Wanting to be hated

It’s not passive aggression. Your words speak for themselves.

Because as a Black man who’s had this conversation way to many times, with well meaning friends who consider themselves very egalitarian and forward thinking when it comes to racial issues, I know the absolute fastest way to get them to disengage is to call them the “R word”.

No matter how many racist talking points they use.

No matter how often they try to suggest that Vodou s actually a religion that promotes the performance of evil actions and then lies about their sources in order to back up the claims.

No matter how much they imply that systemic racism isn’t an issue in the US and insist that implicit bias is an unsubstantiated conspiracy cooked up to enforce thought crimes.

I know that a person can be totally cool with admitting to all that, but will go ballistic the moment anyone actually calls them racist.

Because for them being called racist is apparently the worst thing you can do. Being called racist is ten times worse than actually having to confront one’s talking points, ideas, and systems and how they’re the result of systemic racism.

And what kind of jerk would I be if I called people racist? I mean, that means ALL my other criticisms just fly completely out the window! Because anyone who calls someone racist can’t possibly be using it honestly. We all know that the only people capable of any racism are people waving N*zi flags and wearing klan hoods… and even then…


He certainly fit the bill with his behavior. I’m not sure how that’s racist.

And that’s your problem.

If you can’t see how implying, if not directly stating, “You’re not really black, you’re white pretending to be black for ‘Likes’!” can be seen as racially-biased, then I honestly don’t know what to tell you.


Your words would have merit if you actually sought out well meaning conversation. Unfortunately, my experience with you has been only a game word play. Where you twist my words, present them out of context, trying to drown out the important bits with long essays that you know no one will read, as a means of presenting the opposition in the worst possible light.

You’re not well meaning. At least, I have no reason to believe you are. If you want to try and change my mind, you’re more than welcome too.

I mean, good luck trying to convince me that people actually believe in Thor in 2021, and if they do, good luck trying to convince me not to laugh at them.

Look, just because he got fat in Endgame, that doesn’t make him any less of a Thunder God!

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I’m sorry the issues of racism in America and how it impacts multiple facets of our lives -including popular media- can’t be summed up or resolved in a snippy one liner.

My offer still stands even after all these months. If you’d ever like to actually discuss the topic outside a public forum or simply ask questions to get another point of view, hit me up. Tamani#2391 in Discord.

And I invite anyone else to do so. People have legitimate questions but don’t want to be mistaken for being racist, and that’s okay.


I mean… people do that though. Like, it’s not even uncommon. That’s not racially bias, it’s just a fact of the internet. If someone is going to act like an entitled SJW, Im not just going to take them in their word for anything. Because more often than not, they are full of it.

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Here’s the beauty about religion. Your opinion doesn’t matter unless asked and nobody asked you.

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And if you had framed your comment as, “Well, this happens, could I ask?”, that would be one thing.

Instead, you chose to practically accuse him of it.

Yup, just keep at it. You’re doing so well for yourself already.

Here is the Beauty about Valko. His opinion doesn’t matter.

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Kinda sucks to be accused of something you’re not. No idea what that’s like… /S

Here’s the thing about being accused of being a racist:

You trying to claim you’re not kind of loses merit after you’ve deliberately chosen to make comments that do appear racist…and then proceed to double down when you’re called out on it.

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Like what?

You can’t be this self-absorbed.

How is either those racist?

Now, to be fair. You know exactly how easy it is to link someone else’s twitter or social media account or make a fake one. You can lie about who you are. Which I think was the entire point?


This is the second funniest thing you’ve ever said btw.

I saw Thor Ragnarok which is like their version of the bible so I’m pretty sure I’m well versed on the subject.

See, I could believe that if not for:

As I said: doubling down.

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Just added my characters name to my Twitter bio if that’s an issue :skull:

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