War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I hope Kirin Tor will go back in the Alliance and the Sunreavers will go back to the Horde. It could be interessing to get this for the story.


That section can burn in fire.

Eh, it’s just the central pillar on the beach. I hope Dalaran still exists with a hole in the middle, like a magical flying donut.


If you dig around the ruins of Dalaran along the coast there are bits of a lot of Dalaran strewn about alongside the main tower. It reads more like the entire isle was blown up and it had a pretty wide debris field.


It might not be as result of any attack. Khadgar did say ever time they move the city it gets harder and harder. Maybe the arcane energies required to move it actually tore the city apart.

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Possible… if not for the very aptly named “Nerubian Saboteurs” that pop out of the ruins and attack you in the crash landing aftermath. From what we have the Nerubians blew Dalaran up as a mere distraction so the Earthen would look away long enough to ensure the coreway down gets severed.

Which some people still don’t understand lol. I hate the dungeon purely because they’ll go click every crystal before the first wave has spawned. :upside_down_face:

I just hope if they go this route that the Kirin Tor will forever going forward be Alliance. I’m tired of the flip flopping.


I’m not sure the Kirin Tor are even surviving the intro of this expansion. The Tirisgarde seems to partially survive, but who knows about the rest of the Kirin Tor.

I can see Blizzard basically annihilating the Kirin Tor so that other factions can be in the spotlight. It probably wouldn’t make sense for the long term since there’s a decent chance someone later down the road decides to reform the Kirin Tor and rebuild Dalaran somehow, but they do sometimes like to try and make drastic changes in the status quo for some reason or another.

I kind of just have low expectations for any follow up for the Kirin Tor and the destruction of Dalaran, though. It so far is looking like it’s basically just going to be “Dalaran’s destroyed forever! Ah well who cares, Khadgar is dead and we need to avenge him! Also, the rest of the Council of Six are all dead too but no one cares about them LOL.”

Are they really going to be able to properly follow up on the destruction of Dalaran and the possible decimation, dissolution, or annihilation of the Kirin Tor?

So far it’s looking like it’s going to be mostly about Anduin, Alleria, the Bronzebeards, the Earthen, Xal’atath, evil Goblin faction as a diversion in the story, and the Void for the entire expansion, among a bunch of other stuff too like Arathi and Kobolds.

With that much stuff going on already, I’d be shocked if Dalaran’s destruction doesn’t wind up treated like the destruction of the Skyfire in Legion where it’s kind of just “Oh well LOL” and Dalaran is never mentioned again and there’s no follow up on the Kirin Tor for the next 5-6 years or however long it takes for someone to remember that they should probably do something with the Kirin Tor.


The Artifact that Neltharion made used by Xal’atath is apparently called the Dark Heart according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOgHVEQvUvw so we now know what the Proto-Dragon Soul is called and what the Song of the Depths is talking about.

Now we need to know what the Awakening is. Presumably Xal’atath is going to awaken Night who I’m certain is the entity inside the Crystal within Hallowfall.

The word for Light in Draenei is Sha and Xe’ra awoke because of the Tear of Elune which I assume is Lo’sho bestowed upon Mu’sha.

Xal’atath does call Elune an upstart “goddess” suggesting that Elune is rival Moon Goddess. What if Mu’sha is what is inside Hallowfall’s Light Crystal? As for where Mu’sha’s consciousness is: Most likely inside Azshara the Light of Lights.

All of her followers’ eyes will be opened.

Even if Alleria extracts the Void and Turalyon infuses the Goddess of the Golden Moon with Light the true face of the Golden Moon will revive and hijack the Light reviving her children while casting the imposters into the Shadow which will lead to An’she waking up and sending his armies to Azeroth during Midnight.

The Imposters are the good guys by the way so expect to see Good Shadow-aligned entities while evil agents of the True Light continue to cause trouble alongside the Evil Shadow(considering the Evil Shadow came from one of the True Lights getting injured by the Shadow I would question the Evil Shadow being True Shadow).

All my BfA alarm bells are going off.

BfA was MoP 2.0.
SL was WoD 2.0.
DF should be Legion 2.0, and that means TWW is … oh no …


I’m pretty sure the datamined play-by-play confirmed Dalaran’s fall really is as straightforward as Xal springing her spidery saboteurs during the Council of Six’s teleportation ritual, but pinning their stowaway on another rogue element of Dalaran’s Horde pop would be quintessential Blizzard.


I wonder what the Cinematic will be like if Dalaran was Destroyed leaving pieces of the city and bits on the Shore? That’s what I would like to know.

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Just after becoming the next warchief of the horde.

It is laughable how the Legion at full strength couldn’t destroy Dalaran but the Nerubians and Xal’atath have no issues with it.

Because the Legion sees everything as a nail and just tries to hammer everything into submission, which is why they fail so many times.

Xala’tath and the Nerubians used actual stealth tactics and used Dalarans own magic against itself.


The entire Council of Six probably gets killed just prior to the destruction of Dalaran. That, or one or more members of the Council of Six betrays Khadgar and the rest of the Kirin Tor, but I don’t have much faith that they’d really treat the other five members of the Council of Six as anything other than random flat lore-less throwaway characters who just get insta-killed by Xal’atath unceremoniously with no follow up or acknowledgement or anything.

I doubt they’ll even remember that Archmage Karlain has a son.


Superior force should be enough or at least strong magic. I remain unconvinced.

Superior numbers mean absolutely nothing if your just going to haphazardly throw them at a enemy with no strategy

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Nerubians aren’t even a minor antagonist usually and Xal’atath was a Herald not a real void lord. Just admit Blizzard took away the plot armor from Dalaran.