I didn’t purchase the War Within because I know how Blizzard operates. They’re adding new things to the game to improve it, and that’s good and all. Especially for marketing. However, they’re also adding some frustrating things right off the bat.
I heard they’re adding an affix to mythic + where you need to face incoming orbs(or away from them). So, for an entire dungeon, you need to face towards incoming orbs.
You guys can have faith in them. I definitely don’t.
They’re decent developers and of a low caliber of character human beings with regard to how they run this game.
Was thinking Neriak (the EQ2 version) when I first saw it, but this works equally as well.
Honestly all i’m after is the customizable flying car…and the void tint for it… once I got those I’ll be happy. If they add more options to the worgen race I’d be even happier but…I don’t care about the maps…I just want that flying car. I mean they could be twisted and have it jostle around a bit or make a splat sound if I land on a gnome but I got a feeling that’d upset the gnome community and stain my ride so…probably best they not
It doesnt matter how big the new continent is . the most important thing is how big and fun is the new content coming. i bet theyll introduce more zones with coming patches just like zaralek cavern and forbidden yet then again forbidden reach has been a ghost town(zone)
I havent played EQ2, bit its not far off from Neriak 3rd Gate from EQ1 though
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Dragonflight launched with four zones, so I don’t see the problem? It’s not like they’ve decreased the number of zones from DF to TWW. Though I’m not happy that 3/4 of the zones are underground, cause Zaralek Caverns was my least favorite part of DF.
So don’t play. People make bad investments all the time. If that is how you feel, write off the cost and go somewhere else where you’ll have fun.
3 maps?
There are FOUR ZONES
Isle of dorn is the surface level zone
All of the rest are deep underground.
Fellow Everquester! WHOOOOO! I was there for the Beta of the first one!
I loved Enchanter.
This name I use is the one my mom used for her Half-Elf Bard, I use it as a kind of tribute to my mom.
Makes sense, it is the same city with a bit of a time difference. I never played EQ1 so I missed out on that and had to see it when we found our way back to it in EQ2. Always loved the atmosphere and look of the place though. I love the Nerubian city for the same reason.
Nice, good to see you! I only ever played the second one, but I appreciate the first one and all the lore it gave us.
Enchanter was neat. The idea of being able just to charm a monster from the zone you were in and make it fight for you was something I always thought was neat.
For the topic of the thread. I do not think the map looks bad. In fact, I think it looks fine. 4 zones to start with patches presumably adding more later.
It’s funny you’d say that in a thread about maps, since new zones are usually physically * much * larger than older stuff. But yes, there are fewer dungeons than before.
midnight probably will be in quel’thalas and north of eastern kingdoms, which is good, they need to stop creating random islands and focus on the thousands of maps we already have
since legion we’re receiving only islands
The thread is still young. May get those slaps eventually.
expansions used to have 12 zones
vanilla had 45 or so
why do we even care? half of us just spend most of time in the main city hub signing up for keys and raids and flying over or being summoned rq
Eh the feel about the same to me.
We saw in the Island Expeditions that the ocean is apparently full of random island chains.
Without the Azerite popping up there we just never had much reason to look at them.
Same reason we didn’t go to Kul Tiras or Zandalar despite knowing fully where they were - there just wasn’t anything for us to do there yet.
Hate to break it to you but …
AU Draenor was basically a giant island. Think about it, we go to Draenor and this is when it was whole. yet, THATS all we got? an entire planet with an island the size of the UK? At least Argus’ pitiful land mass we saw was explained by the planet being broken and fragmented
Legion was just an island – and dont even get me started about how out of scale the map shows the Broken Isles to be. (I work in GIS in real life and this has always bothered me, the Broken Isles are supposed to be only slightly larger than Tol Barad). Also does anyone else find it incredibly hard to believe that we have been flying over this zone for how many years on Zepellins but yet we never noticed that giant purple dome?
Dragon Isles are wildly out of scale for how small they are supposed to be. they are also not in the correct place on the map (they were always described as being an small chain just north of where Stratholme is on the map)
We’re kinda outta places to explore in Azeroth which is kinda why I knew we’d be going underground. I’d not be surprised if we went under the sea again either.
And if we really are meant to fight “the void”–I dont see us being on Azeroth much longer either; especially when she’s born.
We can always just go to the other side of the planet, if Blizzard chooses to go that route.