War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I personally wouldn’t mind if the Kirin Tor were “done” after this. I like the Kirin Tor but i just no longer care for the neutral flavor of it. If it ended up opening the door for other mage organizations to get spotlight i’d be in favor of it.

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Ishura will stream Hallowfall soon. I hate Blizzard’s reliance on streamers.

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No doubt. I will say however that an Alliance loyalist who’s just really sick of the Kirin Tor’s flip-flopping allegiances and tolerance of the Horde would make a much more interesting traitor than the fourth or fifth Sunreaver who let the bad guys in for no reason.



So they consider themselves a distinct species.


both are the same link, without the answer.

fixed. Apologies. I hate loosing my image posting rights.

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So my prediction was right, they’re basically WoW version of bretons.


Good news everyone!!

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No? Why don’t you try looking at this objectively?

Okay so some random Arathi lore tidbits in no particular order and paraphrased slightly

  • the Arathi have been in Hallowfall for only 15 years
  • They have a large powerful empire somewhere on the other side of the Storming Sea (I think it’s safe to say this is no doubt Alvaloren)
  • The Emperor had a prophecy about a star so he sent out an expedition to find it 15 years ago. As the fleet was crossing the Storming Sea they got trapped in a powerful storm that they thought would end them but at the last momment there was a blinding flash and their entire fleet was magically teleported underground into Hallowfall
  • All of the Arathi, as many guessed are half elves or rather, have elven blood. Like Bretons from TES. When these Arathi left Arathor thousands of years ago, some high elves came with them and interbred into the population to the point where over generations, all Arathi have some elven features and they consider themselves their own distinct race, not elf and not human, simply Arathi
  • There was an event in Hallowfall that happened a few years ago that the Arathi call the Days of Darkness. This was the very first time the Crystal turned to shadow and was preceded by a massive earthquake. Anduin and Alleria deduce this was caused by Sargeras stabbing the planet
  • There is only one surviving mage among the Hallowfall Arathi and he has been trying, and failing to make a portal back to their empire for the last 15 years. But he was only an apprentice when they arrived and was never taught how to make portal back to their Empire.
  • Anduin remarks that the crystals the Arathi use in their fires and rituals, while not true Azerite, is related to Azerite somehow

Edit: Mage point clarified, thanks Kaileath :slight_smile:


Elaborating on that bit, the Mage is the last survivor as the other Magi died in their arrival down there some 15 years ago. When they teleported in they basically had their fleet promptly smash into the cliffs down there and luck would have it the mage boat did not have many survivors.

The survivor was an apprentice back then, and had not yet been taught the technique to open a portal to the Arathi homeland. It was not thought important at the time as there were so many other mages that What Could Possibly Go Wrong™.


I have said before that the way to add high elves was to make some forgotten/lost city composed of elves who left quel’thalas long ago.(a la Mechagon) I didnt get expect that idea would get monkeypawed into the origins for half elves.

Side note, if the Alliance ever did get high elves this would be an easy way to end any debate about quel’thalas. Just make all remaining high elves realize this new kingdom should be made their new home considering high elves already live in cities populated by humans/alliance races.


Reminds me of elder Scrolls.

Well I know someone who has used anti-teleportion spells in the past to keep their foes trapped (game mechanics aside).

Given that a certain book on the Forbidden Reach states this individual is an ally of the Harbringer (Xal’atath), or more that Xal’atath is an ally to them, maybe they are up to their old tricks here?

Also wouldn’t be the first time they messed around with individuals lost at sea… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah… there goes my little Azshara theory :frowning:

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It was a good theory R.i.p.

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Okay but like. I hope the sewer network survives. Would be a shame for the rogues to be homeless.

Who’s Mymind? A streamer’s toon?

That explains the pointy ears coming to human races now

I do wonder id they plan to make the arathi a new playable race or just going to give customization options for humans.


Wasn’t it already datamined that humans, Kul Tirans and blood elves are getting extra ear options so they can role play as a half-elf?

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