War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

There is something really off about azeroth not speaking with magni while others hear a voice.

Almost like he wasn’t hearing azeroth to begin with.


To be clear I recall the mage manga showing that what was/ is keeping Dalaran a float is a giant crystal.

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Or the voice now isn’t really her.

Or it could be that something has changed in her status that fundamentally alters how she communicates. She (and Argus) seemed to reach Magni via visions, impressions and feelings, but now she’s outright talking.

Maybe the Speaker of Azeroth can only functionally hear her when she’s still dormant and “speaking” through her dreams. So if healing Azeroth by the end of BfA allowed her to finally start “waking up,” then it might have changed who can and can’t hear her voice.

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I edited my post to say that I’d even accept an organization of both Horde and Alliance elves to represent their unique magical expertise. With the promise of elven unity in Midnight, it would be a missed opportunity to not follow through with that.

The legacy of the various elves is their connection to magic, whether it be arcane, druidic, light or void.

The important thing is we don’t have thousand year old elves showing deference to Humans.


I mean, the way C-listers become A-listers is by getting screentime and story development…


I think we both know the Blood Knights are going to steal the show in Midnight. It’s supposed to be the Light vs. the Void, after all. A shame, but elves just aren’t allowed to be powerful mages anymore.

Which is a matter of setting them up before they’re needed to take on such roles. That’s something Blizzard doesn’t do. They just stumble from one narrative to the next, running roughshod over the lore in the progress.

I guarantee they’ll come to regret destroying Dalaran and throwing Khadgar away. No doubt they’ll BOTH be back before long.

You can have Meryl Felstorm! Perfect solution! Please, take him!

(Also, don’t forget Archmage Modera—I’d put her a little behind Umbric, maybe a C-?)

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No thanks. How about we banish him to wherever Med’an is?

Modera is Kirin Tor, so neutral, not Alliance.

(Edit): Also, we don’t know the status of the members of the Council of Six. They could all be dead for all we know.

That would work too.

I thought about that, but if she becomes homeless due to the destruction of Dalaran, it would be pretty easy and logical for her to take refuge with the Alliance.

Fair, but despite my half-joking post above, I doubt they’ll kill Kalecgos, for example.

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He quit in Dragonflight. He’s a full time Blue Aspect, no longer a part of the Council of Six.


Huh, I missed that. Guess it makes sense.

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It was one of the many epilogue quests. He realized he was spending too much time in Dalaran and not enough time with his flight, who needed him more than Dalaran did.


Yeah… I am thinking most of Dalaran went boom like that.

More datamined models, which includes a pitlord torso and light undead.


Light undead? Can someone tell Calia? Cause she called it!

Hah. I wouldn’t start celebrating. It’s just as likely that we’re told to kill them for the living Underrathi.


Although not given much focus within the game, in Stormwind we have the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences, an institution of wizards and scholars. There is even a library that is part of this institution, with Mazen Mac’Nadir being explicitly named as one of its members, in addition to Adair Gilroy (librarian) and Acolyte Dellis.

In the WoW RPG, the Tower of Mages itself is mentioned as the Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences. For a long time it was considered the second best school of magic, compared to Dalaran. However, with the destruction of Dalaran in the Third War, the wizards there fled to Stormwind and took up residence in the tower, causing it to be considered the best.

About the Stormwind School of Magic: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Academy_of_Arcane_Arts_and_Sciences``Preformatted text

I think if Blizzard does decide to wipe Dalaran off the map, it already has content about mages in the Alliance to develop, while it can leverage Quel’thalas and Suramar on the Horde side.

Blizzard could even build on this RPG story about Dalaran mages fleeing to Stormwind and joining the wizarding school there, which would give us a better sense of narrative continuity.


Loving all the art so far, it’s all really giving a cool ethereal subterranean vibe. Finally getting to see some Skardyn is neat too!

The “swobolds” are really cracking me up! :laughing:


I’d like to see Mordent Evenshade, the Highborne Mage get some spotlight. He’s been very underutilized.