War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

It’s very funny to pretend Jaina’s power comes from anything other than protagonist privilege.

Like, if they had intended the Thunder King’s power to be a factor, they’ve had infinite opportunities to highlight that. They don’t.


Jaina’s power comes from a disease.

The “warcraft 3 hero unit disease”.

Many characters have that, Malfurion, Tyrande, Thrall, so on.


“Back in my day, hero units were just buffed up regular units and you would fail the mission if they die. Which would make macro missions annoying as you are expected to use them to fight… but you lose if they do”.


I loved your explanation about Jaina story and how she has grown her power over time but… this last part actually has me a bit worried on why Jaina could not prevent Kadgar death and Dalarans destruction… taking into account all that power?!

Ok, wow this is a problem when writing them in a game story (IMO)… I’m beginning to understand some people issues with this characters as well as the Old W3 characters.

Hmmm, makes me wonder how strong Keal’thas could have been too if the he still be alive… Then again I would not be surprise he master the powers of Death if Jaina has done all this in life, the way he was written to master magic in the past when alive and not written to be crazy!

Anyway now I’m more curious how Dalaran and Kadgars death even happend with such GODS walking among us! lol :sweat_smile:


You don’t like Vol’jin though?

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t actually a great loss for the rest of the Horde lorewise.


The Devs write themselves into corners all the time with powerful characters. He’s another one for you.

Jaina was on the Broken Shore. Why didn’t she just teleport Varian to safety? Or the entire Alliance forces, for that matter?


I can almost guarantee that the current crop of writers either do not remember all of Jaina’s past powerups or are committed to ignoring them when it’s convenient. She has the opposite problem of the Council of Six in that the amount of story focus she gets makes her seem ultra-powerful, to the extent that people ask why she can’t solo every problem in the game. AKA “The Vindicaar Problem.”


It happens while she’s just not around to help? Pretty sure it gets taken out in a surprise attack, and she could just not learn of it until it’s too late.

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So pondering on the Arathi. It seems they have a full blown empire with an emperor, and the ones in Dorn are an expeditionary force sent after their holy emperor has a vision.

Considering where Dorn is, and the paths the expedition could of taken and still be an unknown element in the world…


I imagine the Arathi holy empire would have to be somewhere over here?


Of course the new humans get an entire empire while the Orcs are still reduced to Durotar. Keep the bias Blizzard its really annoying.

Ok, this I can immerse my self in… Sorry I over reacted but like mention when a character is as powerful as Jaina, my mind goes full RPG Dungeon Master and Game Master mode:

“Oh, no… NPC X or Y are getting too powerful in story and players are getting restless about it… its breaking their immersion, need to do something!”

So thanks, I do hope the story breaks it like you said… :sweat_smile:
OOoooOOOooo it could even trigger her trauma of Theramore Isle all over again, this could lead her to get careless or in trouble, the Void can so easily exploit that, she could try to take out Xal’atath by herself being so powerful and could get herself corrupted or worst, killed, etc!
So many ways it can go hmmm or not (I not sure if players want Jaina hugging the screen again)… Now I’m curious how they writers will write this event for Jaina. :thinking:

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Let’s wait and see how the event with Dalaran will happen, but generally it is as has been said before and they just ignore the character’s potential in certain situations, as was the case on the Broken Coast in Legion.


Honestly it’s so strange how someone like you can claim to have so much care and love for the Horde but fail to understand what it’s origin and appeal is.

In WC3 the Horde was a ragtag band, a motley crew of former slaves, exiles, peoples on the brink of extinction. Their journey westward was an unlikely triumph, they succeeded against all odds with the help of everyone they found along the way.

That Horde works best as the underdog, the little guy punching up, the people who thrive when they wouldn’t of been expected to even survive.

Your version of the Horde is boring. You want Orcs to hold a vast swathe of territory and be a dominant force and come out completely on top? Boring.


So, wait…What we’re seeing in Hallowfall isn’t actually the whole of the Arathi? Interesting, very interesting… :thinking:


Yup… So it appears. Makes one wonder about Avaloren again.


I want a faction equally strong to the alliance just like every other MMO with factions does it.

Just like humans and elves do. But its cool as long as your main race does it right?

Yeah, but what you want is garbage and nobody you actually thinks it’s a good idea.

Then you don’t understand the Horde. You don’t even like the Horde. You’re a fraud. You should just go play Alliance, they suit you more.

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Oh, that’s an excellent point! I would bet that is exactly where the rest of the Arathi are. I wonder if Avaloren will be the patch zone for TWW?