Wanting to be hated

Their Voices really are the only thing that “Jersey” about them. They always came off as 1920’s Chicago Mobsters in everything else.
Of course, there are different groups of Goblins, each with deeper similarities to different American underground-types.

And Hearthstone really tried to drive that impression home.

In 2004, when this game was released, it’s stated that the Night Elves were few in number.
15 years later, a good percentage of that race is wiped out.

The Night Elf characters you can create now are refugees from a destroyed civilization.

Sure, the playable race wasn’t “deleted” but the ability to play the race is pretty much all that’s left of them in game… Night Elves have been relegated to an Allied Race.


As you would expect of trying to fit what is equal to a SMALL PERCENTAGE of an entire continent in a single city… One that’s already housing it’s regular population.

what percentage?

Glad you agree.



Not whole but not none.
And definitely more then a Thousand.

When did I ever say otherwise?

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Same could be said of every race in the game.

You sure? I mean, do the canon sources support that?

When did ever imply otherwise?



Well, we attempted to save 1,000 (and failed.) And that’s only who was in the city as the tree was engulfed in flames.

There were two other towns and entire continent worth of people there.
Added to the fact that most of the entire Gilnean Population was also residing in the city, for every Gilnean we saved of those 1000, that’s a Night Elf we did not.

Lets not forget that Teldrassil might of had a network of Barrow Dens with Sleeping Druids who never woke up. We know it had cave systems. Ban’ethil Barrow Den were deep within Teldrassil though they weren’t in use at the time, doesn’t mean their weren’t more.

Who what now?

Now now. You can’t have it both ways.

So, which is it? Or are you saying that in 15 years the Night elf population went from “few in numbers” to “an entire continent worth of people”?

We don’t know the population of Teldrassil prior to the Burning.

We don’t know how many were evacuated prior to the Burning.

We do know that the players have a quest (albeit, an impossible quest) to rescue 1000 civilians.

We do know that the number 1000 was used by Tyrande when talking at Thrall when they met at Hyjal.

But none of that is concrete and forces us to operate on assumptions.



Again, I want to point out here that Elegy does indicate that it was a massively successful evacuation. The refugees overcrowded Stormwind, and then spilled out of it. There’s a lot of wiggle room here.

However, regarding whether the playable race was deleted? They lost everything in a patch, having their hub destroyed, and their military capabilities appearing to be worthless. The actual canon is a lot better - but again, Blizzard hid their good moments and the silver linings, and focused largely on the tragedy.

It’s enough that, again, speaking as a PVPer, I don’t want to participate. I feel like my team is just gone, and why should I play a game where I’m doomed to lose no matter how well I do?

So they may not have been deleted in the technical sense, and the lore certainly offers chances to come back, but as far as I’m concerned, the race is dead - and I know that I’m not alone in feeling that way.


Those two statements do not contradict one another. A few Thousand is still very few compared to a thriving population of Millions, or even of a hundred thousand.

Which is why I specifically said “a Percentage.”


Their military was present at the SoL… because their military wasn’t present during the WoT.

I’m glad you agree.



Erm, no. Not quite. :point_down:

My emphasis added.

Perhaps it’s my own interpretation, but, when you say “good” percentage that implies a something more specific. However, to be more specific you’d need to know what the numbers were prior to the change.



I’m aware of the details. They do not undo the feelings that the visual content conveys. You have argued with me for long enough to know what my retort was going to be on that.

So let’s cut to the chase. I feel completely awful about the prospect of PVPing as a Night Elf. I feel like no matter how well I do, the narrative wants to dictate that I will lose to your faction.

Convince me otherwise. Convince me to play the game again.

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That only leads to ask the question of what is Stormwind’s size and how many Humans lived there prior to the Burning? Because, no matter it’s size, it’s Population would logically be comparably equal. But If Teldrassil’s Population was greater then that of Stormwind, then even a fraction of it would still overcrowd Stormwind.

But also consider Stormwind had Population issues long before that.

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These are questions that they didn’t answer. My point is that there’s wiggle room there. They could show up tomorrow and say that the Night Elves didn’t actually lose a large proportion of their civilian population - and they would be able to explain it with what they laid down.

For a fuller explanation. I offer the following:


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Your emphasis is meaningless and moot.

A “good” percentage means a number large enough for their total population to take a massive hit. Certainly enough to be considered decimated.

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Ok. So what was the hit?

I’m not arguing that the Night Elves didn’t lose a lot of people when Teldrassil burned. Never have. The only thing I call into question is the validity of claims such as:

Where people make claims that the Horde killed X number of Night Elves.

Where X is anything from thousands to millions.

When asked for proof or sources on the numbers we’re given things like:

With nothing to back it up.



“Facts don’t care about your feelings.”



While an interesting thought experiment, it’s being far too loose in assuming that the Evacuation would take days, much less 2 weeks. The Invasion may of took 2 weeks but not the Evacuation.

Considering that Teldrassil was a massive fortress, it’s unreasonable to assume anyone would evacuate prior to the Fires start burning. And we know the Tree was consumed in a single night (as strange as that was for other reasons.)

Also consider that the population of Darkshore and Ashenvale would also been evacuated TOO Teldrassil, their populations would also been added to the total as well.

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We’re discussing a work of fiction. Or were the people who cried at the death of <a character that I’m not allowed to refer to by name on these forums> in Inside Out or at the end of Toy Story 3 just stupid?

Fiction is judged on the basis of its ability to effectively work with emotions - in this case, how those emotions motivate people to play the video game that the story is for. If you’re going to ignore that - you really have no place discussing story in this or any franchise.

@ Faelia

My analysis was conservative in a lot of regions, specifically in that it specified that there was only one “gate”, when in reality we know there were many of them - and Airline boarding is remarkably and necessarily slower than simply walking people through a one-at-a-time portal. Two weeks is arguable, albeit supportable, but the two-weeks analysis was presenting a minimum, not a maximum number of evacuees.

Edit: RE: Ashenvale and Darkshore - A Good War establishes that many evacuees were sent TO Darkshore, as opposed to being sent to Darnassus.

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