Wanting to be hated

Thai “knights” equipped and armored themselves very differently than stormwind knights. Dual weilding daab swords, riding battle elephants etc.

Its really stretching things to compare them to stormwind’s cultural inspirations.


If anything, this sounds more comparable to Orc Raiders and Kodo Riders.

Or at least Draeni (who also have some Orientalist motifs)

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I am a heathen, but not a fascist.


That is what happened.

It was actually encased in ice, not trapped within stone. The fact as well that Frostmourn is essentially the exact opposite of Excalibur. I will also point out that the premise of a main character seeking out a mcguffin of divine right is pretty common across many cultures. That object being a sword is is common because the sword has been a powerful symbol throughout time.

Stormwind knight don’t resemble any knights from European history. They wear psudo Corinthian helmets, and armor in Warcraft is nonsensical.

Could be!

Really all I’m saying is that even though european knights and คนขี่ช้างโบราณ are technically both “armored, mounted soldiers” its pretty clear which more closely resembles the kingdom of stormwind aesthetically.

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I’m well aware of how the story went.

Why, because it doomed Lordaeron instead of saving it? Amazing! It’s like they changed the central facet of the original storyline to craft a whole new narrative!

Like I said, not rocket science—storytelling. Your issue is that you’re being too literal here with your understanding.

Well, yeah…Joseph Campbell literally wrote a formula on it, maybe you’ve heard of it? “The Hero’s Journey”?

Except, again:

  1. Sword is stuck in a substance (stone, ice) that makes it unattainable to everyone except the main character
  2. Main character + sword = fundamental change in kingdom
  3. The obviously-deliberate naming of said character: Arthas.
  4. Uther the Lightbringer = Uther Pendragon, King Arthur’s father.

Not. Rocket. Science.

Story. Telling.

Riiiiight. Getting big Asatru dedicated to Odin vibes now :skull:

Literally not worth it

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I think I see what you did there.


Out of sheer morbid curiosity, what exactly is the problem with heathens or whatever she claims to be?

A lot of Fascists gaining power in the US and Europe believe all White people should return to Paganism because Christianity is “Semitic” and “Middle Eastern”, thus not Euro. Ethnic Purity revival and all that.

Like that guy in the fur hat in the Capitol last week with the Norse tattoos. He’s a big leader in the Fascist Heathen community.

Apparently not.

So are you saying The Hero’s Journey is European culture?

Which is a reoccurring theme outside of Authurian Legend.

Another reoccurring theme outside Arthurian Legend.

The name Arthas has many origins, outside of Warcraft. Greek, Egyptian, and Indonesian to name a few.

You know what. Fair point.

Still, I think saying Stormwind in European representation is a stretch. i feel anything that would make it satisfying representation has already been stripped away by the overarching generic fantasy that precedes it.

I follow the faith because it is my heritage and it offered spiritual guidance to me in a time when I needed it. I could care less what people’s skin color is.

If non-white people want to follow the faith, I am all for it.

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It’s literally the conglomerate of White Anglo Saxon Protestant imaginations of Medieval Europe.

You, being a Germanic who practices Paganism in Hispanic White Arizona are in the periphery of that cultural center.

I would expect you to relate more to the Drust than to Stormwind, but both are still Europe Representations.

I relate mostly to Night Elves, as they have the most Norse influence that is actually meaningful.

Again, I don’t think Stormwind in European representation because it’s overshadowed by the genetic fantasy that precedes it, and nothing important or meaningful is present.


Fair enough. But to suggest all pagans/heathens have that mentality is bit disingenuous don’t you think?

Ok, so this really is just ignorant.

I’m saying it’s a common theme in fantasy storytelling.

Which you’d know if you weren’t so obsessed with, “OMG is this European culture or not?”

Well, when someone claims that something is European Representation, I think it is important if that thing is actually European.

Except that this isn’t a case of there being no supporting evidence.

This is a case where you have been presented with example after example, and your go-to response has been, “Eh, I’m not convinced.”

Like, I could point out (which I did in another thread) about how you can make the argument that, in The Last Guardian:

  • Medivh = Merlin
  • King Llane = King Arthur
  • Anduin Lothar = Lancelot

and I can already guess what your response would be.


Nothing in Stormwind is Generic Fantasy to me lmao

For sure but “European Cultural Genocide by Middle Eastern Origin Christianity” is a dog whistle, for me

You’re insisting it isn’t European Representation because it isn’t your specific variation of Europe.

That’s literally like me saying Tauren and Trolls aren’t Amerindigenous Representations because they don’t have any aspects of my specific Tribe in Colombia lmao


Right, Stormwind can’t possibly be European because it’s not based on France!

It’s based off of jolly old England!

Which isn’t “really” European! :point_up: :smiley:

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