaken (“sad, plagued, misunderstood humans”), and who is just shallow and wanted a superficial power-fantasy with Scourge 2.0.

I, for one, am almost thinking of rerolling Forsaken just to see more of Calia. Finally a Forsaken character, not a Scourge 2.0 character like Lich Queen Sylvanas.

Words cannot possibly express how hyped I am for the Forsaken and Calia. Finally we can leave the Scourge 2.0 nonsense behind us and see the real Forsaken.


You’re trolling. We get it


Yeah, because it’s unthinkable to you that someone would be mature enough to prefer Calia (actual deep and mature character) to Sylvanas (cringe emo idol for pseudo-intellectual 14 years old), huh?

Well, guess what, I prefer Calia to Sylvanas, and you’ll be taking quests from Calia for the rest of WoW’s existence. Do enjoy. :smiley:

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Besides the fact that real forsaken fans hate calia you mean?

Continue trolling though


Are you sure about that?

What’s the evidence for this, exactly? The voices in your head?

Because if memory serves, Forsaken weren’t even confirmed as a playable race in WoW until the first friends & family alpha build was sent out. They weren’t officially announced as a playable race to the public until the beta became public.

And although the Undead playermodels are called ‘Scourge’ in very early builds of the game, that simply referred to the idea that all Undead were referred to as ‘Scourge’ up until they decided to make the ‘Scourge’ a concrete faction and stopped referring to undead in general by the term.

Wrong, fundamentally wrong.

Not sure if you realize this, or if you prefer to just make up your own facts…
But back in the Warcraft RPG, which was overseen by Metzen and written to supplement the lore of War3, you’d see that the Forsaken were always depicted as a morally dubious organization.

Even in War3, the Forsaken only established themselves and retook The Capital City of Lordaeron via mindcontrolling and subterfuge.

The Forsaken never were ‘the Scourge 2.0’ because their reasonings for growing/raising the dead were fundamentally different from the Scourge. Like, they specifically wrote down that any person raised by them had an option of serving or not serving the Forsaken.

Alright? You do you, I guess.

People enjoy what people enjoy, whether that be Calia or Sylvanas doesn’t really matter.
Plenty people prefer neither or both.

If you personally prefer Calia, that’s you.
But those that don’t like her and prefer Sylvanas, that’s them, and it’s an equally valid opinion of the characters.


The Syl vs Calia argument is also neglecting that the undead have a council now. Personally, I wanted Voss to lead if one ruler was going to take over. Canonically, Calia is on equal footing with Voss and the other members of the council, and is not the one ruler of the forsaken. Nor does she wish to be, in canon, so far (as she, herself, has stated when questing with her).


Given the Dark Heart absorbs all magic near it and actually empowers her… even mage of Khadgar’s caliber is basically useless against Xal’atath while she holds that thing. It might even prevent teleportation at that rate. The only magic that would be useful on her would be shadow magic, as it is basically a blind spot in the design.

Hence Alleria could of helped, but didn’t.

And here I was curious about all the recent activity in this thread. Should have known it was a troll. :roll_eyes:


Yup, best thing to do with guys like that is to just ignore them, really.


Love or hate Sylvanas, Sylvanas’ lore being frequently retconned by two people in a tug-of-war over her (fan Danuser and hater Afrasiabi) didn’t help the situation either. She’s probably WoW’s most whitewashed character.

This is just my personal opinion, but I have a feeling the story guys got themselves in a corner with Sylvanas and the forsaken.

The intro text for them, for classic, almost spells out word for word that they don’t actually care for the horde, they’re there because it is convenient while they develop and work towards their vengeance against Arthas. They were written as mostly evil from what I’ve seen.

But that idea doesn’t work long term because the forsaken now are a permanent part of the horde and have to be playable, and the horde can’t be evil. So there is a conflict of two main ideas here that can’t be properly fully true at the same time.


Thats actually what i and a lot of the forsaken fans i talked to wanted to see resolved, we wanted to see an arc where that relationship grows into one of genuine respect and loyalty, Infact the bfa trailer with sylvanas screaming for the horde has us thinking we were gunna get exactly that and then the tree burns letting everyone know what every story beat is gunna be from then on. and now the horde and the forsaken just have that relationship with no story to get us from A to B.


Oh but she did return. Xal’atath is basically Sylvanas 2.0 Pro Max, right down to the deathly complexion and skimpy outfit. Anyone who doesn’t see it is choosing to be willfully blind.

I fully agree with this sentiment. I used to adore undead, but the story arc in BfA just felt too exhausting for me to want to play them any longer for a while. I felt a little frustrated with the fact that the Forsaken undead were consistently being tossed around as the type of villain everyone could hate, even their own allies.

My main now is alliance, but I used to main horde and the first thing I fell in love with way back when I started WoW was the Forsaken’s starting zones and city. I enjoyed a bit of the morally questionable here and there, but I got so tired of it feeling like every story arc they got needed to be sort of villain-ified even among their own faction.

I do have hope, though, with the council. I’m leveling an undead hunter alt up now, actually. I really want to see a lot more of the whole council working together, not just Calia and Voss (although, I won’t lie to you here, I absolutely adore Voss as a character and have always thought her better than Sylvanas).


Alleria is the original and Sylvanas was the pale copy. In fact, the Windrunner name was made famous by Alleria.

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I would be 100% down for that! It wouldn’t even be the craziest thing they’ve done so far. Aegwynn brought back Medivh from a decapitation by unraveling her de-aging spell and using the power of “motherly love” like something out of a darker version of My Little Pony. :rofl:

Well not really. The Windrunners were one of the founding families of Quel’Thalas. But yes, she was the embodiment of the Hector archetype that all the other siblings sought to emulate.

Sylvanas’ story on the other hand was completely mishandled from the very start. With the SL arc as the proverbial nail in the coffin.


I’m pretty much down to see anyone except calia get content tbh. Although voss is getting the lions share of the screentime it seems


I agree. I will always love Voss (assuming they don’t butcher her character, at least) but what I really want to see is some genuine council interaction as a council. I’d also like to see a little less of the Calia spotlight, myself. I don’t fully hate her being an undead and a part of the council, but at the same time I think that she’s sort of stealing the spotlight from Forsaken who have been both undead in general and Forsaken in identity much longer than her.

I think Faranell is particularly fun, although also most at risk of falling back into the Forsaken as Villains trope given his backstory and lore-based proximity to the creation of the Forsaken’s version of the plague.