War Within adding no Druid races?

I know we’ve all been somewhat trained to not expect to be given extra races to be included as playable for druid, but I really expected at least another race or two here…
I genuinely thought we’d be getting at least Dwarf as a race for druid, given how so few races can be the class. What’s everyone’s thoughts here? I can’t be the only one who’s relatively sad that TWW has no real announced plans for us :c


They should focus on fixing the Class tree, Feral tree and half the hero trees first, so people will actually want to play druid in TWW.


Don’t forget the Guardian tree. So much bloat.


Was pretty disappointed in the earthen race when it had no druid option, honestly.

I really thought in the ED patch, we would see 1-2 more races get to be druid, but alas.

While I do agree that the class tree needs changes, just having more race accessibility would be nice.


You realize it is one of the most played classes right?

This was my thought process too. I was really surprised we’re not at least getting Dwarf or Earthen.

I was hoping for another Druid race. At least the other elves like void elf/blood elf could use the same designs.

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I am sick of our current races, I want a few others. I am getting so tired of being stuck with two races (for me) that are druid and tauren

There’s quite a bit of evidence pointing to the Harronir being an Allied Race, and so far the main Harronir in the campaign named Orwenya, can shapeshift into a bat.

Also the Harronir are the mysterious guardians of the roots of Elun’ahir in TWW, which are tied directly to Elune and Eonar.

Also if you didn’t see the Echoes of Azeroth trailer today with Orwenya in it calling roots to her and using nature magic, that could be even more evidence.


I’m really hopeful the new potential race ends up as both playable and druid. I hate that we only get I think 7 races between all factions and half of those are allies races…

I would love to make a Harronir, especially if they can be a druid. I think I remember one or two articles by WoWhead pointing to them being an strong contender as an allied race.


I can only pray to the blizz gods that Harronir becomes a playable race that can also be Druids.
I think the role they play in protecting the roots of Elun’ahir is already awesome, so I can only imagine what else blizz might’ve cooked for them.

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100% Agree. We’ve known since Burning Crusade that Blood Elves can also be druids (Botanica). There’s no reason why Void Elves can’t be one as well. These are two low-hanging fruit races they could knock off. This would basically allow them a 2fer. Create the forms for a blood elf & add a void glow to it for the void elves.

Pandaren & Vulpera are already animal like. A pandaren is already a bear. A vulpera is already a foxlike creature. They shouldn’t have too hard of a path to become a druid. We know so little about Vulpera so it’s easy to add a random island or something where the vulpera there learned drudism.

Dwarves being druids makes sense, especially since Wildhammer clan can be shamans.

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Harronir looks awesome, but unfortunately in the past, there’s plenty of customization for NPCs. We all got fooled and cried. I still want a Harronir, though.

I was pretty mad at Ion’s interview, they didn’t worked on new forms for the old races. I just want to play Druid on Horde so bad, but I can’t stand huge Tauren or hunchback Troll. Ztroll is awesome, but still it’s a Troll. Is it hard to get a non Tauren/troll Druid race?

Join a Horde Guild
Race Change to KT
Equip BigSexy mog.


I love the existing races. Would rather fix a lot of Druid tree issues, add in more customization options like the Solar Astral form for Boomie, etc.

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Flashback to Vanilla/TBC when druids were the least-played class.

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I don’t disagree that we should get more balancing, or better dedicated racial forms for the current races, but I do think even just a single race for TWW isn’t a lot to ask such as Pandaren. I just feel like more options from a multi million dollar company shouldn’t be excluded due to balancing.

TWW forgot Druids exist entirely.

It almost feels this way :c