War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

I like to imagine Midveh would of done something to yank Khadgar’s spirit to wherever he is.


In a list of datamined scenario objectives, there appears to be a theater troupe in one of the zones putting on plays of historical events. This is one of the plays:

  • Act I: Dorn, Archaedas’ Gift (New) - Celebrate the arrival of Dorn, the earthen’s new watcher!
  • Act II: The Cruelty of Dorn (New) - Dorn is cruel to the earthen! Don’t let his orbs zap you!
  • Act III: Archaedas’ Judgment (New) - Archaedas has given the earthen permission to rebel against Dorn!
  • Finale: The End of Dorn (New) - Drag Dorn to the portal, away from Azeroth forever!

Assuming this simple play more or less reflects the events that happened, there is definitely disagreement among different titan keepers/watchers regarding mortals. At least some, like Archaedas and Tyr, are on our side. Not sure where he was banished, but we may not have seen the last of Dorn.


(dull tone)

yay. :roll_eyes:

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there is a large Amphitheater just outside the capital city so Im gunna hazard a guess that this takes place there


So that is where the isle gets its name. Neat. I wonder if the region was named after the Watcher (or reverse) before it became an island and the name just stuck.


Goodbye mage class order hall. :cry: You were one of my favorites.

Sounds like we have a bug and Void problem. We need to shed a little more Light (pun intended) on the situation.

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I loved the mage class order hall and though I know I can essentially time skip and go to other Dalaran’s to visit it I mourn the loss in the current timeline. I enjoyed bopping over there now and then throughout the past 3 expansions. It felt like home.


All the talk of Meryl Felstorm earlier got me thinking. Meryl would be from Arathor originally, yes? Maybe it’s fitting that he makes an appearance here. Not that I expect that fact to be followed up on, but theoretically he could offer some historical insight about the Arathi that will be showing up. I don’t expect this to be the case, though; I suspect it’s just that the Mage order hall is one of the few that is actually located in Dalaran itself.

I agree 100%. The Draenei (both regular flavor and Lightforged) should be shown to be much more involved in the study and use of the arcane than they generally are, and they should be leading magical studies for the Alliance. They have magic space ships, for crying out loud! For that matter, let the Draenei salvage whatever they can from Dalaran’s rubble and see if they can build something that’s a bit more resilient.


Mordent, Umbric, Ansirem, Karlain, Andromath, Modera, Jaina and before his death Khadgar.

Both normal and Lightforged still have that knowledge. We have Archmage Y’mera among the Lightforged. I’d like to see her build a New Dalaran/New Xenedar or something.


This does make me wonder what our new capital for Last Titan will be. At this point, a rebuilt Dalaran could be it.

Or the earthen capital that’s in northrend. That could also work

D to F tier.

C Tier.

As there’s no general consensus on whether or not Dalaran is even a part of the Alliance, I don’t count these three.

Even if I did? C tier. They’re names with no accomplishments behind them, and no development or importance. Replaceable.

Absolutely an S tier character, unfortunately, decidedly not Alliance and completely neutral.

Are the Horde maegs that much better? For being the magical prestine elven races they barley show up when magic is the major plot point of anything. Blizzard just walks straight back to the Kirin Tor each and every time.

And probably ded, dead as hell.

Also, I find funny that if he dies for real, erevien wont count him as alliance death, despite claiming he is alliance now.

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I’d count Thalyssra as A to B tier, given her introduction, and the role she has played since. She’s a solid B, a shakey A.

Rommath I’d list as a solid B tier, despite seeing nothing from him. He was Kael’thas’ right hand man, and the position of Grand Magister of Quel’Thalas is the sort of title I’d see as equivalent to that of the Head of the Council of Six at least.

Aethas is F tier. Utter trash. Just delete him already.

Astalor Bloodsworn I’d put at C tier, and if we’re generous, B tier. He’s the reason Blood Knights even came to exist in the first place.

Valtrois is another C to B tier character. She had her moments in Legion. A solid, memorable character.

Occuleth I would say is a B tier character. The power of portals (well, telemancy in his case) is pretty damned OP. Like Valtrois, he’s a memorable character.


No that was Pathaleon. He was close yes but not one of the main lieutenants. We killed those in the raid fight.

I am about to fear he is the last Sunreaver alive during TWW. Despite there being many more cooler Sunreavers who allearned their place as heroes unlike that spineless hack without self respect.

Yes he led the team that kidnapped the Naaru to syphon light magic for the Blood Knights.

She might get more love in the next Exploring Azeroth book when they travel the islands.

I agree with you.

She has power and remarkable fanart. The main problem is that she doesn’t show all of her feats when it would matter.

Kael’thas would have been the closest to an S tier mage for the elves if he hadn’t gone overboard twice. A shame.

Where the Horde shines the most is with classes like hunters, rogues and shamans.

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Without a doubt Kael’thas would’ve been an S+ Tier character. Turning him into a loot pinata remains one of the greatest failings of the Burning Crusade expansion.

Anyways, there were a few characters I wanted to mention, but abstained from. Namely, Voren’thal. Given he’s one of the oldest living elves left, and also exceptional at I believe divination, I’d have ranked him at C to B tier.

I didn’t bring him up, because there’s no evidence the Scryers ever rejoined Quel’Thalas, and thus, the Horde.

I also abstained from dead characters, like Lyandra Sunstrider. I think there was potential there, if she hadn’t been introduced undead.

Overall, I’d argue the Horde’s list of mages are slightly above average than the Alliance’s, but that’s LARGELY due to feats to their name which we haven’t seen, and the Nightborne being some of the best part of the Legion expansion.


When we look at mages in general the most noteworthy ones are the humans and Azshara. But the Kirin Tor are neutral at least on paper and Azshara is a bad guy. So no side can say mages would be their iconic class.