War mode flying

war mode should disable flying, flying literally killed world pvp


It’s unclear what your complaint is about. Are you annoyed because people are getting away when you try to kill them or because you can’t find them or?

I don’t think flight is normally an issue, but I noticed in the world pvp quest areas that many people would just fly away as soon as you try to engage. It would nice if an area where active pvp quest was occurring disabled flight.

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noobs just mount up and run

What they need to do is just fix the bugs that prevent you from dismounting players. Whirling Surge, for example, doesn’t affect players on steady flight mounts even though it should. It also doesn’t affect druids in any flight form, steady or skyriding, meanwhile they can still Whirling Surge you.

Qalashi Wingshredder also still only works in Dragon Isles and hasn’t been updated for the new zone


The net-o-matic does work on skyriding mounts, but it’s a 100 yard range instead of 300 yards, so it’s not really viable.

Edit: net is also a 3 second cast instead of 1 second. I guess that’s another strike. Hopefully they release a new shredder with the bloody token vendor.


Yeah I currently use Net-o-Matic but as you mentioned yourself, range is only 100 yards and has a long cast. I find that I have to root someone with either Trackers Net or Harpoon first before I can start netting them, otherwise they just fly off before I can finish the cast.

People did this in vanilla lol. It was just a 5min ride back to the nearest town where they would stand by guards and /taunt you.

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People can just fly out of the range and you enter combat so you have to mount up to catch them but it puts you in combat lol


Catch them on the ground. At least you have 2 ways of dismounting them now (whirling surge or the net) though it’s easier said than done.
For a large portion of the game’s life there was no way to get someone off a flying mount.

Flying didn’t kill world pvp. The natural evolution of the game, the player base, and the gaming landscape as a whole has.

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Yes…. Can’t be any clearer than this. This here is the issue. Is war mode, don’t want to get killed? Turn it off. Flying killed wpvp.


I think it could be clearer…

I had a great time camping people at blackrock mountain, but I also had a great time at Halaa and many other objective based world pvp areas. Flying has been in the game for 18 years. Maybe you just don’t like world pvp.

I do wish there was a cooldown on jumping on a flying mount after leaving pvp combat or a reliable wingshredder, but having areas of interest to compete for generates pvp.

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…works on all except for druids. You can’t catch druids on the ground in flight form regardless of Skyriding or Steady Flight.

It’ll just give you an Invalid Target error when trying to use net. You also can’t Whirling Surge them. All because druids are bugged. :melting_face:

Nah, they just need to fix the problems with dismounting players. Personally I love a good chase in War Mode, chasing someone down with dragon riding and then killing them is a thrill. Flying has a risk though (for some classes atleast) where they can die to fall damage.

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I mean attack people when they are on the ground and not mounted, like when fighting a NPC or something.

And I did not know that druids in flight form can’t get knocked out of form with whirling surge. Not sure how I feel about that, since I do main a druid. :smiley: Though seriously should be fixed because it would be OP if not.
I do know the net works on druids in flight form though, but it needs the range increased as you can’t hit anyone with it if they are flying away from you.

It is a lot of fun to chase somebody and try to knock them off their mount though as a bird.

Only if they’re in the air. If theyre touching the ground or if they touch the ground at all while the net is travelling to them (since it has travel time) the effect is negated and won’t work.

Been a bug since Legion when they consolidated the stag/cheetah, aquatic, and flight forms into one, aka Travel Form. Since the Net-o-Matic has a sound cue of when it’s coming towards you, many druids easily just touch the ground real quick to avoid it dismounting them.

Oh yeah I do remember that. I rarely used that in Dragonflight though since I’m usually too high to get to ground in time. My go-to tactic was to shift to moonkin form and use flap, and then once I left combat go back into flight form. Can’t do that now though since Feral no longer has access to moonkin form.

People are not going to give up flying in order to PvP. If you want to completely kill world PvP then sure, disable flying with war mode on. No offense man, but this feels more like a skill issue than anything else. With the burst and CC most classes have these days you can have someone nearly dead in a stun to the point that a dot might kill them as they fly off.

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Yeah there really needs to be a solution to the “flying reduces world PVP” problem. I agree that getting rid of flying is no longer viable with the z-dimension in most zones though.

How about this: netter that is usable while in flight and while moving, but has a 3 sec cast time, and drops both you and your target down to the ground quickly, without causing fall damage.

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We have Whirling Surge. It just needs to work on steady flight mounts and druid flight form and we’ll be golden.

Also nah, fall damage is a must.

Whirling Surge you only have one opportunity to hit your target, and there’s a long effective cooldown.

And why is fall damage a must? I don’t consider the exploits (not in the technical sense) that are possible with some classes (e.g. casting root mid-air as druid and then flying away so the other player gets fall-killed) to be healthy PVP.

There was a point in beta when Whirling Surge didn’t have a cooldown. I don’t understand why it does considering it costs 3 Vigor to use. They need to remove the cooldown on it really.

Because if someone is going to be flying up high thinking they can avoid PvP, there should be some risk to them doing that. Having no fall damage invalidates items/spells that give you a type of slow fall (goblin glider, flexweave underlay, mage slow fall, etc.) or other ways to avoid the damage (Disengage, Shadow Step, Heroic Leap, Blink).

Root mechanics are fine but yes it should put the player in combat as well. Harpoon or Trackers Net for survival hunter put us in combat and we can’t just fly away.

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