Wanting to be hated

I’m taking about emotion when it comes to making asinine comments like this:



That’s not a claim, by the way. That’s literally what they did.

Nobody has given you any such thing.

We don’t HAVE the numbers. That’s why we quantify it as FRACTIONS and PERCENTAGES.

So you’re addressing the form, rather than the substance of the comment. I admit it wasn’t well constructed, but your objections aren’t getting to the sentiments that sit behind it.

Said sentiments are important for questions like “Is this product satisfying to its playerbase?”

Yeah :point_down:



You’re not quantifying, you’re assuming. Because even when you say fractions or percentages it’s still not rooted in any actual numbers.

Was it 1/4 or 1/1000 of their population killed? Was it 0.001% or 10% of their population killed?

These things actually matter when it comes to the claims being made that a playable race was deleted/erased/removed from the game.



Do we really know that? We know there were many Highborne but not really how many mages or how many portals were opened.

You also have to factor in the panic factor, which would of severely slowed done the evacuation efforts.

Maybe once the evacuations started but I’m referring to prior to that, during the Invasion in which Darkshore was currently being invaded by Horde and the Civilians would of been sent to Darnassas for their safety.
And those Evacuations probably were those by boat.

Though, it is not clear that the Portals evacuated directly to Stormwind and if you think about it, that’s actually absurd. So what probably happened was all evacuees were sent to Darkshore first and only traveled to Stormwind soon after.

I admit, I did not read Elegy so I’m not aware of how this was framed so I don’t know if it said they were Ported directly to Stormwind, but I don’t think they would have been.

It’s assuming only if we don’t know anything.

I’m making an educated guess using what we do know.

It would if I made these claims but since I didn’t, you’re trying to use my posts you argue a point I never made.

We do know that. Elegy specifically tells us that there were many portals.

Now, you mentioned that you didn’t read Elegy - that’s okay, most people didn’t either. This exposes the problem with putting critical details in text but not portraying them in the game - and that I think is the point you should be hammering. The idea that the Night Elves were exterminated is easily disproven given the lore - and Blizzard again has a ton of wiggle room - but the concept of the Night Elves as a race being constructively dead - dead in the eyes of those who wanted to play them - isn’t something so disputable, regardless of Gantrithor’s repeated failures to acknowledge that the Burning of Teldrassil marked the end of many Night Elf players’ ability to feel good about playing this game.

I also admit I’m half asleep so I’m not in top form right now.

But Like I said, Night Elves have been relegated to no more then an Allied Race.
They have as many as it takes to create new players and a few preexisting NPCs but nothing more then that. No Home, no culture, no future.

Look, these are traps that people tend to fall into. Arguing the Night Elves’ case is hard in a forum like this. It’s always been that way. I realize that I’ve been somewhat undermining your point, but I feel that I need to get people to focus on the core issue.

This feels awful. Period. I don’t want to play a victim, people generally don’t play video games to represent such a concept - but that is all that Blizzard sees me as, and that makes me not want to play the game. I am one among many in that regard - and I maintain that either losing us or failing to attract us back is harming their franchise.



You’re a rogue and I’m a warlock and basically since TBC I’ve watched you mash buttons randomly and destroy me.

Seriously, you need inspiration? The night elf janitorial staff and city guards almost thwarted the attack, stymying the Horde at multiple locations until Sylvanas arrived to overpower them.

Then afterwards - you fought a guerilla war with a super powered emo sailor moon who utterly destroyed the Horde forces in Darkshore and took the land.

Oh right and all the Canon sources say the evacuation was very successful, so basically… you won.


Did I? You had a big old party where you butchered Night Elf civilians, took or destroyed all of our zones, and banished our civilians to an entire other continent. We got one zone back.

You won, in the most comprehensive fashion that a faction could win. I get that the humans knocked you around, but you dominated us - because Blizzard dictated that. Hence I don’t want to pay for what I regard as your power fantasy - you can pay for that yourself, without my assistance.

As for PVP with rogues - play one sometime. At least when I was playing, it’s not as easy as anyone ever thinks.


I am aware. Because my original response was not directed at a claim you made. But your response was directed at me.

Your claim, however, :point_down:

Is just as much an assumption, but not nearly as egregious.

Your other claim :point_down:

Is just as silly.



A lock who can’t beat a rogue singlehanded isn’t a lock.
Playing rogue is hard, more so now then ever.

AFTER the Horde steamrolled TWO Night Elf lands and destroyed a 3rd. And even then, only pushed the Horde back because Sylvanas pulled MOST of the Horde forces out to try to reenforce her efforts in Zuldazar.

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Not at all. Since it was in no way the sum total of all of Teldrassil, it was literally only a fraction.
Neither the Book nor the Game indicated that these 1000 civilians were ALL of Darnasses, much less the sum total of Teldrassil, it’s a reasonable deduction that this was only a set number that a single player character could hope to achieve.

The Loses of Teldrassil is measured in who we could not save.

Weirdly enough though, the book and the game have a glaring contradiction in that the book doesn’t indicate that the player actions in Darnassas is canon.

It isn’t just that.

It’s pride. Teldrassil told me that the NIght Elves completely failed militarily. They could not protect their people, they could not protect their territories.

In what world would I want to play as one of those if I wanted to regard myself as competent?



All I’m asking for is the fraction.

Which, per the game, was 1000 or less. That’s what the quest showed, correct?


I don’t know about pride but certainly ashamed for being tricked so easily by such a ruse.

If 1v1 rogue vs warlock isn’t easy for you … I literally have drawn a blank on what to say. Warlocks are fun but Rogues eat me alive.

Beyond that - I get you don’t “feel” good, nobody seems to “feel” good after BfA. The story was awful, the Horde got smacked with a villain bat (again), only this time I get to spend the entire expansion as a war criminal - and have to be lectured about it repeatedly. there’s a raid I literally have to transform into an alliance character so I can proceed to do evil things to my soon to be ally. I got a patch on the big bad remaining Old God, a patch of a little mermaid/tentacle anime ripoff, a raid based on the concept that my character decided to fetch magical artifacts for an evil talking dagger, and I encountered and defeated a fake old God, all of which occurred in an expansion publicized as a faction conflict where the entire conflict took place on a mission table I could play on my phone.

And that’s not even commenting on the game play systems.

Nobody feels good after BfA. It sucks they burned down the city (though my alliance toons hung out in Ironforge with the cool kids - Stormwind was too stuffy and Darnassus was annoying - but obviously your mileage varies).

But seriously - and this is important - Blizzard doesn’t even pretend to be realistic about population figures. Every race should be long beyond extinct at this point. There is no estimate to the amount of dead night elves - not even a percentage of the population. I could say it’s a tiny percentage of an enormous population - prove me wrong.

Night elves are not the equivalent of an allied race, and if the justification for that claim is the lack of a city then Worgen called dibs on that title first. Heck the Draenei live on some small island their spaceship crashed on.

And if Tyrande hadn’t been a jerk to the nightborne I bet suramar would’ve found room.

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This to me looks like the equivalent of throwing your hands up and admitting that you don’t know how to attack this problem.

Yes, everyone has been screwed, but everyone has been screwed in different ways. For me - I don’t feel motivated to engage in PVP, even though I was good at it, with my faction rival - because the narrative invalidates every claim to competence I have. It tells me that you will always defeat the playable race that I want to represent. No matter what I do, my people will lose territory. They will be the subjects of a genocide. I will lose everything - and my actions don’t matter.

Why should I play the game with such a fact in mind? Again, convince me.


More then none and less then their whole.

No, less then a 1000 is who we COULD save. Their loses is measured by who we could NOT.