Wanting to be hated

Inb4 that one NEFPA 3 days ago who said Greece isn’t Europe


To be fair, to a lot a lot people, Britain is Europe. Most couldn’t find Ireland or France on a map if you big bright stickies all over the place, so I get where she’s coming from

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Inb4 that one NEFPA 3 days ago who said “Industrialized English City” isn’t an accurate reflection of Victorian Britain.

That’s my point; whether it’s Arthurian legend or Lord of the Rings, England/Britain is pretty much the go-to image of medieval Europe for fantasy purposes.


Wait someone actually said that?

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Because, as I stated in my long essay she didn’t read, WoW is a phantasm of US-centric imaginations of Western society, specifically Alliance as West and Horde as Rest.

US being a WASP majority country. Emphasis on the “ASP” bit.


They basically said that “Gilneas having horse-drawn carriages, independence and industry, top hats and British accents doesn’t prove it’s based off of England during the Victorian Era.”

Which…I mean, what more do you need? An in-game reference to Charles Dickens?


I have not found your examples convincing… Except the name origin of Uther. Which I already said is completely fair.

Everything else can easily be done with any number of Legends from around the world. Again, my reluctance to call Stormwind “European Representation” is the sheer lack of anything meaningful from European culture.

Generic Fantasy is what it is. You being you doesn’t change that. Just because you see something as “European” doesn’t make it so, and makes you just ignorant.

Unfortunately, to many people make it about race. Yeah, Christianity is a faith that originated from the Middle East. However, most of the Genocide was committed by European Converts. White Christians genocided White Pagans, at least most of the time. Making it about race is stupid.

No, I am saying it is not European because it has been so far removed from anything that is significant and meaningful of European culture. It barely represented Europe Aesthetically.

How so?

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Okay, I get where your argument is coming from. I also understand where she’s coming from too.

Ah, found it…and guess who our lucky guest was:


I mean, I’m no expert on history or European culture, but how can someone make such an ignorant statement?

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No it isn’t! Generic fantasy as you’re imagining it is literally Euro centric !

Do you think Indigenous Andeans had stone castles with suits of metal armor riding horses?!?!???


Because she’s dumb as hell and being intentionally obtuse because white Neopagan with racist tendencies lmao


No, but they did build stunning and beautiful cities like Machu Picchu and the Incan stone palaces at Cuzsco. But I get what your saying

Alright, fair enough :gift_heart: :pancakes:

Nobody rode llamas into battle :sob::sob::sob:

None of which even remotely resemble Stormwind City.

If anything, Mac’aree and several other draenei (read: Indian) architectures are a far closer comparison.


One would hope not. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I know, guess I was pointing out that they were just as smart and capable as Europeans were when it comes to building long standing cities and structures. It’s clearly nothing like Stormwind, you would have to be an idiot to think it did :gift_heart:

No, but they (Vulpins) do send caravan carriages drawn by llamas charging into battle! :point_up::smiley:

And that’s a good point to make in a game where so many different cultures are incorporated: that not everything has to be human-centric (read: White Anglo/Euro-centric).

Honestly, some of my favorite architecture in-game comes from the blood elves, and they’re not even based off of Europeans (more Ottoman Turks, as pointed out by our friend Baal here).