War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I mean there’s a whole race of people who went through what he did, although i doubt any of those undead would be lining up to help anduin

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Check this thread. There’s a lot here.



Well, they aren’t Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire, so sure why not?

edit: who would the Byzantines be?

:thinking: The night elves? A greatly reduced version of one of Azeroth’s greatest and largest empires. Constant end fighting (Fandral, druids of the flame, darkfallen, druids of the flame again because why not). Somehow constantly on the verge of collapse, but coming back from the jaws of defeat again and again. It’s the night elves.

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This reminds me of the first book on the new line of star wars stories, that starts with a big cargo spaceship being destroyed while travelling at lightspeed and the debris scatters all over and hits population centers at speeds that nuke entire celestial bodies on impact.

Maybe sabotaging Dalaran mid-teleportation spell makes the city implode, scattering pieces all over the place when it tries to stretch itself between two distant places at once.


I have pretty solid suspicions the new person on the council is not what they seem. And if that is the case, and they are allowed into the group teleport ritual the council uses to move the city… well, you can see how that could go horribly wrong.

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The new council member will be Medan and they’re using this opportunity to kill him

I think I saw a screenshot somewhere showcasing the new Work Order from NPCs feature and there was a WO from Khadgar.

Not sure it is even true, but suggests our dad does not leave at all


I hope it’s true. I’m not ready to loose Dadgar. Yseras death made me cry, I can’t handle loosing everyone’s favorite snarky mage :dracthyr_nod:

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Honestly I suspect it is Xal’atath in disguise. Because walking in a door you open for her and then stabbing you in the back is very much her style.

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Major fate of Dalaran spoilers found in the alpha regarding the new council member

The new council member is Archmage Drenden, who was one of the original members of the Council of Six before Dalaran was destroyed in Warcraft 3. We never saw or heard from him again after that.

That said, it does appear to be that Drenden is Xal’attath in disguise and she sheds her disguise and opens up a ton of portal and Nerubians start invading the city


So they just allow a guy who has been missing for decades to come back onto the council without suspicion? Xalatath can just disguise herself as whoever? How? She’s not a dreadlord. I don’t like this.

Disguise isn’t a uniquely Dreadlord ability


…well the void excels in messing with minds. We have seen multiple cases of N’raqi doing so quite successfully. Also she presently holds the uber McGuffin void artifact with unknown properties.


I dig it. Clever way to revisit somewhat obscure older lore and I can appreciate a wilier big bad after Jay Lor and the fire dragon.

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This looks awesome. Good character development, and this stuff with Anduin and Faerin. Though I agree that it’s looking lean for the Horde so far. I hope they get more too.

The Iron Horde was the British Empire. The Iron Horde was the first in their world to industrialize, which they used to humiliate their former rivals, utilized steam power extensively, complete with a massive steam fleet and train system, yet had descended from pretty primitive, Celtic-ish people. Also “We will never be slaves, but we will be conquerers!” and “Rule Britannia!”

The Iron Horde also has an element of the Aztecs - a brutal culture more advanced than other local cultures that subjugated/enslaved other natives around them until everyone else rose up in revolt and they were defeated with the help of outsiders, and the Mongol Empire - their fashion style, living off a dangerous land, penchant for raids and violent rise to power. By extension, that makes Yrel’s “Lightbound” faction a combination of the Conquistadors and the Ottoman Empire (though the Draenei arrived by accident as refugee).

The emerald dream becoming like the wild hunt would be cool tho

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If we can handle losing Rastakhan, Cairne, Vol’jin, Dranosh, Saurfang, Sylvanas, Gallywix and a ton of other fan favorites that were used to represent the new Horde then you can handle the one snarky human mage left be killed too. Grow some skin.

So adorable coming from you :rofl:

And you hate the horde anyway

The alliance lost nothing so far that would be noteworthy. Your bratty attitude of all your players on this forum shows that very much. Blizzad treated you nicley while destroying the Horde at ervery chance they got. Time for some reverse to see how you would fare after 10 years of constant slander.