Wanting to be hated

  1. Pancakes are awesome
  2. See above
  3. Posts require 10 characters but sometimes I make posts with fewer and the emoji allows me to post it.
  4. Makes it easier to find my posts when scrolling through a thread.
  5. See 1 and 2



And besides, who hates pancakes? Because if someone hates pancakes, than we can’t be friends :gift_heart:


I am partial to waffles, but I do not reject pancakes.


waffles are heresy!

But do you like French toast?

And is it so good that you want to eat a mouthful?

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Sorry team pancakes and waffles, French toast is just on another level.

(Waffles > Pancakes. Sorry not sorry)

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Long as you use real maple syrup, and not that sugar junk they call syrup than we can get along :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Like pancakes, I also eat french toast dry.

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Pancakes > Waffles > French Toast > crepes


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Bread with jam spread on it! Everything else is rare. But sticking pancakes in jam is nice.

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Someone who understands the beauty of breakfast :gift_heart: :pancakes:


but delicious herecy


gl hf


No, I am not. I pointed out how if something is worshiped in Warcraft then it gives preferential treatment to its worshipers.

Malfurion is the reason Blood Elves exist at all right now, given that he couldn’t bring himself to hold up his own law of executing so many of the Highborne and just banished them instead.

This isn’t even the longest of the threads I’ve started.

I wouldn’t say that, not even in game. When the Night Elf military returned for the Darkshore Warfront it was the Alliance who got the canon win, and there is even an in-game quest and cutscene to confirm it, though Blizzard took way too long to make those accessible.

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I’m not so sanguine. From what we’ve seen or rather haven’t seen, technological civilizations don’t have a long enough shelf life to become starfaring ones. The very thing that makes them world builders and conquerors seems to be the seeds of their self destruction.

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Pancakes are just less sophisticated, less powerful waffles.


You could have the alliance leaders start doing things like kneeling during the Alliance theme song. That will immediately cause half of everyone to hate them. Or have the humans riot and burn down stormwind as a way of protesting the racism of the dwarves as they look on from ironforge and try to figure out how burning down stormwind will make the dwarves safe in ironforge change their minds about anything.

Pulling from the real world themes that already engender a lot of anger is a surefire way to make the alliance interesting again.


Oof. Got me in the feels with that TB video. I first watched him when I was 16 and he was covering the Cataclysm beta and his Shoutcraft series got me into SC. I watched his playthrough of the goblin starting zone while at a hotel for my grandmother’s funeral and it helped distract me. He’ll always mean something to me.

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I’m clearly a flip-flopper but that image reminded me… cinnamon rolls with the icing and pecans …

Oof. I can’t even. Just amazing.


Its true, I have in fact eaten chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.

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