What i don’t get was why it was such a problem that pvpers had their own server. If you’re a pveer, you’re not affected by my choices, where I choose to personally contain myself in a pvp server I chose of my free will.
Yet the mere idea of us having a choice, that doesn’t even affect them, triggers them.
I don’t care much for ganking and griefing but I still played on a PvP server in SoD because some of my friends wanted to and I’ve mostly played on PvP servers since 2004.
PvP servers throughout WoW’s history typically are also the best PvE servers. Many people choose them because they end up being higher pop servers and have better content accessibility. The vast majority of them also became one-sided eventually.
SoD is the first time they’ve tried the faction locking system to try to force faction balance more aggressively. I think over time it would also fail, but it’s a temporary seasonal mode, so it doesn’t have to work long-term.
Then why arent people in warmode?
Why do PvP servers always turn into horribly unbalanced 1 faction dominated servers that are basically PvE eventually?
pvp is dead. Go quietly into the night.
They are balanced. Almost 50/50. Check the data
War Mode gives people the free will to change rulesets when they’re not in the mood to get corpse camped. Why does that affect you if you leave War Mode on at all times because that’s what you prefer? You don’t even know who has it off because you don’t see them anyway.
People who want rule locked servers want to take away people’s free will to change rulesets. They want victims without options. Your PvP servers were populated before by people like me who didn’t really care that much for ganking, but were there anyway because our friends were there. Now we can turn it off when we want to and still play with whoever we want when we want in whichever ruleset we want at the time. War Mode has demonstrated that people prefer one thing over the other despite how populated PvP servers were (though most populated PvP servers were entirely one-sided before they added War Mode and were effectively PvE servers).
The real issues people have with War Mode is that only a tiny minority seem to turn it on anymore, which is not a problem with the mode itself, it’s just a lack of interest from the playerbase. Blizzard if they cared could improve the numbers by adding more PvP content to War Mode. They apparently don’t think there’s enough interest to put in the time or effort.
I’ve heard a lot of people who tried retail war mode and hated it so they choose to play on a classic pvp server instead. That’s what I ended up doing. I want to play modern wow but refuse to play war mode. And I know I’m not the only one
Only because its forced.
People will not naturally balance themselves.
Or apparently play PVP on retail at all.
Specifically, why did you hate it?
They have to balance a ton of things in the game. People will exploit any game mechanic to their advantage if it means winning. Including joining an unbalanced server. It’s a good thing that they introduced these balancing rules. Guilds would put together 60 man raids and steamroll a mythic raid of it was allowed, without boss scaling and rules in place. It applies to everything in the game. If there were not rules and restrictions, everything would be cheesed
But specifically war mode. Why did a lot of people hate it? You including. Specifically.
Why don’t you just put a gun to the game’s head and pull the trigger while you’re at it.
PvP servers were either dead or massively imbalanced for a reason. PvP is not as popular as people like you think it was.
Sharding is terrible. Most people in “war mode just do it for the extra rewards and don’t actually want to be there, and since shards are limited, you have to play with these people. Balancing is just as bad as the old unbalanced pvp servers, maybe even worse at times. If I get camped outside org (this has happened) I can’t even get help from people inside the city WITH war mode on. They will just disappear as soon as they hit the gates to dur.
Also, summoning is a nightmare if I’m in a group with someone war mode off.
If I get invited to a group for a world event, gotta go back to the city and turn war mode off even if I don’t want to. Very inconvenient.
And war mode IS less populated than a pvp server because pvp players don’t like it. I’ve heard from others this same thing.
I’ve even had players disappear out of no where because of war mode. This doesn’t happen with pvp server even if they use layers.
These are just a few things. I don’t wanna type out a list a mile long right now
Its ironic your entire list is basically boiled down to 1 thing
“War mode is bad because no one wants to actually pvp”
“its hard to summon because no one wants to pvp in warmode”
“no one is in warmode to pvp, they are just there for xp bonus”
“when i get invited to groups, they have warmode off because no one wants to pvp”
If you can understand this, why do you think modern PvP locked servers would be successful? Where do you think the people would come from that want it if most of them aren’t using War Mode for PvP now?
War Mode needs more PvP world content to be successful. PvP servers would not be more successful than War Mode. 99% of all PvP servers in WoWs history became heavily one-sided. All the biggest ones were PvE servers in reality because they were 99% one faction.
So why not allow a pvp servers to group up players who want to be there? Y’all can keep war mode in your normal servers if you want it I guess
I have no issue with allowing an isolated PVP server, with its own AH, no cross faction grouping, no cross server grouping.
I am sure all 12 people there will enjoy it.
I’d bet it would be one of the more populated servers in modern wow. I would love to see it happen just to show that it can happen
An isolated server with no cross faction/cross server/no shared AH would be near impossible to play on.
PVP would be its only gameplay. PVE content would be near impossible.
And PVP alone is not enough to keep people interested.
Instead of asking for something that will never happen (a return to locked rulesets outside of classic), people who want WPvP should be asking for improvements to War Mode.
I think they should:
remove all PvE bonuses from War Mode and make it exclusively about PvP.
Add a bunch of dynamic PvP events to draw players into WPvP conflicts for various reasons (similar to Guild Wars 2 dynamic events system, but PvP focused)
IE: add events to take over certain towns temporarily, escort supplies or whatever, destroy towers/outposts and events to rebuild them later etc
You can have a bunch of dynamic events firing where the outcomes also effect what might happen next.
In a game with sharding, each shard would have its own version, but I think there’d be fewer WM shards typically and you could do what most games with sharding like systems do and allow people to see a list of them and queue to get into a specific one (which I think is much better than randomly moving people around automatically, especially for PvP shards).
WM events could also be decent sources for PvP currency.
edit: in addition to new sets of dynamic events, they could also add some big occasional zone-wide events like copy/paste blood moon from SoD for STV into WM.