Wanting to be hated

That’s what I figured.

Which was what number/ percentage/ fraction of the population?

I’m not holding my breath for an actual canon number.


If that’s the way you feel - I honestly don’t have much else to say.

I can’t tell you not to feel that way or that somehow you’re wrong to feel that. Darnassus was burnt down. Some amount of folks survived - who knows - but the city was destroyed.

For me personally - that’s more motivation to PvP. I love fighting the Alliance precisely because of the hardships they have inflicted on me. It’s easy for me to see Daelin Proudmoore, hear Varian refer to us as abominations, and watch the Night Elves abuse and mistreat Illidan as he saves us all, just because he grew horns and wings. Then I get to see them do it over and over again - trying to lecture us noble savages on the proper way to spit shine their boots - all the while having the narrative force feed me all the reasons the Alliance is everything pure and right and I’m evil for being different. And I’m not even a hardcore PvP player.

Plus I’m a warlock in this game. I’ve played alliance and horde and honestly - generally my class is reviled. I accept that you’ll find dozens of pure evil versions of my class but good luck finding a competent A-list role model.

Being mistreated is par for the course for me. It makes me savor killing more.

More then the 1000 that is canonically saved via the quest. It’s literally the only canon number that was saved.
So unless your argument is that those 1000 comprised most of the Night Elf Population, you have agree that more then that died.

Like we’re all waiting for the canon number of Trolls supposedly killed by the Night Elves?

Daelin was defeated, he didn’t destroy your home or your entire military. He didn’t definitively win against you, it was rather the opposite. He didn’t take everything you had. Your experience is different from mine in that way - and mine came on the heels of eight years of humiliation trending in that direction.

Yes, I get it, dying elves is a trope that fantasy writers love, but it’s not one that I want to play a video game on the receiving end of. So again, convince me to feel good about playing this game.

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Honestly, like I said, don’t play then. If the story upsets you that much, uninstall it. It seems healthier.

Personally, I see internment camps and bigots and I want to strike back harder. That might not be you. That’s fine though - I’m really not an emotionally healthy person.

I mean this in the most sincere way possible - if this is depressing you this much, unsubscribe. Don’t let a dumb storyline have that hold on you and don’t let it bring you down. It’s not worth it. If enough folks do, blizzard might change. Or maybe not. Either way though, your own mental health and happiness are far more important.


Except, those 1000 weren’t saved during your quest.

There are no canon numbers on how many were saved from the Burning. That’s why you and others have been unable to provide them.

No, my argument is that comments like this :point_down:

And this :point_down:

are silly and only rooted in emotion and not the canon.

Strawman. Find a post of mine making ANY claim about numbers of trolls killed by Night Elves.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Still looking?

Well, it’s going to be a while because I’ve made no such claim.

YOUR claim, however,

You’ve been unable to back up.

Taking it a step further. Which allied race has gotten as much or more screen time this expansion than the Night Elves?



As I’ve stated elsewhere - I did unsubscribe. I’m here for a month because I want to alter the conversation. I’m the voice of the lost consumer - and while I’d like to see Blizzard improve, things aren’t good enough for me to return to the game yet.

As for it “bringing me down” - don’t worry about me. My life is great. But I still want this franchise to be better - and that’s why I ask questions like why I, as a Night Elf fan, would ever want to subscribe again to this game - because if you can’t answer that to my satisfaction, and it appears that you can’t, then it reveals a significant issue that requires attention.


its so easy to forget the house of nobles exist

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See what I mean?

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I would like you to go back in this thread, and show me when I said any of that.

Because all I have said, really, has been that just because inspiration was drawn from a real world culture for the sake of fiction, doesn’t mean that work of fiction is representation of that culture.

For example, Stormwind isn’t European representation. It is watered down, generic fantasy, that doesn’t represent anything uniquely European. To even say so is ignorant and racist, and likely from the mouth of someone who has never been to Europe, or knows anything about European culture.

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Late to the discussion, but you’re right, feelings do matter in a game like Warcraft. I, like you, am very passionate about my favorite race. I get the whole Fact’s don’t care your feelings schtick, but to say it doesn’t matter at all is wrong.

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And IMO you likely won’t see, because there is no quick and cheap solution to the thing. It’s either a “reset” of some sort like what happened between Warcraft 3 and WoW, or a long and grindy process of carefully examining of what actually happened in the story, and how it would ripple over the events and characters, IMO.

But there are different ways of doing so, although without knowing the end goal of the dev team it’s hard to think about what would fit the expected narrative and could do it in a way that does not defy logic and previous events.

Random idea (no in-depth thinking, no testing, gathering feedback, or iteration over it, just the 1st thing that came to my mind): make a decision of should the factions be on the equal level (no underdog story then), or embrace that the races of the alliance just strictly stronger (thousands of years of knowledge, experience, technology in some cases, etc.).

In the first case, IMO it would require lifting a horde character or 2 to a stronger level (power-wise), and explain what would happen that would demand significant part of the alliance case to loose their power or maybe even “sacrifice for the greater_good™”. Or become warped in the event like being in Torghast. Or possessed by something, etc. There are ways, and who knows which of those options would fit the story direction.

That could then be a story about 2 factions of similar power trying not to go too over the board because the powers are so close that the decisive win is not really possible. But there could be participations in the conflicts of other groups (similar to WoD in concept, but not execution), temptations to use something newly discovered to get an upper hand, political intrigues, espionage, etc.

In the 2nd scenario the alliance might be on paper much stronger, but be poisoned by bureaucracy, and other things. So in a battle against the horde conceptually the alliance might be able to easily defeat them, but instead of having the unity and coordination, some parts of the faction could just be looking for a way to be “on top” after the supposedly unlosable battle, and lead to sad consequences. Backstabbing, bribes, corruption, trying to put the forces of other nations on the front lines in battles, and sometimes outright cooperation with the opposing faction for some short term gain - those could be some of the motives alongside many others.

And while on paper the horde could be weak, being united by the common goal, able to stand together, utilize diplomacy and having some parts of the alliance occasionally at odds with each other, maybe even using the horde members to solve their problems or “deal” with some other alliance members.

Overall, IMO there are options. But those options that could lead to interesting stories (well, IMO interesting, maybe this is actually a boring :poop:), would require planning, strategic thinking, internal communication, and listening to the feedback at least to make sure that what the devs wanted to tell actually is what the players saw.

And yes, those are just random ideas, that would require polishing, analyzing if there are suitable character / elements in the game universe to do something like that, to gather feedback whether or not anything like that resonate with the playerbase, maybe doing a “test run” with “selected” parts of the alliance / horde trying something of that kind, etc.

[I have no idea why I wrote any of that, but since I already did, maybe it won’t be too out of place in the topic]

edit: I guess the idea could be traced back to concept of a mix kaldorei empire in the game and maybe some notes of later, already starting to crumble roman empire irc - on the alliance side, and how the trolls sirvived in the game at that time - on the horde side.

gl hf

Why should other players give you a reason to sub? Nobody can say “You’ll definitely enjoy this or that aspect of the game.” because everyone enjoys things differently.

I can say, stay subbed and just play Classic. TBC classic is likely coming out soon so it’s something to look forward to. But is that something you find interesting? How are we supposed to know?


If you don’t mind my asking, why do you end some of your posts with a pancake emoji? What does it mean?

To be fair, I’ve asked the same question when some people start going on about how Horde players need to continue to experience guilt and shame forever due to the fact that the writers put the burning of Teldrassil in the game. If the goal is to make the game fun for players, then I think it’s reasonable to look at any proposed development and ask, “Does this actually make the game fun for players?”

Obviously no one game will ever be able to please everyone, but to the degree that any poster on this board is a representative of a certain group of fans, then it’s worth at least asking if there’s a way to please that group without causing more problems than you solve.


I’m glad you aren’t being pulled down by the narrative and that you did exercise “some” pressure on the company.

I sincerely hope my commentary didn’t come across as condescending. I am a little sensitive to mental health issues and while I may disagree with some of your points, I wouldn’t want to see anyone having real problems from the story. It’s not worth it.

I can’t offer you much help with respect to the story. The Night Elves lost Teldrassil. They showed a valiant defense and ultimately (with little support beyond the few Worgen shown) took Darkshore, but there is some loss of life from Teldrassil, and no matter what that can’t be undone.

I don’t see the same perpetual losing for the last decade, but I’m not as invested in the Night Elf story as you are.

From my point of view, I see the Night Elves as the sole connection to some vaguely super powerful deity in Elune. I see them as having a number of a-list heroes as well as a large amount of b-list heroes that are significant to the overall story (e.g. the Horde has to play with them too) with a lot of screen time and focus because the overall story is hero driven. But again, I’m not as invested in their story as you are.


Reading the comment that I made again, it comes off as being more hostile than I intended, and I apologize for that. When I say that it appears that you can’t answer the question, it’s not because of a personal lack of care or inability, it’s because the facts that Blizzard has given you to work with could not support that argument. I ask that question to pull people outside of the frame of arguing these things from a lore perspective or from their own perspective and answer the question about whether this experience is or should be satisfying.

… and you know, it’s not, even if the loss of life can be undone as I and you have said - even if the mitigating factors are what they are: they do not reach most of the playerbase because Blizzard chooses not to show them in the same way that they show the loss itself, or losses in general. They seem to think that we want tragedy - I don’t know who told them that or why they think that, but that’s what ends up onscreen - and the result is that regardless of what the underlying lore is, this still feels awful.

I also appreciate that we have a difference in perspective brought about from the fact that we have chosen to invest in different things - that difference in viewpoints sits behind a lot of disagreements on this forum. I am however happy that we’ve been able to, at least in part, bridge that viewpoint.



At the end of the day, even if Thrall serves Sylvanas’ head on a silver platter to Tyrande, even if Tyrande goes full-on “Super Saiyan” and channels her Night Warrior energy to blow up Sylvanas and the Jailer to return to “normal” (for the record, I loathe this word with a passion), even if the Winter Queen magically regrows Teldrassil, etc. etc. none of it will change one simple fact:

That Blizzard honestly thought the Burning of Teldrassil was not only a good idea, but a good enough idea to invest resources into visualizing and implementing into the game to begin with.


Yeah but short of doing a post covid cross faction protest at Blizz HQ with blizzcon level turnouts nothing to do about that :skull:

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Been chowing on that Kaja’mite again, I see.

It gives you IDEAS!!!

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