War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Still waiting on a name for the Horde aligned earthen leader

Neither side has any specific leader thus far, and it seems like it will be a per earthen choice.

The Ringing Deeps zone is out this week. I don’t see a summary of the story anywhere.

super TL;DR of the main Campaign: the High Speaker is in Xal’atath pocket so to speak and is sabotaging stuff and causing issues behind the scene all over the zone then corrupts the Halls of Awakening to corrupt all the sleeping and future Earthen into Skardyn.

We stop him, Magni becomes flesh again in the process, the machine is fixed and new Earthen are now begining to awaken again. speaker Brinthe becomes the new High Speaker and then Adalgon suggests Anduin and the player go to Hallowfall to offer the Arathi aid so we can rebuild relations


Thanks. Do you have a youtube video or something where you got this from?

I thought Magni was gonna be a raid boss for sure after these evil titans stuff lately

In that case I wonder if ambassadors would be appointed to serve as their leaders.

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I watched a streamer named Ishura play through the quests on twitch, so no idea if there’s any youtube videos out on the quests, if you look up her vods it’ll be one of them

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I wonder if people want Magni back as king.

Dude is receiving so many death flags I’m honestly surprised he got his flesh form back.

I doubt he will try to rule again, if he lives, he will probably go home and be a family man.


Dunno why people think he’d want to rule again, thats a plot line thats been resolved since Legion. First thing he said upon waking up was that he had no interest in taking his throne back and he’s acknowledged and approved of Moira and Dagran’s claim to it multiple times over

On that note, fun little quest in the Ringing Deeps you unlock post main story after Magni becomes well, flesh again. Moiras wants your help finding Fearbreaker, Magni’s hammer, which fell into the ringing deeps when Dalaran went down, to give back to him.

I wont go all into the details of the quest, lots of filler fluff stuff, but you learn Fearbreaker is like the Mjolnir of dwarf hammers. Anyone who isnt worthy (or as Moira puts it, if the hammer just doesnt like you) wont be able to keep hold of the hammer, it will constantly slip out of your hand. (Also man Fearbreaker is powerful, that one little hammer created a massive crater crackling with lightning when it fell)

It was a nice character building quest as Moira since Cata always seemed to distance herself from being a Bronzebeard, I noticed she’d always refer to herself as a Dark Iron, but it seems like in these quests she finally accepts that yes she is a Bronzebeard and proud of it, and declares such.

After lots of side stuff, you go to give the Hammer back to Magni who declines and tells Moira that she is a true Bronzebeard through and through and the Hammer is hers now, as it was always meant to be as long as she promises to pass it on to Dagran when it is his time


Someone tweeted a model of deceystallized Magni. I can’t find the origin.


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Ya I posted that a few posts up, Stiven is wowhead’s main dataminer, the model is unfinished though (Hence why it missing clothes and armour) But it’s used in the RInging Deeps once Magni becomes flesh again

We’ll probably see a more finalized version of that model in later builds


Wowhead has an article of Magni’s story.


It is interesting that Azeroth has seemingly forsaken Magni even after he did everything he did to help her in BFA. I wonder if there’s more to this. it just reads like Magni is jealous that Azeroth is talking to everyone but him.


It seems like Azeroth might not of actually been speaking to anyone… there is some stuff hinting the Radiant Song everyone has been hearing is actually the giant Hallowfell Light crystal and Azeroth has actually been silent for many years. Perhaps back as far as whatever damage Zovval did to her in the Shadowlands.

Make sense Magni did not hear it then, given he was Order aligned, Just like Alleria cannot hear it due to being Void aligned.


The Dragon Aspects say that the power that Azeroth gave them is no Titan Magic therefore it could be that the Titan communicating to Magni was another Titan…

The entity of course has to be a Titan as Magni could tell the similarities between the voice speaking to him and Argus so if the entity speaking to Magni was a Titan and if Azeroth as the Aspects state is not a Titan then what Titan could be manipulating Magni to get Azerite for the Heart of Azeroth?

Oh wait: Azshara said “The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn.”

If Azshara was infact a Titan that was ripped out of Azeroth alongside Y’Shaarj and possessed a Night Elf she lured to her than she would have a nature similar to Argus and thus be recognized by Magni as such even if she hides her exact identity and the true reason for her pain(N’Zoth torturing her unless she releases him and after that for betraying him).

The Song of the Deep has the Naga declare that a broken Heart awaits the claiming and wouldn’t you know it but the 10.2.7 Questline involves Telogrus Rift which is implied to be a Titan slain by Sargeras!

Galakrond’s Hunger used to acquire Telogrus’s power delivered into Azshara’s hand turning her into a full-powered Titan would be an interesting event. Her next move would be to acquire Azeroth’s power.

InB4 Azshara is Mu’sha the First Titan and creator of the Naaru(after getting corrupted by the Pantheon of Light while invading their Realm) and the Hallowfall Crystal contains An’she and the legend of the Earthmother ripping her eyes out is just a version of the story of Aman’Thul ripping out Y’Shaarj and Azshara/Mu’sha from the World modified to account for the existence of the Moons(one tied to Elune the True Moon Goddess) and Sun.

I’m sure “the king of diamonds has been made a pawn.” Is finally coming to fruition. Which might lead people to re-evaluate what he did in BFA. He lead the Void right to the Chamber of the Heart by removing the failsafe between all uld stations.

N’zoth was trying to gain access to the Forge of Origination and in the end we used a new dragon soul focusing Iris (The Heart of Azeroth) to blast him with with that power.

Magni has been a pawn since he accepted that diamond crown.

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Only Horde leaders become raid bosses that actually die.

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So LOTS of story stuff datamined here

https:/ /www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/78824-unraveling-the-war-within-story-through-datamining/

(Put a space between the first set of forward slashes cause cant post links)

Random tidbits: Lillian Voss fights with us in the first raid - the combined armada of Alliance and Horde ships arrives lead by Jaina and Thrall .The Earthen as a whole decide to officially abandon the edicts and when they do a giant titan construct comes out of the ocean to attack them. Lots of stuff regarding Alleria, Anduin and Faerin Lothar and helping Anduin rekindle the light. Harronir leader is mentioned and they can seemingly control plants/vines