Wanting to be hated

I didn’t mean his smarts were meaningless, just that average person doesn’t care how smart you when you begin to treat them like crap. Probably could’ve worded it better :gift_heart:


Baal and I at least make two. I won’t out anyone else here who doesn’t want to be, but yeah, there’s more than one of us, and this conversation has played it itself out on more than one occasion.

Interestingly enough, with many of the same players.

And you. So again, at least two. I mean even people who would seem in general agree with Baal, like Micah, Zahrwrite, and have stated as much. In addition to
Baal and I make at least 2. And I won’t out the people who like said posts.

It’s got nothing to do with corruption. If you paid me a hundred thousand dollars, I’d definitely stop commenting right now considering what happens when I, Baal, and other people of Afrcan descent speak up on such issues. Yes, there are indeed more than 1 of us.


Where and when? I want a quote. Because I haven’t done so.

There’s a reason everyone finds Aki’s posts humorous.


On that note I will stop posting for two weeks with a simple bi weekly payment of $49.99, cheaper than Tammy :joy: Will post my Zelle or Venmo or Cashapp if anyone of you want to take my offer :skull:


You said it here.

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The weirdest thing about this thread is people pretending like Neopaganism/Heathenry is like a real religion that people really believe that we should all respect and not, like, scientology but invented by a card carrying member of the NSDAP and for slightly less wealthy disaffected white guys.

That’s not calling someone racist. That’s stating that Akiyass was correct in saying that Baal is trigger happy with calling other people racist.

I hope that clears things up for you.

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Yeah. That’s Akiyass accusing Baal of using the term “racist” indiscriminately against anyone who disagrees with them and you agreeing with them.

Or do you think Baal is actually using the term appropriately and in proper context in this conversation?


Only someone completely clueless about both religions would make such a statement(Heathenry and Neopaganism)

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His knowledge of history is basically nonexistent.

At least Baal is upfront about it. Your passive aggressiveness is disgusting.

Maybe you’re not understanding clearly. You said: “that they just see racism in everything, call everyone that disagrees with them racist and only want to feel oppressed.”

I responded: “Said one person did do exactly this to the point where he even painted an entire other group of people racist based on their faith.”

You then responded: “And you” which is you accusing me of painting an entire other group of people racist based on their faith.

So again, quote where I did this. Because I never did.

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Nah Norse Reconstructionism is cool and valid in theory, it just so happens almost all IRL and online spaces have been taken over by white supremacist rhetoric.

Except tiktok and a small bubble of Twitter and reddit.

Tumblr is a Hellscape. Right wingers everywhere. Which you’d think wouldn’t have been the case.

Tammy is the nicest most chill person I know on this forum and I’ve interacted with for years. She has said nothing passive aggressive weirdo.

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Oh yeah, this just reeks of tolerance and acceptance…

I have no intention of accepting being called racist. Whether it be outright or softball.

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Don’t like being racist?

Don’t act racist.

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I haven’t been.

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So, you didn’t imply that he was a white person pretending to be black to gain sympathy?


It’s racist to acknowledge there are white people online wearing digital blackface?

Because that’s a thing that happens.

Oh, you mean when you said

This isn’t “acknowledging that it happens.”

This is specifically implying that Baal is doing it.