War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I wonder if that makes them a druid or if Blizzard will just establish it as them controlling life magic.

Looking over the link, it looks like Earthen characters are first met with two Earthen known as Aurora and Foreman Uzjax and I have to admit that I do wonder if those will be the playable Earthen faction leaders/ambassadors.

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Sort of wacky to think of the Titans not trusting their constructs enough that they took the time and put in a disobedience fail-safe.


Well, with the existence of the Old Gods’ corruption, it’s not entirely ridiculous for them to predict that an entire facility going rogue means something more sinister than just the associated earthen independently deciding to do things differently.

We’ve seen and dealt with it it ourselves; when an entire titan facility is compromised, it usually means something really bad has happened that needs to be fixed by force, if it can even be fixed at all. After all, how many times have we had to chop and blast our way through the halls of a titan complex where the local machines have malfunctioned and just meander around waiting for something to attack on sight sight, or where things have been subverted by the local Old God prisoner to do its bidding instead?

Having a nearby mechanism to attack the island in the event of the earthen abandoning their mission en masse could amount to the assumption that for such a thing to happen, it must mean whatever is happening under the island has gone as wrong as it can, breached up into Khaz Algar and corrupted the whole lot of them.


well, It is on par with titans to have a big “end everything in case something goes bad” button. Isn’t one of their places just to destroy life on azeroth to start again?

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Here is a fun one to ponder, given there is also a giant crystal the next zone up.


Hope the Zandalari aren’t involved in any of this.

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I think it is one of his finalized models, and that his armor shattered with the crystalized layer for some reason.

He’s probably going to get an additional model at some point, though. The unarmored model is probably just for the post-cutscene and he’ll have another model with armor some time afterwards similar to Kael’thas in the Shadowlands, unless he really is going to go in like John McClane in the original Die Hard later in the expansion.

I hope they’re not deleting yet another voiced emote line from playable Dark Iron Dwarves, though. They have never replaced a single voiced emote line that they deleted, leaving some playable race/gender options with just two /silly lines.

So it’s confirmed Xal’atath infiltrates Dalaran somehow. I wonder if she is in fact infiltrating the Council of Six itself and kills or abducts the other five when she destroys Dalaran. I do think the Kirin Tor itself has to be destroyed or at least severely decimated in order for Dalaran to be truly gone for good.


Here is the The Ringing Deeps Main Story Quest Preview from MMO-Champion.


Still nothing about the Harronir?

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I doubt they are that important. I am glad that Talanji model was indeed just a placeholder so my Zandalari doesn’t have to even pretend to like the alliance now during the plot.

It looks like they’re in the zone with the neurbian city, at the very bottom of Khaz Algar. So we probably won’t see them on the Alpha until after a few more weeks.

Part of why I love the forge of the endless reveal in Mogu’shan vaults. There was no old god corruption or simple malfunctions. It was something akin to the forge of wills (although on a smaller scale) that Highkeeper Ra used to make the Mogu which was later repurposed by Lei Shen to create an infinite army. And given that the Thunder King had recently been resurrected, we had to destroy it before he could seize it again.


IIRC there are some hints already on the Isle of Dorn that the Earthen here already rebelled sometime in the past (might even be the rebels mentioned in the Uldaman book from DF). Not the Unbound stuff, an older more deadly rebellion.

As a result, the Keepers put measures in place to ensure that they can’t do so again. This is potentially why the Earthen have to undergo the mind-wipes which other Titanforged haven’t been seen having to do in other facilities.

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Earthen unlock has been found.

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Nah, no way Dalaran is gone. It’s too good of a story device to just shoot down like that. You sure it’s the whole city? Not just a chunk of it?

From all references it appears they blew Dalaran out of the sky, yeah. The Devs refuse to say HOW it happened, but they are pretty upfront that Xal’atath fried it and we barely escaped with our lives.

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It’s also somewhat suspicious that the Council of Six doesn’t seem to be anywhere to be found so far. I’m fairly convinced that between 70-99% of all of Dalaran’s denizens die in the city’s destruction, unlike what happened with the Burning of Teldrassil where many people were able to be saved before the whole thing completely burned.

I’d be surprised if we don’t get some unexpected betrayals throughout the Worldsoul Saga since one of the big things forces of the Void does is corrupt people and turn them against their allies.


If they plot twist Khadgar into surviving, I hope it’s to do this very idea. He’d be a perfect character for the role, between his canonical power and the parallelisms it would have to Medivh and the Burning Legion.

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The true plot twist is that the only intact section of Dalaran is the Violet Hold and it will be another dungeon at some point in the future. Gotta go for a third version.


I am in. Unlike most other people I liked violet hold especially considering it had “kill entire trash mob” buttons.

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