War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I admit that would be funny. I mean we are probably gonna end up fighting “the Light” eventually, why not beat up Nature after that?


That’s a good point. Especially with story fluidity, something could always happen that requires us to go a lot deeper.

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It is not going to be so sleepy next time we visit the Dream. We sort of destroyed the system that kept it an orderly garden under the thumb of the Titans. It will likely drift more towards a Darwinian jungle full of super predators now that is Life unshackled.

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What’s ingame does not look like a city.

How does this logic not apply to Avaloren?

I don’t buy Avaloren being presented ingame as a bigger place than the Shadowlands.

In regards to the Emerald Dream, if that’s something we revisit it won’t be the Emerald Dream we go to. It’ll be the Lifelands (Or whatever it’s called, Shadowlands implies it’s called the Gardens Of Life), something that’s not yet explored. They’ve made the Emerald Dream just a part of that realm in 10.2, surely for something in the future.

There’s definitely some hopium driving some assumptions about it. But realistically the other side of Azeroth should be as big as the side we know, that’s how planets work, and our side fits 20 years worth of content, more or less. And while a lot of that content is on “smaller” islands and whatnot that’s not a hard set rule as much as it is an established norm. One that Blizzard could break if they wanted and maybe have already confirmed that they will. The Last Titan is set on Northrend and that’s a big continent, smaller then EK and Kalimdor but not by much. So either we’re only going to see part of it updated with the new expansion, and some excuse given as to why the rest of it is inaccessible, or we’re getting a much bigger chunk of content then we have in awhile.

Avaloren could end up working in a similar way. Either by making it larger then we’ve usually seen in the past by default or we only explore a portion of it in an expansion and then more when we get to the next.

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We are assuming that Quel’Thalas is the Continent and not simply a Cataclysm-style Revamp with Avaloren being the Continent.

Why? This is fiction. There’s no rules regarding Azeroth having to follow real planetary logic.

To give a better example, Quel’thalas is currently two zones that are small in comparison to more recent zones, but in Midnight they will be expanded with more zones added to it. It’s all about how the zones serve the gameplay. How I see things, the concept of Avaloren is one of the most niche ideas I’ve ever seen, it’s essentially a kingdom of Human paladins. I don’t see how you make an entire expansion out of that; story serves the gameplay, but quests and dungeons are made from the story, how do you progress such an idea out of x.0? On another note, Horde players already complain enough about how they feel like they’re not represented, they’re not going to tolerate an entire expansion of serving HMPs with only Blood Elves getting any relevance at best.

I think what’s going to happen is that a section of Avaloren will be a patch zone, on the map there will be a region connected to it but you can’t click on it to see what it is, similar to the Ogre continent on Draenor.

Yeah. No. If there’s a reason to assume that some specific thing or concept transplanted over from the real world works differently in a fantasy setting then sure. Otherwise the assumption is that it works the same until proven different. And planets in Warcraft, even the messed up ones, do not come in various shapes.

Entirely unconfirmed. We know half-elven Light worshipers are there but that doesn’t mean or even imply that nothing else is. By that logic Pandaria should have been nothing but pandaren or Draenor nothing but draenei or orcs etc… etc…

Quite literally anything that has existed on Azeroth at any point, or anything new that Blizzard could come up with, could be planted on Avaloren without much issue.

Maybe. But if so that would be a massive waste of potential.

Pandaria is based on China, Draenor is “savage world” with source material from Outland. It’s a matter of taking a base idea and carving out the setting from that, every expansion has done this. Avaloren is based on Arthurian legend. Those are cool stories, but I don’t think there’s enough material there to turn into a full expansion.

I think Avaloren is the setup so we can start to explore Azeroth’s other side of the globe.

Our map is getting small and filled with landmass.

Pandaria is a hodge-podge of various Asian influences. China is the most obvious one but there’s a bit of everything in there once you start looking. The benefit/cost of pulling from stereotypes. Avaloren would pull from Arthurian legend, sure, but also English folklore in general. Probably grab a bit of Germanic and French influences too, the Arathi quite literally sound like Warcraft’s version of the Holy Roman Empire etc… etc…

That’s more then enough to flesh out the Arathi into an interesting group with factions to fight and befriend. And, again, there’s no reason to expect that they’d be the only power there.


There’s also the whole Nightsquall thing, and I believe there’s a book in Dragonflight that mentions some rogue titan minions going to Avaloren? It’s hard to say what they intend to do with Avaloren, but I think there’s some potential for it that’s been set up so far.


You can say that but we literally have an example that disproves that.


The seat of the Naga Empire. And even then we did not get the full city. Blizzard has shown they are willing to give the bear minimum to showcase a “zone”.

I mean the Nazjatar zone we got in game would be like the Suramar zone without the actual city.

So long as there isn’t any complex jump puzzles, killer robots and a glaive that some insane guy gives me for beating up his arch-nemesis I’m fine with whatever.

Jokes and references to Overload Avalon in Destiny 2 aside, we kind of have already done the Arthurian legend in Warcraft. And Blizzard subverted it as well. Arthas and Frostmourne.

Which is honestly funny and I hope it happens simply because the actual Roman Empire analogue in Warcraft is the Gorian Empire. An Empire of Ogres.

So really, the Horde should be the Warcraft version of the Holy Roman Empire tbh.

I have actually been pondering what if the Heretical Titan forces somehow came to be servants of the Light and in doing so turned away from their programming and towards the will of the Light? That would surely be seen as a betrayal by the other beings of Order. They would of welcomed the Arathi as fellow servants of the Light.


Oh, what an interesting theory. The Arathi seem to have a different take on the light. I’ve been trying to avoid most of the Hallowfall spoilers, but they seem to have something about a holy flame? It would be a lot more interesting if light worshipping rogue Titan forces taught them to be paladins, rather than having them independently making them as well.


Looks at the Sethrak Faithless Empire which is only part of Voldunn
Looks at the Zandalari Empire which is only Zuldazar now
Look at Mantid Empire which is only one zone
Looks at the Dark Iron empire which was only half a mountain and one zone

I do have a feeling that the Light is working with the Titans in some way, though not necessarily the Pantheon itself.

This story arc still surprises me, since he was clearly possessed and he and others knows it. If it was guilt about his hands being made to kill while possessed that’s one thing, but that’s not what the story’s going for. This also begs the question of how aware was he while the Jailer puppeted him? Domination magic effects the mind.

From what he said, Anduin apparently was unable to totally sort where his feelings and thoughts ended and Zovvals began. So, he was unable to tell if it was Zovval enjoying doing awful stuff, or it was actually his feelings.

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Did he ever talk with the Primus? The Primus invented Domination magic, and that’s what the Jailer used against Anduin. The Primus might’ve been able to help him through that.