Wanting to be hated

Damn it, I’m hungry and now I want some cinnamon rolls lol

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The option presented wasn’t battletags, but peoples’ real IDs associated with their accounts. They were basically promoting the notion of paving the way to doxing their entire playerbase (if account info was truthful).



There was a time when blizz wanted to turn their games into a social network, shortly after they connected SC2 and WoW via updated battle.net platform. Legend says, that the outcome was that they did announce this feature, had a dev volunteer to do it. That dev had pizza show up at his house like, a few hours later (from a forum poster) and they canned the idea as a privacy problem

But it was a decade ago and my english at the time was even worse than it is now. So, I might miss(-interpret) some details.

gl hf

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I heard that after a blue put his name out there to try to show that everything’s fine, people looked up the school that his children attended, because of course the internet did that.


I heard as soon as someone posted their info, the Horde invaded their home and ransacked the pantry. They claimed it was due to starving people, but we all know it was because they’re savages.


I heard that once the dev posted their account, he had his crops burned, water supply poisoned, and a plague was delivered onto their houses.


Crowd- “They DID?!”


Just Breakfast?

I hear that.

Riiiiight and then they switched the interface to use battle tags and removed Facebook connectivity I think?

But yeah battle tag forums would be better, and would curb the NEFPA plague.

Did not have the time to read every post in the topic so not sure of this has been addressed, but it’s less that Blizzard gave no reason for the Horde to hate the Alliance and more all the reasons that the Horde did have either got walked back, white washed, shoved into the mouths of characters who were then killed off as villains, or were straight up glossed over as less important than some horrible thing the story made the Horde do shortly afterwards.

There’s enough static between the factions for their to be a continued faction war and the ‘shaken peace’ period of WoW’s story has always been the part that felt strange (to me) as opposed to the more characteristic ‘we don’t like each other, and we will go back to fighting each other as soon as we deal with this other guy who is a bigger threat at the moment’.

I think balancing the faction war would be a better approach than getting rid of it altogether, but part of balancing it means that we need to stop with making characters genocidal monsters and racist jerks and instead move toward the gaining and loss of territory (for both factions) without all the attached drama.


If anything, they could tie forum use to Bnet accounts and assign first time posters a trpcode tied to their Bnet account. Every character posted under that Bnet account would have a separate tripcode.

Because at the moment, every single alt is treated as an entirely different system by the game. I name changed Tammy here a while back, and all privileges got reset to 0.

Of course, that wouldn’t do anything about people who set up multiple Bnet accounts, and trolls gonna troll.

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That would require unprecedented trolling dedication :skull:

Nope you’re wrong, ahistorical, and ignorant. Sucks to suck.

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Except I’m not. The frequency in which you resort to petty insults, and your complete inability to recognize what is or isn’t European, reveals your lack of education.

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I literally copy pasted a 3 page excerpt summary of what was a 60 page essay analyzing World of Warcraft though a combination of epistemological and in-game ethnographic genealogy.

You literally did not respond to it and I doubt you read it.

Because as you stated before, you don’t read sociology or cultural theory, because you think it’s not worth your time.

Ergo your being ahistorical and ignorant.

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…so, comparing Stormwind and Lordaeron to classical, old-world Arthurian legend and Lord of the Rings is “ignorant and racist”?

Um, what?

The inspiration really couldn’t be more obvious than if Arthas managed to find a magical sword stuck in a rock somewhere.

Oh, wait…


When did I say that?

You know, the frequency in which you claim I said things I never said also reveals your lack of education.

It is either you have abysmal reading comprehension, or, you think you can earn some forum mob points misrepresenting me. Neither of which is a good look.

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It’s funny because Arthas picking up Frostmourn really has nothing to do with Authurian Legend. “There is a magic sword, must be European.”

And a side note, the Sword in the Stone myth was the Christianization of the original story, as the Lady of the Lake deemed a Pagan symbol.

While Christianity would become well integrated into European culture, it should be noted that Christianity originated from the Middle East, and Christians spread their faith to the Pagans via violent conquest. The Sword in the Stone rewrite of Authurian legend is almost a perfect example of cultural European genocide.

Not that has anything to do with Warcraft though. As the presence of Castles and Knights were present in central and middle Asia, as well as North Africa… Even as far east as Thailand.

Oh you’re a Neopagan Fascist, that explains so much lmao

“European Cultural Genocide from the middle eastern religion”

Presumably you also think White Genocide is real? :skull:

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Right, the name “Arthas” is obviously just a coincidence, then.

Correction: there is a magic sword trapped within a magical stone that the main character actively seeks as the salvation for his kingdom.

This isn’t rocket science; it’s basic story-telling.