War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Why would I admit something blizzard isn’t doing?

Xala’tath literally uses Dalarans own magic against itself. You’d know that if you had any idea on what your talking about

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There aren’t any real radicals left on the council after Jaina parted on her own. Things might change if that nutjob Umbric gets promoted and arguably tries to make the lifes of all Sunreavers worse. And I pray they at least kill off Aethas finally.

Man, Khadgar is collecting so many death flags at this point…

I’m going to be sad losing the dude.

The fact none of them left a body behind makes me think they’ll reappear later on for a council fight, either as mind-broken Void magi or Void-animated corpses.

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#$%! I don’t wanna work with the @#%%* Tirisgarde again.

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Still can’t believe they’d blast Dalaran out of the game like that. No way. There’s too much stuff in it, related to it to just snuff it out like that.

They burned down a tree had a siege/war and erased a pair of capitals… What’s to be shocked about?


Honestly, knowing that Xal’atath is technically a void-animated corpse herself (in body), this really does make a bit of sense. It would also be pretty cool to see, I think.


Except they’re supposed to have strategy. It was the whole point of recruiting the eredar.

It’s less a matter of the Legion being inherently incapable and more a matter of their competence being reduced so they’d work as an enemy in WoW.

The Legion’s approach in the WotA - dumping their infinite army through the portal to swarm Azeroth en masse - was outright superior to their MMO-required tactic of splitting everything into bite-sized chunks that can be soloed or grouped by players, because frankly the whole concept of the next full-blown demonic invasion had no business being tackled in WoW. The game just plain isn’t designed to properly encompass a real playable war on any level of scale. Everything gets shrunk down so it can be tackled by a raid group or less.

Consequently the Burning Legion came out of its own expansion both defeated and looking like the millennia of otherwise unbroken victory streaks across the universe marred only by Azeroth must have all been luck rather than any actual testament to the Legion’s threat or efficacy. The demons ended up seeming like weaklings and morons who don’t even use their biggest advantages just so we could loot them in an MMO environment, and so that subsequent content like Shadowlands could laugh them off has having been a joke all along.


Aethas Sunreaver is blamed.

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It might have been engine limitations, but they could have shown a larger scale with groups waging war and fighting even if the level of trouble we players had to engage with never advanced beyond our own capabilities… kind of like the opening of ME3 where we are clearly in the middle of a war and yet we are also not being expected to operate at a level beyond our abilities.


The legion had a limit on how much they could bring at once.

Gul’dan’s portal in the tomb of sargeras was the biggest one so far, but the bulk of the invasion was still somewhat contained there.

The real danger became when Illidan opened the gateway to argus.


It’s honestly not even engine limitations. The way every conflict in WoW is resolved by essentially skipping the armies and just killing everyone’s generals as they sit around minimally defended is already kind of dumb, but the idea that the largest army in the cosmos lets it happen to them basically eliminated the primary threat posed by the Legion by virtue of them being in WoW at all.

What use is even the concept of an infinitely replenishable army if they aren’t even going to use it in order to justify players queuing up to wipe out their leaders, apparently before any lasting damage is even done to the world?

Literally the first strike by the Horde in BfA resulted in more permanent consequences than the entirety of what was supposedly the biggest demonic invasion in the history of Azeroth, even though the previous such invasion had scoured vast swathes of Kalimdor of life and concluded with most of the continent in ruins or sunk beneath the ocean.


The guy literally exists to tell the Kirin Tor how much they can trust him now. If you want an obvious culprit make it Umbric or Ansirem.

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Do you know who should be a main character of The War Within? Archmage Karlain. His story and what he learned in his comic align with the overall themes of this story.

It’s frustrating they are going to kill him off [probably] when he has so much knowledge and experience relating to the current arc.


I’m actually suprised we aren’t seeing more Draenei and Lightforged showing up in this saga. With their knowledge of magic and the light, you’d think they would be the first ones on the front lines to combat the void.


Unless they are saving that for Act II or Act III. There’s Ethereal content too coming down the pipe. This first act seems to heavily focus on Magni, but it’s heavily focused on Earthen/dwarves.

Dwarves are not human or elf content.


Certaintly possible. Suppose we’ll have to wait and see. Though I am curious to see what they do with Magni, since they datamined a fleshy form for him


I have thoughts! Like I always do!


I always enjoy your theories :dracthyr_nod: