Wanting to be hated

“The Orcs should have been exterminated instead”
-Lore Quel’Thalas


Talking about taking a objective opinion and just running with it right? That statement from Baal is soo far off the mark from what was actually said…I’m at a loss for words too

Keydia is literally saying the only two options are and were “concentration camps” or “genocide”


…yeah…I can’t really argue against this anymore. This is a whole other level of…I don’t even have an English-word for this in my vocabulary right now.

    “Well, you are a fool.” Anduin turned to regard him, surprised by the words. “A fool to think for a moment that I would withdraw my support because you are helping the kaldorei. Do I want my kingdom back? My people to return to their homes? Of course I do! Do I want it badly enough to allow innocent night elves to suffer, when they so generously have helped the Gilneans these last few years? When they mitigated the worgen curse, so we could hang on to ourselves and not get lost in madness? When they fed us, sheltered us, and offered us their home when we had nothing?”

    Genn made a dismissive noise, somewhere between a huff and a snarl. “No. I would never betray that kindness by turning my back on them now. Sylvanas doesn’t understand that about the living. And she certainly doesn’t understand the Alliance. She is in for a rude awakening, and you can mark my words.”


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She literally said the story paints the alliance as being in the right regardless of their prejudice, not that Concentration Camps or Genocide is okay

You’re the one who took her statement, misinterpreted I assume on purpose and ran with it

Do you have a third way that allows you to keep the orcs comfortable life and not expose all human and not only kingdoms to the danger of being destroyed?


I’m glad you brought that up, because it’s important to note that Antonidas, Jaina Proudmoore, Tirion Fordring, and Taretha Foxton are very much painted as being in the minority when it came to discussing what to do about the orcs.

Or did you forget that during that very same conversation, Kael’thas furiously insists on outright extermination?

Quel’Thalas actually said there was only one option, and were the first to leave the Alliance when people didn’t agree with them.

I will correct you right now.

Let’s drive Horde out of our sacred forests so we can once again live in Isolation. And yes… we also want the head of Sylvanas.
-Local NE players


Which is surprising because…? If I would go into your hometown now, burn it down, slaughter your family and make a road out of their bones…would you be fine with me going free because I did it under the influence of ‘spices’?

Honestly, it becomes stupid to even discuss it at this point. I’m having to stop myself from smashing my head on the keyboard. I…can’t even comprehend this right now.



They are stating quite plainly the Alliance was justified in concentration camps and in genocide, should the need arise.

Silence Low Level Night Elf Druid 5 Post Alt That Was Literally Made Today Five Minutes Ago


Genocide and Concentration Camps Are Bad. Period. Point blank. You lunatic.


…yeah…I…don’t have words anymore…


Back to the topic at hand. I don’t want to be hated. What I dislike is being forced to be an aggressor and antagonistic against a group I’m not allowed to have valid reasons to hate. Or even really dislike. Its gotten to the point where Blizz doesn’t even bother thinking about reasons why the Horde should attack the Alliance half the time; and I can’t think of the last time they actually validated a reason they did give the other half. Its all very "The Horde needs to be the aggressor, because the Alliance can never be, and plus we need a plot device to settup a villain for a future expansion".


It’s not surprising; what you seem to be missing is the difference between rationales being understandable vs. morally acceptable.

I understand why the leaders of the Alliance of Lordaeron reacted the way they did after they had won the Second War—demon-crazed orcs was the only thing they knew. They had no frame of reference for the orcs having had any other way of life.

That doesn’t mean that their response was morally-correct, however. And as Jaina, Tirion, and Taretha all demonstrated, it is possible to show empathy and compassion even without necessarily having that frame of reference.


But Baalsamael, we should return Quel’Thalas to its Warcraft II roots and have them propose to the rest of the Horde council that the Orcs should be exterinated because the Blood Elves haven’t changed.


She asking what was the alliance supposed to do with them? Let them continue their murderous rampage across the EK?

No where did she personally say either option was okay or good. Just that it was a choice between two equally bad options.

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They have no concept of ethics since they’re constantly equivocating “understandable” with “morally valid”, just ignore them, it’s degenerate as hell.

Dunno, but Genocide and Concentration Camps are always off the table because I am a sane person who isn’t a moral degenerate.

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AND? Here’s the original, not so hot what an old age, literally the beginning of Shadowlands.
Give me the third solution! No, you can always refuse a choice, but that means that people, dwarves, gnomes and elves will die, and then the whole world will burn in the fire of the Legion! Oh yeah! And all why? Because that decision was “wrong”! (crazy laughter)

Nope. Genocide and Concentration Camps are never valid options actually! Hope this clears things up.