War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I am wondering if that is a term for those earthen/dwarves who are chosen as Azeroth’s avatars in the world. So perhaps Magni will be transitioning from Speaker since Azeroth does not need one anymore to Champion.

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Why would we hear stories about a LOST people? It would be like saying, if “if Velen was so great, why didnt we hear about him in Vanilla?”

Kinda hard to have progress when the Horde kept devolving into a genocidal war machine. In any case, this is the very reason the Warchief system was abolished.


Here are the airship customizations.


Red Alliance banners and Blue Horde ones??? SCARILEGE!!! Are we living in the End Times???


Seriously? Again?

Blizzard can’t do more than add four hair colors to player characters every patch, but has the resources to customize mounts? Come on, this is getting ridiculous.


And I’m all in for it. Bring on the End Times Archaon The Everchosen!

On a more serious note though, the airships from the delves do look cool though


Which is why I think it was smart for Blizzard to reveal that Taelia was Bolvars daughter AFTER we had already got to know her.

Unfortunately, dataminers are gonna datamine and WoWhead is gonna clickbait and the reveal was spoiled as soon as the Pride of Kul Tiras questline was released on the BFA Beta.

It is annoying when “promotional” material, whether official or otherwise spoil twists in a story. Looking at you T2 trailer. The whole point of the first act is that you don’t know who is the protector and who is the terminator. But the trailer spoiled that twist.


I mean this mount is the reward for their new semi endgame gameplay of Delves. Of course it will be filled with customization.

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Well thats a hard truth but being serious i got a bit horried with how fanatical he is turning.

I don’t even know how to handle a conversation with him without it become something about rastakan trolls elves or all of the above mixed in a pot of pure old god madness.

Alas things are looking great for the next expansion hope we finally get a story that moves forward and not keep moving in circles like most expansions.


Hi, american… around here it’s seen as a sign of weakness of character to seek such help. I’ve actually had people stop talking to me when they find out I’m doing better because I started seeing a therapist.

I can imagine any culture that values “strength” would see admitting you need help as a sign of weakness.


One of my WoW besties, who I love dearly is doing much better when he started getting the help he needed.

Your mental health and overall well being is soo important. Way more important than someone who will abandon you because you’re doing better. They obviously never cared to begin with


I’m wondering if some of the customization options like the faction decals will be faction-locked. It would be kind of weird if you could fly around with the Alliance symbol as an Orc or the Horde symbol as a Worgen (though it would be kind of funny if you could). I have a feeling the blue and red colors might get faction-locked as well, given that they are the Alliance and Horde color schemes respectively, though I kind of hope they don’t restrict color options to specific factions.

I believe they have stated that they won’t do as many customizable mounts in War Within as they did for Dragonflight. I’m not sure that means they will put more effort in adding new customization options for playable races though.

I refuse to believe it’s that hard to add in new hair styles and player customization via the barbershop. There’s no reason that Kul Tirans, Void Elves and others should be stuck with the handful of options they have.


That’s to say nothing about how the Worgen have hardly any customizations for their actual Worgen form. Mechagnomes have three sets of colors for their limbs, none of which matches any transmog other than their heritage armor at best (and only one set matches, as I don’t think the secondary color sets are available).

We don’t even have confirmation that Paladins, Druids, and Shamans will be unlocked for all races come TWW launch, yet. They should have no business adding customizations for mounts, AGAIN, until at least that much has been finished. I get that customizable mounts are cool, but there should be priorities.


That’s so upsetting that people have stopped being friends with you because of a therapist. I’m glad you’re doing better. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


another friggin mount to collect

well at least we have those warband backgrounds to unlock now

srsly when is player housing or something worth collecting
i got a million mounts already

I think we’re talking about different things.

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I know its too late at this point to change Dal being destroyed, but I hope they do a proper follow up on it and don’t just ignore Dalaran.

Stuff like having the profession quests be about gathering materials for rebuilding Dalaran, a Delve season with Kirin Tor companions where they are looking for ransacked artifacts from the ruins, a mid-tier patch that starts up a basic settlement of them starting to rebuild the city, etc.


You know what Faerin Lothar reminds me of? Finnal Goldensword, daughter of Daelin Proudmoore’s elven mistress in the rpg. I wonder if Anduin Lothar had a similar affair.


Also does this book from Dragonflight describe the Earthen we see in alpha?


One particularly notable variant can be found in the earthen contingent dispatched to investigate the fissure detected in Sector AR-938 (for further details, search records related to geological anomalies).

In the course of their duties, these earthen began to manifest behaviors analogous to those which would one day be apparent in the self-styled dwarves, despite the two groups being separated by vast swaths of time and distance.

In fact, based on their origin dates, I could identify no corollary at all between these populations.

Yet while their behaviors, language, and demeanor show many similarities (for example, assigning Sector AR-938 the colloquial name “Khaz Algar”), physiologically the two groups remain distinct.

These Earthen aren’t flesh?

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Yes… Because Khaz Algar is where TWW takes place (for now anyway).

Where does it say they are? It says that despite having no contact with those who would later become Dwarfs, they have grown a culture similar to them. Going so far as to give colloquial names to Titan facilities. It even mentions how their physiology remain distinct, as in these Earthen are still Earthen.

Which means that Earthen better be able to walk past the “flesh detected” maze of Operation Mechagon without needing to do the stealth part.

Doubtful as these Arathi had no contact with their Eastern Kingdoms kin since they left. Meaning it probably won’t be another Taelia situation where the “long lost child of X” was spirited away to a safe place to avoid certain conflicts.