War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Yeah, but thay might be for the npcs we see, they may have an arathi playable race at some point, though unlikely.

Primalist eye colors for multiple races were datamined too. We never got those. They were used on npc’s though.

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That mural in Azj-Kahet is pretty cool.


They are one of the people who archive stuff for the Warcraft Wiki.

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Thanks, I was just curious how someone got screenshots that quickly. Do they stream or something?

So Dadgar didn’t conjure his portal fast enough?

There indications whatever happened Alleria was too scared of her powers going out of control to help him and he died because of it. Likely he 1v1’s Xal’atath and was not enough to beat her alone.


Dalaran is filled with powerful mages and they couldn’t stop it . I feel this is another Uther situation where the character takes personal blame for no logical reason but for emotional reasons. What happened was Xal’atath’s fault and no one elses.


Man I called that one! So Avaloren is real and the Pirate who’s mentioned in DF that got there must be taking this pirate expedition back to the island and take their treasures? Maybe Midnight will have us visit Avaloren?

Thank Elune, Jaina and the surviving Dalaranian magi can help teach this guy teleportation magic. Maybe instead of Midnight we’ll get to visit this Empire of Light.

I’m actually curious what every Thalassian elf feels about this. I want Alleria to make remarks! Did she say anything? Maybe mentioning her son? Even if these High Elves got down and did the nasty in the pasty, why aren’t there any Thalassians who don’t know? We should have some elves alive who know of this. Like the leader of the Scryers who’s ancient by elf standards or Lorash. There should be elves alive today who know at least that some of their families left with the Arathi humans and their half elf children…

Just the thought of Half Elves… This explains the short ears we see on Blood/Void Elves… soon to be added… elf ears on humans… I called it, “Bretons of WoW”

We do not speak its name.


True… Still my point stands. Will any of the Thalassians say anything? I’m genuinely curious how the elves are going to respond? Darnassian/Thalassians/Shalassians would all be debating whether to accept or reject these wayward kin… I guess this is where the whole elven tribes uniting meant… The half elves brings everyone together Metzen style…


So the utter east is a holy empire ruled by an emperor. A holy emperor one could say. A Holy emperor who appoints Paladins.

Charlemagne Intensifies


Orweyna’s model has been data-mined.


lol, I probably should have linked this over here… instead of in the Community Forum.

All this praise the emperor stuff with the Arathi… in b4 the holy emperor is an undead of the Light sitting on a throne all Empror of Mankind style.


Who is Orweyna?

A Harronir that helps us in the campaign, could be their leader since from what I understand she has a more unique model.

Earthen heritage armor.


I hope not. Avaloren or wherever the Arathi Empire calls home feels like a concept for a whole expansion, dare I say a whole saga, of its own. Limiting it to “just” a patch feels like it would be a waste of a concept. Though I could see the Arathi showing up in Midnight to help, maybe after we figure out a way to open a stable portal to their home, and that ends up going badly for us…

Actually come to think of it, portals aside, we might need to wait until after The Last Titan before being able to travel there as the Storming Sea still seems to be very impenetrable. The Hallowfall expedition would have been destroyed by the storms if it hadn’t been teleported to the caverns in a “flash of radiant light”. If it’s the case then their ancestors may also have only gotten through that barrier going the other way due to a similar divine intervention.


Midnight is its own expansion. When TWW was announced at Blizzcon, they announced it as a trilogy of expansions:
The War Within, Midnight, and The Last Titan.

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