Wanting to be hated

I literally have even lived in Paris for the better part of a year and live in Colombia lmao

I’m a thicc brown guy with curly hair and a strong beard, thick eye brows, and almond shaped eyes. I get confused for dozens of things all the time when I travel lmao when I went to Morocco everyone assumed I was a local at first, my Pakistani friends insisted I must be part Desi, etc.

If he stops elevating his own cultural suffering and downplaying that of other civilizations and cultures, so be it.


I’m not the one insisting European Derived fantasy motifs are “Generic Universal Fantasy”

Mhm, I am sure… /S

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re some white American kid.

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My Twitter was linked earlier, by all means verify my selfies and post history going back to when I lived there in 2013.

A coward hiding behind alts I am not.

Huh? What has the one now to do with the other, I strictly separate discussions, and had un already often problems to follow your thread of argument seemingly. To understand it correctly, it is about the arguments of Aky, I think, but what does that have to do with our Rl-historical argumentation before, which was about that just more cultures have suffered? i entered the Discussion because the RL-History-Diskussion went wrong, not because the arguing between you and aki.

Nope she stated earlier today Stormwind is Generic Fantasy and not European at all, whereas Dazaralor is very clearly Africa and South Amerindigenous.

Honestly, I have been all over the world. I actually was just in Colombia last year on business. Considering that Europe is sickeningly progressive, and you have been in here calling people racist for basically nothing… I simply think you are full of it.

And if you are going to be full of it on that, then you could be full of it on literally anything else you say.

I’ll do a 2 for one special, I’ll let you enter my private Instagram account for selfie verification :joy::joy::joy:

Since I just feel addressed here, I’m not hiding behind an alt, I just don’t have another American acc, my accs are all European :wink:

Because stormwind is generic fantasy, due to the fact that it doesn’t represent anything remotely european due to how watered down the influences are.

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Yet still is a European derivative and what yall are calling generic is rooted in European themes, if watered down.

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This thread is wilding out rn


IIRC, the argument was more along the lines of other people trying to use discrimination against their ancestors as a way to downplay/dismiss the experiences of people experiencing discriminations in the here and now as, “Well people are just jerks. Whatcha gonna do? Why even bring it up?”


Good for you, so you want to verify my selfies or not since you accused me of being a white US kid who never went to Europe?

Not really. Castles and Knights aren’t just a european thing and no castles in real life look Stormwind.

funfact, stormwind is even the most uninteresting “reincarnation” of europes past, i mean, no political drama, no vassalage battles, nothing that actually European history has never lacked.


Again, I am hesitant to call a hallowed out derivative representation. Again, it would be like if all the rituals and bargaining was removed from Loa worship in Troll culture. Like, it removes almost everything that makes it culturally significant…


You have a horribly incorrect idea of how Voodoo works in real life.


Well, Zandalar was made with a lot of love in my eyes, you must not forget with all the criticism, zandalar is not reality, it has connections with certain cultures, but is also not supposed to be reality.

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