War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Do you think they might change whatever Khadgar’s fate is now?

I doubt it. The cinematic for Dalaran’s fall is likely done. All that is left is the crying.

Idk where you saw that, but looks like he’s already on the council in 10.2.7.

Loken wasn’t a dreadlord yet he disguised himself as a female Vrykul

We have examples of non dreadlords using an illusion spell to disguise themselves. Ourselves included in Suramar. Remember the whole meme of “An Illusion, what are you hiding!?”. Hell, two faceless ones impersonated black dragons (Wrathion in Ny’alotha, an Echo of Neltharion in Aberrus)

Surely a void entity like Xal’atath can do the same.


No please no elf trolls nobody asked for this.

And yet, I want them.


No we do not. Trolls exist to be miserable and I am tired of my second favorite race being abused.

No, YOU DON’T. See the difference?


Every time Blizzard uses trolls they are abused. They will use These half breed hybrids are example why elves are superior. Abd that is bad.

Aweful lot of assumptions with nothing to back it up. As usual

Did you Miss MoP and Bfa? No troll looked good there except Rastakhans AI daughter who only exists to parrot the Horde traitor council.

Zandalar questing was amazing. The hell you smoking?


The Zandalari lost everything what are you Smoking. SLANDER IS NOT FOCUS

The Zandalari are doing just fine you clown

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ya Im sure Drenden reveals themself to be Xal in the secret expansion intro. On the alpha right now, in the quest log you can read like the “story summary” thing and it says Drenden was Xal in disguise, Nobbel even read it out loud on stream and showed it the other day


No doubt you are speaking of Gara’jal the Spiritbinder, Zul, Yazma, Grong the Gorilla who led the other Gorillas, King Rastakhan and his previous patron deity Rezan…

5 named Characters taken out in a single Expansion(and another 3 Expansions previous) and 2 in the same Raid…

Well, if the Dark Heart has the ability to absorb magic and turn it into void energy I suppose that might explain why Dalaran fell out of the sky like a rock.


They are dead and will never matter again. Rastakhan was the final Nail.

If you actually were literate you’d understand that even in MoP Rastakhan was set up as not being the best or most capable monarch. Him being killed is hardly surprising given everything we knew about him leading up to BfA. Talanji has had more screentime than him anyways who even cares??


Does it ever get tiring of making up absolute nonsense and than repeating it?

The Zandalari are doing just fine. You’d know that if you actually played BfA, instead of spouting random YouTube conspiracy theories about WoW

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