War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

To be fair, loot and questionable boons are one hell of a drug :rofl:


So is avaloren confirmed to be the arathi kingdom?

All but yea. They have not outright said it, but all the dots we have seem to lead to that conclusion right now.

Like what? The only thing I heard is the super light crazed emperor and empire that’s east of EK?

They crossed the storming sea to get there, and so far the only thing we have any knowledge of across the storming sea is a place called Avaloren.

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Wasn’t there a book in DF recently that spoke of a dragon who attempted the crossing and was never seen or heard from again? Be cool if that same dragon ends up being a advisor to the Arathi emperor


Yup! the best flier of the emeralds who had seen everything on the old continent of Kalimdor and was bored, so she wanted to fly east of east and see what was beyond it. She was warned by Tyr that only bad things existed that direction, but did so anyways and was never heard from again.


It’s probably worth noting that Avaloren was supposed to be the home of some anti-Titan “heretics” waaay back when Oydn and the Titanforged were running the planet directly. A force powerful enough that it fought off several invasions from said Titanforged. So either the Arathi are living with some pretty notably company, or the Arathi did settle somewhere else on the other side of the Storming Sea, or the heretics are all gone now and if the Empire is on Avaloren? It is built on top of something very powerful and probably very dangerous.

It seems like the defense the Heretics erected was the storming sea itself. As of right now, the vibe I get from it is “what if we hid a place like Panderia but the mists were really violent”.


It’s true, we will do anything for loot.


Exactly, it’s more terrible writing anyway you look at it.

If it’s really him and not one of Xal’atath’s lackeys or he is otherwise brainwashed/possessed by her, then his return to Dalaran would be supremely unlucky for him. He was in Dalaran the first time it was destroyed and now he arrives just in time for the second… it’s like getting struck by lightning twice and at the same spot!

And if he’s the saboteur and is able to so easily fool some of the wisest and most powerful mages on Azeroth, people who knew him personally for years (he was especially close to Modera), that’s even worse. The only thing more idiotic would have been to bring back Rhonin or Archmage Antonidas but I guess with their statues still around in the courtyards of the city it would have been a little on the nose even for these writers! /bombastic side eye

The whole thing is so contrived and very obviously done for the cheap theatrics and shock value. If I wasn’t furious because Dalaran is so dear to me I would have been embarrassed.


The Light Energies of Hallowfall being described as similar to the Azerite makes it look like the Hallowfall Crystal decided to expend it’s energy to alter the World Soul to the Light as quickly as possible before Azeroth died in hopes of bringing the World Soul to the Light’s Cosmic Realm.

End result? The Crystal started to succumb to the Void.

The Dark Heart’s purpose is to extract the rest of the Light awakening the entity inside the Crystal I have no doubt.

Or there is another idea: Azshara is the Crystal and Azerite is her Blood from being tortured by N’Zoth(demanding she release him and later on as punishment for betrayal) and the voice that Magni assumed was Azeroth and Argus was actually Azshara and Locus Walker(who has been acting very suspicious trying to make Alleria abandon her family and informing her of the similarity of Radiant Song and K’aresh)!

“The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn.”

Who is Azshara and Locus Walker? Azshara… Mu’sha…

Xal’atath not only has a Moon symbol on her face but also calls Elune an upstart “goddess” suggesting there is another Moon Goddess she sees as more legitimate.

That would make Locus Walker/Dimensius(because of course he is Dimensius for who else could emulate the Radiant Song besides the similar entity from K’aresh) into An’she…

Of course Azshara wasn’t fully Void being mostly Arcane so she would probably use a Light infusion by Anduin as a beacon to summon herself into her real body preventing the other persona that was in her body from escaping from the Shadow leading to Midnight when the other malevolent God Personas notice what is going on and target Azeroth.

Her Cultists hoping to awaken into their bodies will find themselves summoned into Light Bodies sending them into pain showing just how cruel the Light of Lights truly is!

I have no doubt Mu’sha will abandon Xal’atath to An’she/Dimensius’s torture forcing Alleria to save her and take her into her family showing her what a true family is like.

Pretty much what I’ve been expecting. Probably Xal’atath suddenly drops her disguise in order to brutally kill Khadgar, probably by using the Void to somehow blow up his soul which destroys Dalaran or something. I think Khadgar is very much getting an unambiguous death, and that the surviving remains of that tower in Isle of Dorn will eventually be repurposed as “Khadgar’s Tomb.”

The other four Council of Six members are either also killed by Xal’atath, turn out to be traitors, or some mixture of both. I personally believe that one way or another, the entire Council of Six is going to die, whether they are killed by Xal’atath or we kill them ourselves.

Today’s Azj-Kahet, I think. We already know there’s a Niffen village there.


New alpha build dropped. Stay tuned.

RedShirtguy has a bunch of info rn.


An addendum to this theory I posted:

The Golden Moon Persona was pulled into the Void to take on Azshara’s torture in her stead causing Azerite to manifest.

Of course after N’Zoth’s death the Golden Moon persona started getting seized by the Blood Moon persona spoken of in legends: Remornia. There is a reason the Sha(named after Mu’sha) came in 7 like Revendreth’s sins do in which case Denathrius, Locus Walker and the Golden Sun are all personas of An’she.

“At the hour of her third death she ushers in our coming.” - Il’gynoth whose magic resembles that of Revendreth, himself resembles a Nathrezim in Ny’alotha and was first seen inside a World Tree inside a Crater which is the exact description of Elun’ahir born from an Acorn of G’Hanir gifted by the Pantheon of Life member Elune whose Sister rules Ardenweald in the Realms of Death which the Nathrezim exploited to send one of their members to infiltrate the Realms of Life.

No doubt once Azshara has used Anduin to provide a beacon of Light to draw her back into her body reuniting herself with her brother casting her other self into the Void(and torturing Xal’atath until she lets herself join Vorpalia in Renethal’s Sword) she will find herself being pulled out of her body by Remornia and when Locus Walker tries to use his Black Hole nature to stave it off get pulled in with her as Denathrius and Remornia take their places inside their bodies.

The War Within will be about fighting the Big Bads Azshara & Dimensius/Remornia & Denathrius.

We will be aided by Vorpalia(in the High Elven body that Xal’atath possessed) who will do as Sylvanas did and reconcile & reunite with her other selves Z’rali and Xal’atath who will have both have been forced to atone for their crimes(Z’rali’s crimes will come to light when her Sinstone manifests thus giving reason for the Accuser to make her atone) in Revendreth.

In the end we will have to pull Azshara & Remornia into the Sword and kill them inside it while pulling Dimensius & Denathrius into the Dark Heart and kill them inside it then once that is all done separate the Golden Moon Essence from Azshara(leaving behind the no-longer sentient Blood-thirsty Blood Moon inside the Sword) and the Red Giant Essence from the Dark Heart(leaving behind the no-longer sentient All-Consuming Black Hole inside the Dark Heart) and have Alleria take Mu’sha’s place/body and Turalyon take An’she’s place/body.

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so ya its basically all but confirmed that the Harronir are the ancient mysterious guardians of Elun’ahir mentioned in Dragonflight

One of the Harronir in a side quest specifically says that they protect the roots of a World Tree and the World tree sustains their people


Looked at a Flyover of Azj-kahet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smdkw-dckno

Hallowfall Flyover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyBkR7AnrV8

Ringing Deeps Flyover: https://youtu.be/oXQwG1TWiPk?t=37

I must say these Zones feel way less cave than Zaralek Cavern and Deepholm did.

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I am having some curious ponderings with the Harronir. They appear to call us ‘mortals’, which makes me wonder if Eonar created them as constructs touched by Life, and they are thus the mythic titanic origins of trolls and elves we have never been able to find up on the surface.

I can totally see them trying to frame it as Harronir who got too close to the surface and became changed by the elemental forces of azeroth into dark trolls, who then branched off to become the other types of troll and go build empires and whatnot. Later, those very same dark trolls come to the attention of Elune, who would of held them as beloved as creations of her lover and imbued them with her power to make them elves.