War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

What does this have to do with anything I just said?

Try sticking to an argument before jumping ship and crying about something completely different, thanks.

You mean the main central theme of the Horde?

Sure, it can be changed.

But would that be the same Horde you wanted?

A big step towards that would also just be dropping the faction conflict altogether. Which, as we’ve seen from your previous brainless meltdowns on the forums, is something you can’t handle.

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The only problem I have with Faerin, is that by being named Lothar, I expect WAY too much of her already. That name gives her a HUGE legacy to live up to. I want to see her as wise, badass, powerful, and intelligent. I want to see Faerin as this champion among champions. I want her to be every bit as legendary as her namesake implies.

It’s a WHOLE LOT of expectation to have for a character we don’t have even one line of dialogue for yet.

I sincerely hope Blizzard didn’t name her, ‘Lothar,’ as a nostalgia nod, and intends to follow through with what that name means. They did so with Hellscream when they gave us Garrosh, they’d better do so now that Faerin has the name Lothar.


I think that’s an issue far too many people run into. They set their expectations soo high that they end up disappointed when the story ends up not matching what they expected.

But I do see where you’re coming from though


Stop marketing one side as the Underdog while the other side gets 100% of the time in grand cinematic shots when we defeat the main villain is what I am saying not to mention its ridiculos how much more land the alliance has in comparison, fertile land that is. Orcs are the main race of the Horde yet Thrall settled them in the most wasted barren land he could find.

I came back to the forum and how things have changed, erevien become as annoying as the NE doom posters.

Incredible how he has the power to derail a topic to be about the " horde".

An american friend told me that mental health in the US is not taken seriously but boy this is nearing madness.


This is meaningless.
The land isn’t real, none of it is real.

Again, narrative themes of the Horde.

You just don’t like the Horde.

If it helps, erevien is German, and sounds like nobody takes mental health seriously


A bad one yes and one that was already old and outdated when the game had the first release.

Not in a game relevant for people who log in to play a good story.

Which is a matter of opinion and not based on anything else

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Just because you like to quest with alliance leaders exclusivley doesn’t mean all people feel this way I am afraid.

If you’re looking for a ‘good’ story in WoW, you’re barking up the wrong tree and always have been.

And also, your delusional ideas of how the Horde ‘ought to be’ only exist in your head.

Then you just don’t like the Horde.

Glad you finally see this.

I don’t care who I’m questing with, long as im having fun


Or we can move forwards literally anything else that is not “All the monsters bad now follow the pretty elves and humans with blod hair to give you your quests okay?” THAT is the absolute state of this game.

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Half of the Elf races are on the Horde.

And part of that is getting rid of the faction conflict.

Which you cry about.

Want to repeat this same conversation again?

Nope it starts with stop pretending only alliance leaders are important enough to always save the world for some evil.

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I tip my hat to you. :cowboy_hat_face:

I know you don’t agree because this would mean its the alliance leaders who would be killed if Blizzard was ever serious to holding them to the same standard as the Horde ones and that is something alliance fans will never accept cuz story priviliges is all they have left.

As I’ve said, they could literally kill every single recognizable character and replace them with new ones and I wouldn’t care.

Honestly, it might even be better for the story for them to do that.

I tip my hat to you. :cowboy_hat_face:

One rage-baiter to another.

It’s a good premise, but I think it’s reasonable after 20 years of gameplay and more than 20 years of in-game time for there to be some progress on that front. I’m not saying the Horde has to be an empire, though, to be clear.

And if she’s all that, you have to wonder why you haven’t heard of her before now.


Some of the datamined “civilian transmog” sets look suspiciously like they’re themed after the Kirin Tor. Not sure if the color schemes and themes are purely coincidental and the sets are just Trading Post items with no lore connection or if the sets are an indication that there will be follow up on the destruction of Dalaran.


I’m still thinking that Dalaran will not be rebuilt this time around, but there’s still the question of what will ultimately come of the Kirin Tor, if the organization survives at all and what they’ll do now that Dalaran is gone for good, if they aren’t entirely wiped out or disbanded.

I’m also wondering if they’re going to remember that Mardigan exists when they presumably kill off Archmage Karlain with the destruction of Dalaran. Mardigan is currently an unremarkable character honestly, but it wouldn’t hurt to develop the character either.

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