War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

The top three certainly are Azshara, Jaina, and Khadgar. That is to say, the top three among the living.

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Medivh and Aegwynn also come to mind. Oh Xavius too since he was the leader of the Highborne.


The most powerful mage in wow is a human orc draenei hybrid.

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Me’Dan ain’t canon until Blizzard says otherwise.

I know.

I just find the idea that someone wrote him hilarious.

I believe the tier rankings mentioned earlier were about story relevance, not power. Obviously members of the Council of Six should be higher than C-tier if it’s about power.


That’s fair.

Hard to agree. They should be powerful but we never really seen them do anything.

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I think it would be cool to have Icecrown Citadel as our capital. After all the Ebon Blade currently hold it, so its in friendly hands.

He is canon, him becoming guardian isn’t. He’s said to be adventuring in the universe, doing important things that will one day come to fruition.

I think he’s going to tie in the cosmology storyline.


Aren’t they the ones who move Dalaran around? Like when it teleported to the Broken Isles?

Blizzard has said his existence is canon. They’re just not using him in WoW.

Group ritual last I checked. Kind of makes them out to be glorified mana batteries more than anything else.

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Sure, but nobody else in the setting has teleported an entire city AFAIK. Closest thing is Jaina teleporting an army, and A, the size has always been vague and B, that was only people and not the entire infrastructure around them. The fact that it took six of them to do it suggests (to me) that it’s a monumental task, not that they’re individually on the weak side.


Jaina froze the ocean, bodied an entire Horde army, flew a boat with laser canons to wreck Lordaeron and soloed the Jailer minions without problems. She is basically a god a this point.


Well, yeah. But that doesn’t prove the Council are weak.

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True, but when weakness or strength is viewed on a scale where at the top is Azshara and at the bottom is an apprentice, the likes of Jaina or Khadgar are sitting at a 9 easily, while the rest of the council, not having been seen to DO anything other than help the others, could be closer to a 3 by comparison.

That’s not to say 3 is, “weak,” just because of a scale, but rather, demonstrates the sheer gap in power and ability. Back in the WC3 era where Antonidas would’ve been a 10, I’m positive most of the Council of Six’s current members would be a 7 or an 8.

See, I think this is just a question of story relevance. If the story were focusing on the Council of Six, we’d see a lot more impressive feats from them. Since the story isn’t focusing on them, we don’t. But the contextual clues suggest that any individual council member should be sitting much higher than a 3 in terms of power.

However, if the Council ran around solving everyone’s problems, that would be a very boring story—it’s bad enough (in terms of not leaving much for the PCs to do) when Jaina does it, but at least she’s been a major character for most of WoW’s lifetime.

In that sense, I think trashing Dalaran, probably killing most of the Council, and probably rendering the Kirin Tor irrelevant going forward is kind of a missed opportunity. As a mage, I’d like to see more mage-relevant stories. (But I’d like some Horde mages in the mix too, please Blizzard! Ideally non-Nightborne mages.)


To analyze Jaina’s power today, it is always important to take into account some events throughout her history.

First, she was exposed to a mana bomb that physically altered her, changing the color of her hair. This could imply some other change not visible to the naked eye, such as increased strength, resistance or greater mastery of magic.

Later, Jaina tasked the Alliance players with using the Staff of Antonidas to absorb the remains of the Thunder King’s power, and after this absorption the staff became known as Storm-Stave of Antonidas, a staff that she uses from then on.

In the book The Last Guardian something called the “law of sympathy” is mentioned. This law describes that individuals have a kind of magical signature that remains on their bodies and on the objects they use, which can be used, for example, to track the original owner of a coin or read letters and manuscripts without actually having to read them.

Based on this, it is also possible to assume that by using that staff, Jaina has access not only to the remains of the Thunder King’s power, but also to parts of Antonidas’ power, since he used that staff before giving it to her as a gift.

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Also forgot her mentorship under Aegwynn, although whether the former Guardian taught her magic is up for debate I believe.

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Unless you can show me any other mage with a similar story and power level it stands out that Jaina can do all of that because she is special. There wasn’t a single Dalaran mage present when the scourge first destroyed it before. So either they gave us an actual explanation of her feats or she is simply favorited by the writers. Sticking together your headcanon on her previous story won’t cut it.

Jaina Proudmoore is a product of her time. WC3 focused on breaking a lot of tropes in literature. For example, our shining golden haired princely knight, Arthas, became the greatest evil ever. By comparison the woman whom should have been his damsel in distress to be saved, Jaina, was a strong independent young woman with a great deal of talent and common sense.

Much of the WC3 cast are fan favorites for breaking ancient molds and exploring interesting concepts.

As for whether or not she’s loved by the writers, that depends on which writers we’re talking about. Most of us got whiplash from her back and forth between peacemonger and warmonger.


Well remembered Aegwynn. In addition to her advising Jaina for some time, she also granted Jaina her last source of magic at the time, her own life force.