Wanting to be hated

Yes but she’s now saying troll Voodoo is accurate but it also isn’t lmao it’s a representation like Stormwind


No, it’s not, but as I said, you say you find yourself underrepresented and European-inspired culture is overrepresented, I respond to your argument, but I say again, ultimately it may feel that way, but neither is STURMWIND Europe, nor Zandalar Africa/South America.

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Yeah, it’s not exactly a significant interest for me. I am just trying to offer an example.

Regardless, I do not feel represented by Stormwind. I do not feel Stormwind is a significant or satisfying representation of European culture. Just because I think that doesn’t make me a racist. Just because I practice Heathenism doesn’t make me a racist. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t make me a racist.

You just come off as a bigot.


This isn’t my alt either. Though I am being suppressed by Blizzard. I’m actually level 52. But this is my main as I’m not playing retail and only recently got into Classic a few weeks ago.

It’s what happens when all people do is see racism in everything they interact with.


Telling someone “You’re lying about your experiences with racism and are probably also lying about your ethnicity because your experiences don’t line up with my highly whitewashed perception of European culture” is a cool non-racist thing to do.


Valko, i life there, i life in Germany, i travelled around many countrys in European, beliefe me, if someone would do that, it would be a scandal, especially in german.


I’m still waiting for a response to my offer for selfie verification and 2013 Paris selfies verification :pensive::skull::joy:

Baal, you’re wasting your time arguing with white (and ideologically white) people who don’t have an understanding of the theoretical frameworks and sociopolitical contexts/worldviews you’re drawing from as a decolonial Global South thinker.

I repeatedly get a brain aneurysm reading Akiyass’ posts in threads like this. I’ve also lost a lot of respect for Micah reading their posts here and will be wary of them in the future. I wish you’d stop feeding them. I know the OP baited you by misrepresenting your arguments and their projection of personal baggage onto you, but as a form self-care, you don’t have to prove anything to these folks.


Whether you personally feel represented has zero bearing on the material genealogy that it is in fact a watered down derivative of Europe ie a representation of Europe (because all representation are reductions)

Oh yeah I’m dubbing out, on a flight to go take care of my grandparents rn, gonna watch crunchy roll and work on my An’she idea in the thread I made last night

Would you like some more tea perhaps, it must be very lonely on the high horse.


I believe you but to be entirely honest, that you would express shock at the concept of a European being very racist to a so-called “gypsy” makes me not really put much stock in your perceptions.


Your stock isn’t worth that much.


It’s more about the fact that just in Germany it is very hypersensitized, a host may not even throw you out just like that, remove must then a policeman with the request to go, the host may then give you “hausverbot”. Just like that, he , the hostis not allowed to do it alone at all, that is to prevent the unpleasant history around the second world war.


Works the other way too, when someone accuses someone else of being a racist based on their religion or a difference of opinion, it’s hard to take them serious.


Injecting my $0.02.

My spouse made a wonderful grapefruit curd which we mixed into freshly made whipped cream (this making grapefruit cream). We then made a pavlova wreath with a trench and filled it with the grapefruit cream and topped it with fresh berries.

It was amazing. And it’s gone. Didn’t last 12 hours. :drooling_face:



Sorry I forgot you only listen to the counsel of Odin or the Guardians of the Galaxy or whoever.

This is the most valuable post in this entire 1250 post thread.

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It isn’t a coincidence that the people who often post about wanting their in-game race to be independent with no outside influence also tends to spout white supremacy ideals on their social media platforms.


Sounds good. After my Acid Reflux finally sent me to the hospital late last year, I’ve had to cut a lot of sour, spicy, and fatty things out of my diet. I eat pickles, tomatoes, ham, and onions far less, and have more or less completely cut out all citrus.

Touching lightly on some of the subjects of the few hundred posts of this thread (because they are thorny) I’d wager that strictly speaking there is no such thing as Generic ‘Universal’ Fantasy- human cultures are just too varied. I would definitely classify Stormwind as a product of Generic ‘Western Medieval’ Fantasy; a rather Disneyfied one though, that has gotten even more idealized as time went on. Since Cataclysm, has there even been any quests that deal with rooting out corrupt nobles or any sort of internalized inherent-in-the-system problem? Not just people corrupted by outside forces like Old Gods?