War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I want a strong Horde, you want a Horde that cowers and bows to the alliance.

Spoken like a true alliance shill that knows their domination over the world will never be challenged by Blizzard.

Damn proud of being a worgen/draenei fan too Erevien. Chew on that for a bit :dracthyr_nod:


Spoken like a true wackadoo. :upside_down_face:


It not surprise me. Wouldn’t it be a thing to take off on one of those airships for a mythic quasi-arthurian holy empire that only Arathorians can safely reach?


Yes, this 100% please. I would love to go on an arthurian adventure. That would be so much fun. It’s exactly the kind of stuff warcraft humans need.


It’s the kind of fun adventure I think we all need really. :dracthyr_nod:

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No, just turning the Horde from a beaten up survivor to a military super power and for that we need populos races and land rich in resources.

Does Highmountain not count? How about Suramar and the surroundings?

But seriously. Highmountain. They even have a dragon aspect who loves them best of all now.


To be fair, and speaking entirely for myself, one of the kinds of stories I personally find interesting is a story that focuses on building. So, to see the Horde go from a ragtag band of misfits into a thriving and prosperous nation where it’s peoples have the luxury to explore philosophy, art, and faith in their own ways, would be an interesting story to tell.

Where Erevien and I differ, is that he wants that Horde empire built on a foundation of blood and conquest, particularly that of the Alliance.


I’m looking forward to seeing more of the kobolds, one of my favorite classic races. From the Art and Narrative Interview with Hirumaredx, we learn that this group of kobolds may represent the zenith of kobold civilization. Many kobold members of the “Knights of the Brown Table” have been datamined, among them Arfur, Gullhead, and Parasol (lol), along with the Green Knight and the Lady of the Lake. This sounds absurd in the best possible way, and I can’t wait to participate in the quest for the holy candle or whatever these noble knights are up to.


You want a Horde with no depth and that forgets it’s roots. You want a Horde that wages war for no reason, that demands blood and acts as an aggressor.

It’s boring. What you want is boring. Stop trying to make the Horde even more boring.


Military superpower :sleeping:

Blood and soil :sleeping:

Need population and resources :sleeping:

Idk how about you tell a compelling story with any Horde character instead.

I just want what the alliance alreaday has. That is not a bad thing. Go figure.

Yes I agree. You want the Alliance in red flavor. That’s all you are.

Factions should be equally strong and have the same amount of screentime in the plot without being killed.

Why? That’s a stupid limitation. Those whole thing of requiring writers to pander this specific amount to this faction, that specific amount to that faction, make sure characters die in equal measure from both sides. Oh, if one faction loses something the other has to lose something of equal value.

God it’s childish. Team sports sucks, makes bad writing, limits creativity. Boring, next.

Because gameplay alone should be fair even without lore reasons behind it.

Asmodians and Elysians have both half of the planet of Aion.

Each pact faction in ESO has 3 zones minues the imperial province which is for world PVP.

SWTOR Empire remains so strong the republic is running out of soldiers cuz the Sith Lords have an easier time sucking their worlds dry of material and soldiers.

Only WOW remains adamant of keeping the unfair power imbalance intact to nothing more so alliance fans can feel entitled as world owners. That is what is going on wrong here.

I prefer strong in different ways.

On this I agree. Blizzard should maintain two faction narratives through every expansion, so each of it’s lore characters and cultures gets time to be not only fleshed out, but to see how each reacts to new cultures and world events.

Every action should have its consequences. That said, character death should not be an every other day occurrence.


You mean like it happened to 90% of all Horde leaders?