Wanting new epic BG

I knew there have been plenty of calls and threads for some or at the very least 1 new epic BG. Until SL i didnt know there were communities that specialize in running these and i have joined up with a few on both sides and have had the best time in game for me since Wrath days.

That being said it really comes down to running the same 4 epic bgs over and over. We in the Epic BG community want some new stuff . Ashran was the last one added with WOD which was 8 years ago , though its current que up format was added in Legion , though i could be wrong on that part but its the same Bg mostly that we been playing .

So what could be added ? Of course Tol Barred can be modified like Ashran to fit in and maybe Tauren v South shore also . A knew epic bg with Dragon Isle based theme would fit in im sure even though lore wise Horde and Allies are not at war none of that really matters for a epic BG Ashran had some flimsy lore about we got to get these ancient ogre dodads before the other side does and thats good enough for me

I would like to see them take another approach and use conflicts from the past for some epic and regular BGs kind of like Caverns of Time style. The Bgs / epics could take us to places like the Barrens during Cata and involve the Alies attacking the wall in Mulgore , maybe the battle at the Dark Portal during the orcs 1st attack way back when , Gilneas city epic BG during the Forsaken attack in cata or the Allied attack on Zuldazar in BFA.

The rich history of the game offers plenty of possible story lines that can be used for new epic and regular BGs that can be added into the game that dont have to fit the current expac theme. What else can ppl suggest that can used in this or any new Epic or regular BG themes ?

Lets do our best to get Blizz on the bandwagon for some epic Bg love


whatever happened to the PVP version of Battle for Arathi Warfront?

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I support this message, But i want the ability to blacklist at least 1 bg. thanks.


if they overhauled wintergrasp to something with more tension than a single team fight, would you still want to blacklist it?

IOC and Wintergrasp say hi :smiley:

EDIT: you ‘liked’ your own post with a few forum alts? Just now noticed :joy:

To be fair, I’m surprised the post doesn’t have even more likes, pretty much everyone wants blacklist back

Lol…shhh :rofl:

Yes, and besides wg isn’t the bg i would blacklist

Wintergrasp is unironically my favorite BG.

They just need to fix the Wargame. While the normal epic BG is pretty balanced, the Wargame is SEVERELY BIASED towards Defense.
(The reason I say “no Wintergrasp” when I make Wargame challenges is because of how boring Defense could be, and I play Wargames to have fun.)

Items and certain spells don’t work in Wargames. No Heroism/Bloodlust, no Goblin Gliders, no toys, and yes, no bombs.
Not to mention the other issues I covered in a previous forum post.

Tol barad tol barad tol barad

I have always been an advocate for more epic content. But something tells me Blizz doesn’t want to touch that anymore. They have a hard time balancing the ones they do have, especially Wintergrasp.

same. i would love a new epic bg, a new random bg, a new pvp game mode, and make wpvp not dead.

that would be great!

I agree and would be very keen to see a new Epic BG. In the meantime, please bring back Tol Barad. I didn’t get the chance to try but heard many good things about it. Please add it back so we have more variety.

I find Alec’s [new Epic BG idea] (New Epic Battleground Idea) very interesting. Instead of relying on Blizzard, I believe great ideas like this should be encouraged and will help game makers create better content.

+1 i want something new that isnt ashran or wintergrasp plz for the love of azeroth