War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

He’ll be the main night elf guy in Midnight for sure. Bit conspicuous that he and his magi got new models and a proper faction tag right before this little saga.


Oh yeah, good point.

In the case of TWW, if i had to pick an Alliance mage character, i’d lean toward a Dwarf of some kind or a Gnome. If it was a Human, i’d go with something different than the Kirin Tor. Maybe a surviving member of the old Conjuror’s order from Stormwind.


I have to say the Blizz Art dev team are amazing, they really, LITERALY, transmit the theme and the RPG vibes of the world the story is taking us into…

Oh god, I just want to play this so much… I already catch up to all my other games. However I know it be worth the wait.


Did he? That’s new and interesting.

Heck, if the Council of Six got wiped out, I’d be up for seeing him on a new Council. Just a shame he’s never done anything to really deserve it.

Still, this could be a nice opportunity to make a more diverse Council of Six. Throw Archmage Y’mera on it and you’ve got a Draenei who was studying magic at the height of Eredar Civilization.


Well… at the very least he managed to make Tyrande change her mind on something she was adamant on, which is not something most people can say they have done.

Fun fact. He also has dialog about his contemplation of building a new academy to teach… and then Dalaran blows up and makes a need for that very thing.


I’m not so sure they would completely and thoroughly destroy Dalaran like that just to have it rebuilt at some point. I think they are going to truly leave Dalaran behind forever, and maybe the remnants on the Isle of Dorn will be used to build a memorial for Khadgar and others who died there.

I just don’t think the current narrative teams at Blizzard would do another “rise of Dalaran” story, especially as they’ve already done this before. True, logically Dalaran would be rebuilt again, but maybe this time they decide that the survivors choose not to rebuild out of respect for Khadgar or something, which is absolutely a story direction I can see Blizzard making.

I do wonder if instead of Dalaran getting rebuilt, they do something like have the Exodar get repaired and that is used as the central hub for TLT or something.

I really don’t have anything against Dalaran eventually getting rebuilt, I just don’t think Blizzard is going to allow Dalaran to get rebuilt, whether anyone agrees with that decision or not.

I wonder what happens with the Mage Guild Hall that was located in Dalaran ?

So… the Council of Six are they set up by magic school or how those that work?
Apologies for my ignorance I never really paid much attention on that part of the lore.

Or was there some metric of achievements they need to fill?

Same. Right there with Stormwind on the shelf of boring cities. Its only saving grace is the Wrath nostalgia.

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Skardyn are in the Expansion! Yes!

Also the Deepwater Kobyss are an interesting race! They are practically between the Ankoan and Deep Sea Murlocs in Body!

In otherwords if Blizzard decides to give Ankoan to the Alliance as an Allied Race yet wants an Uglier Race to balance them out they can use the Deepwater Kobyss as the Horde Counterpart without incident and simply say the Horde got the uglier of the 2 similar races!


Or maybe Zovaal draining her life essence for a bit did some serious damage.


feels like they are going all in with the artwork

I dont remember this much in other expansions

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I would imagine that the Wrath and Legion Dalarans are not getting removed. So the class order halls that exist within Dalaran (mage & rogue) are staying.

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Remember how the Aspects recognized Azeroth’s gifted Aspectral power as not being that of the Titans?

Furthermore remember how Azshara called Magni a pawn?

Azshara was the one speaking to Magni in otherwords which means she was in pain as N’Zoth was torturing her until she released him using the Azerite then was subjected to further pain as punishment for siding with Sylvanas!

Azshara thus must be the Titan! Seems removing the Old God Y’Shaarj released the Titan(to possess a Night Elf) while leaving her power source at the World’s Core.

N’Zoth says she is not the last but the first which means Azshara is the First Titan(corrupted by Y’Shaarj). The First Titan is Void Corrupted! Sargeras already found what he was looking for the moment he first set eyes on Azshara!

He must have already been planning to cut open the World Soul to get at it!

My running speculation is the issue is Magni is TOO connected to Azeroth. She is trying not to speak to him because their deep connection means he would be inadvertently harmed.

Everyone else is hearing her yell to them through a wall. Magni is in the same room with a loudspeaker to his ear.


I rather like your theory.

Also magni seems to be less duty driven, and maybe missing the dwarf life.

I hope he gets to fix his relationship with moira and his grandson before his inevitable death.


Unless Azshara was also speaking to Magni as Argus, Eonar and the other Titans, doubtful. Since Magni mentioned that they sounded familiar to him while he was on Argus.

I could also argue that N’zoth was referring to Skyja. She was the last of Sylvanas’ Val’kyr to be named (and killed) and was the first to become a Mawsworn. Hence why she has the title, “The First”.


Didn’t he already do that in the Moira / Magni comic that came out with Legion? They have a heart to heart where Magni admits he failed as a father and is actually proud of the leader Moira had become. Hell in the comic, Moira is venting to her father (while he was still imprisoned in diamond) when he ‘woke up’. So to speak.

The comic is called Fault Lines.


It’s Bastion. No question about it. Khadgar’s dedication to his duty of protecting Azeroth screams Bastion. That is , of course, if he doesn’t go to one of the many many other afterlives we never saw, or gets his own personal one.